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J. Turek JTurek708
Big fan of data, dogs and pizza. Not necessarily in that order.
Casey Law caseyjlaw
Astronomer with an interest in data-intensive science

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

Mark MokeEire
Data Analyst, Viz Enthusiast Tech Policy + Behavioural Science Nerd

Los Angeles, CA

Sahib Bhai perfectly-preserved-pie
Blurring the line between efficiency and laziness.
Efren encg

Los Angeles

Max Fung mxfng
I'm a full stack software engineer who loves designing, building, and shipping creative products with deep technical challenges.

Los Angeles, California, USA

Matt flyinv1
Aerospace, Web, and Design

Seattle, WA

Kyler Chin kylerchin
Director of @catenarytransit , In my free time: Singer, Songwriter, Producer, former-kpop trainee

@catenarytransit Los Angeles

Scott Gruber scottgruber
Scott Gruber is a designer and developer building an ethical design practice grounded in accessibility, performance and aesthetics.

@uclaioes @ucla-ps-it @ucla-ux Los Angeles