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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Eric Gallager cooljeanius
Help, the older computers of my collection are still broken! Please send repairspeople.

NH House of Representatives New Hampshire

Benjamin Meyers meyersbs
Research Computing Facilitator II @ RIT. Tea lover, beard enthusiast, LEGO builder, beer snob.

@RIT-RC Rochester, NY

Joseph Brummett jhbrumme

University of Mississippi Oxford, MS

Shigan Liu Shigan-Liu
A student majoring in atmospheric & environmental sciences.

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

MacKenzie Jewell mackenziejewell
PhD student studying sea ice dynamics at Oregon State University

Oregon State University Corvallis, OR

Jonathan Suru 5uru

Cotonou , Benin

Mansur Ali Jisan (জিসান) mansurjisan
Physical Oceanographer | Numerical Modeler | Aerial Photographer

NOAA's National Ocean Service

Mario Gavidia Calderón quishqa
Postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Sao Paulo.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

James Bristow JBris
Currently working from home.
Lizhi Jiang jiangleads

Fujian Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Fujian Institute of Meteorological Sciences Fuzhou, Fujian

管董先知 Guanzhe
Capital Wavequantum

WaveQuantum Capital

Max Myzer MaxMyzer
Student with lots and lots of interests. I do stuff on hosted repos too.
Alex Alder alex90271

Alder Automations Washington, DC

Giovanni annaloro giovannaloro
Computer Engineering student at Unipr, Italy.
Derrick Snowden dpsnowden

@ioos Washington, DC USA

Issam LAGHA issamlagha
Hi, I'm a Meteorologist, but I'm more interested in Numerical Weather Prediction modelling and Data Assimilation.

ONM Algeria Algeria

Chengfeng Feng RoyCaitSith
INTJ-A, Volleyball, JRPG, Love Cloud, Squall, and Bright Estelle!

University of Utah

A. Gregory agregs1
Anil Kumar AnilKumar-NOAA
UFS, Global Workflow, HPC Cloud


Xuesong Wang Davidxswang
PhD Student at WSU. Used to be a Computer Engineer. MS from Wayne State Univ, BS from Xidian Univ.


Marshall mrshll
Co-founder of Upstream Tech, an org that forecasts the future of rivers and monitors natural and conserved spaces.
{SET}group kyle-messier
Kyle P Messier, PhD Stadtman Investigator -- Geospatial exposure and risk assessment methods with tox data integration. @NIEHS

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Beiming Tang btang1
PhD from U of Iowa. Postdoc at NOAA ARL & GMU

NOAA ARL Washington DC

Jay Hineman jhineman
Mathematics Ph.D. in Nonlinear PDE working on applied mathematics.

Durham, NC