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Cloud TypeScript Dev exploring Rust and K8s
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kasper Jensen kasjens

Copenhagen, Denmark

Gibran Iqbal Jibbscript
Cloud Surfer ⛅ AI Acolyte 🥲 ~Servin' k8s clusters to the Enterprise since 2019 🌊


Koichi Shiraishi zchee

@gaudiy Tokyo, Japan

Exuper O. exustash
OSS enthusiast, PHP, Node.JS, Python, Go. Release Engineering & Software Craftsmanship Practitioner, Software Architecture Experimenter, Leadership Aprentice

mikanolab Paris

Tomasz Klosinski TomaszKlosinski
DevOps / SRE 🐧🐋⎈☁️🐍

Zug, Switzerland

t MuhtasimTanmoy
🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨

Buet Earth

Gladys Oviawe gladysgodwin
DevOps /Cloud Engineer

lagos, nigeria

DK dklinux7

cloudbees India

Ville Jyrkkä jykae
Software developer #python #javascript learning #rust
Mohamed medOualla
VoIP DevOps Engineer from Morocco. SIP, SDP, RTP, HTTP, aSBC, iSBC, kamailio, openSIPs, freeSWITCH, RTPEngine, python, GoLang, bash.

@Orange-OpenSource Rabat-Salé (Morocco)

Jonas Tranberg naueramant
MSc in Computer Science / DevOps / Team Lead

UNIwise Aarhus, Denmark

Julio Cesar dos Santos julioc98
Software Developer, Golang Enthusiast, Cloud Lover, Agile Spirit, DevOps Culture and More... Worked @avenuesec, @totvs-cloud, @mercadolibre, @acesso-io

@stone-payments São Paulo, Brazil

srun Domn. Mikksrund

@mikksrun1629 53 / M. 1 Mikaen Pattani 94220

Hayk Davtyan hayk96
Site Reliability Engineer at @PicsArt ∙Creator of @parosly ∙ Observability and Monitoring enthusiast

@Picsart Yerevan, Armenia

Just a person who likes games and computers.


XC xchehub
Nowadays, we generate photos instead of shooting them.
Mustafa Yıldırım my1795
Ozyegin University Computer Science

Netaş/NetRD istanbul

Valerio Vaudi mrFlick72
I'm a Computer Engineer, Spring Source Ecosystem, DevOps and Distributed Systems enthusiast. Italia

Oliver Weiler helpermethod
Jack of all trades, master of some.


Duoc Nguyen nguyenvanduocit
An unlucky programmer

Sen Việt Việt Nam

finWing finWing
JavaWeb Lover

Shenzhen China

Just Code It! SSBMb3ZlIEh1bnRpbmcvRmluZGluZyB0aGluZ3MgYW5kIHdvdWxkbid0IGJlIHBvc3NpYmxlIHdpdGhvdXQgdGhlIGhlbHAgZnJvbSBhbGwgdGhlIGFtYXppbmcgT1NTIGNvbnRyaWJ1dG9y

Alipay Hangzhou, China

itpey itpey
Zero and One Designer.


Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
CitrixMing CitrixMing
Free Software Engineer @linuxfoundation @cncf @apache @OpenStackweb @kubernetes @istio 专注于容器、云原生技术、虚拟化技术、开源爱好者。。。

San Francisco

Andrew andessi
xCloud | Azure Communication Services | Mixer | Analysis & Experimentation

Microsoft Washington, United States