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Iit Pranata iitpranata

Kominfo Kota Bengkulu Bengkulu, Indonesia

Abdellah El Morabit nasrlol
Belgium, 19, Erasmushogeschool Toegepaste Informatica


Christoph Henrici chhex

Henrici Software, Entwicklung & Beratung Brüttisellen

Imad imadofficial
A lazy dev that likes working on weird shit

Raven Belgium Belgium

Contributor montedev0516
Montedev is a Blockchain | Full stack developer. I mastered at Smart Contract, Front-end and Back-end, Crypto trading bot, Desktop development.

Web2 + Web3 world Blockchain, Software

Carlos Luiz unnamed-orbert
Como fazer mais uma biblioteca de JavaScript usando maisena e códigos abertos? I don't understand nothing about this, but i'm learning!


𝐌𝐮𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐫𝐚𝐧 imran-baitham
MERN || NextJs || JS & TS || Svelte || Shadcn || Tailwind || Jotai || Zustand || Xstate Machine || Mantine

Nagar, Pakistan

Alistair Harris amharris
UX-thinking developer. Loves: tinkering with emerging technologies and *NIX. Hates: spaghetti code and breaking coding standards/norms.

@safety-services Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom

Paul Prae praeducer
I’m a solutions architect with a specialization in artificial intelligence. I build interactive systems that augment cognitive abilities and scale impact. #AI

Amazon Web Services Atlanta

zekkie swagswagstar
i might swerve bend that corner woah woah

@untitledcorp Switzerland

Gabriel Ruiz Muñoz gabrielrmunoz
Lover of #Java ☕️ Enthusiast of #Rust 🦀 Skeptical of #Python 🐍 Resigned to #JavaScript 😫 #LMDE6 🏈 New England Patriots

@mercedes-benz Madrid, Spain

Creasi-HQ creasi
Another account owned by @feryardiant for @creasico

@creasico Pekalongan, Indonesia

Senash Thenuja SenaThenu
i ♥ SenaTron (that cute little fluffy creature)

New Zealand

LM lucasmodrich
Iterative Betterment. Scratcher of Itches


Muhamad Bestagi Romadhon bestagi
fear keeps me alive


Prometheons vanRaco

Prometheons Manchester, United Kingdom

ronydev81 perucomsultores
Gestor de proyectos cloud y developer full stack.

FMCamps Lima, Perú

Full stack web developer with React.js | Node.js | Express.js

university hassiba ben bouali chlef CHLEF ALGERIA

Nassim n4ss1m
Full Stack Web Developer

Piteur Studio Algeria , Blida

Youness un3ss
A man with a mission

FalconBytes Casablanca

Łikhon Sheikh sheikh-developer
Hi, I'm Likhon Sheikh | Developer & Author | @likhonsheikhcodes & @likhonsheikh54 | Part of @likhon-dev | Contributing @RektDevelopers ‼️

Khulna, Bangladesh

houghtonmichaelb houghtonmb
I am the System Administrator/Network Administrator for French's Shoes and Boots LLC.

French's Shoes and Boots LLC Antioch, Tennessee

Nait-cherif Sabrinel sabrineeel
3rd year software engineering student
Alexey Poimtsev alec-c4

Asgard Technologies Warsaw, Poland / Yerevan, Armenia / Moscow, Russia

Diego De Pablo Diegodepab
Student of health engineering at the University of Málaga :octocat:

Vectorpipe S.L. Málaga

Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.