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Jhon Llyod Quizeo stolenfallen1
I google at work

Cebu City, Philippines

Chii_Magnus chiimagnus
product developer~

Jiangsu, China

Andrea AndreaRR18
I'm an iOS/Android developer

@jobandtalent Milan

keinsell keinsell
Junior Senior Software Engineer

Hector De Diego hectorddmx
iOS developer. Also @Lecksfrawen Flutter, Elixir and Python enthusiast.

Distillery Mexico City

Chuck Toporek chuckdude
Writer, editor, herder of cats.

Seattle, WA

Artem apushylin
Full stack mobile app developer. Master's in Computer Science, native Android and iOS development


David Noé davidnoeee
An optimistic, curious designer.


Levi LeiZiKang
Write the code. Change the world.
Jon Niola JonNiola

Princeton University Plainsboro, NJ

Ilya id-kuznetsov

Saint Petersburg

Morgan xMxrgan
Enjoy the journey, celebrate the winning.


Emaan Hookey mersy-28
Dalhousie University | Halifax, NS

Halifax, NS

Ganesh Kumar M V mvgk06
Software Engineer 💻 | Health Nerd 🏋️


Isaac Lopez GIsaacLN
Software Developer | Former Student at Apple Developer Academy UNINA | Applied Mathematician and Computer Science

Mexico City

KimJitae wlxo0401
Hi! If anything good happens, let's share it

South Korea

Quentin Banet qbnt
Software Engineer student at 42, passionate about Swift, C++, and creative tech. FPV drone pilot, photographer, and mountain biking enthusiast. 🚀📸🌲


Matheus dos Reis de Jesus reisdev
Senior iOS Engineer 🧑🏽‍💻

@kwanpt 🇵🇹 Portugal

Leo leocoout

Senior iOS Engineer @ TikTok Singapore

Rodrigo Alejandro González RodrigoGonzalez78
Android Developer- Backend Developer


Loïc Buckwell e2r3p13
iOS security research @quarkslab

Paris, France

Aybars Nazlica aybarsnazlica
Data Scientist @Molcure

MOLCURE Inc. Japan

Tikiram Ruiz tikiram
Dota 2 - 7.9k MMR

PayPal Guatemala

최윤제 Yoon-hub

Kyungpook National University

Tom Thanh hphuocthanh
Software Dev 🐱‍👤ML/AI noob
Zero.D.Saber faimin
Code tells more than words.

Beijing, China

TofLeff 20vsrd

UABcat Vilnius