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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Florian DANIEL aka Facyla Facyla
Opensource developer, LAMP stack mainly, map & data


laurenbgood LaurenGoodley

Texas State University Texas, USA

Sascha Gibson SaschaGibson

BeTa Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH

New techs fan
Maximillian Dornseif mdornseif
Bending electrons to my will - and sometims the other way round.

Büro für Wissenschaftliche Kybernetik Cologne

David Juhasz djjuhasz
Senior developer at Artefactual Systems Inc.

@artefactual Vancouver, BC

Régis Foucault regisfoucault
Software developer

Nantes, France

Priestch Priestch
I'm a nobody, but still have my opinion.


Slavomir Hustaty slavino
father, husband, software developer, former engineering manager, sport shooter, conservationist and hunter

searching for new employer or freelance project Kosice, Slovakia

Marian Kazimir kazimirm
CUNI MFF | Programming & software systems, Newps Java software engineer

Newps Prague

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Todd A. Jacobs todd-a-jacobs
DevOps evangelist. Writer, speaker, Rubyist, Linux maven, security wonk, and business technology champion. Superhero cape not included.

CodeGnome Consulting Baltimore, MD

chioma827 chioma827
"Chioma is a dedicated software engineer] with over 3+ years of experience in frontend web development" Chioma—a dreamer and doer with a love of programming.

umuahia,abia state Nigeria

// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
eg canering

Tampa, FL

Jean Ducrot jducrot
Making the web a more welcoming place for all

OneTechForAll Saratoga Springs, NY

Paul Plant Paul-Plant-Apryse
Paul Plant at Apryse

Apryse Vancouver, Canada

Reda Ermich ermix3
🌟 Full stack web developer specializing in mostly JAVA & PHP


Joel L. Joelius300
Here to create, study and liberate software
Daniel Fontaine Fontaineconsult

San Francisco State University San Francisco

◢ 徇 ◤ codexvn
Email: [email protected] | PGP Key: 0x877C0DB87A9B108F(C) 0xF412D9E6769D8266(S) 0xD4DE37433AE8899D(E)
Sake Heida twirre

The Netherlands

Tony Fast tonyfast

scientist Atlanta

Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Jacob Powers powersjcb

@blend San Francisco

Art Shendrik amal
Multiplatform/Mobile developer (Kotlin, Java, TypeScript, Python)

Guimarães, Braga, Portugal