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Orion Chen huccct
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

@Digit-Master University of St Andrews

Seal Bell sealbell
Do what you want to do; that is what life is all about.
熊鑫伟 Xinwei Xiong cubxxw
⚡ Do the hard things and you'll get it 🚀 Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.

Belong to my community @kubecub I am currently a top contributor at @OpenIMSDK and involved in maintenance and operations @sealerio @Kubernetes @k8sgpt-ai @horizoncd. Currently, I am venturing into AI initiatives within the @telepace community. @shanghai

OpenIM Bot kubbot
I am a member bot of @telepace and the older brother of @openimbot

@kubecub @OpenIMSDK @Beijin