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Thomas Kollbach toto
Hacks Swift, Objc, Ruby, TS/JS and many small things, Founder and Managing Director of @evenlyio

@evenlyio Berlin, Germany

Anirban Chowdhury anirbancdev
Research Engineer, Adventurer/ Explorer with INTJ - INFJ personality


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Animesh Roy anir0y
Cybersecurity cat, hunting digital bugs. Loves napping on keyboards.

@arishti-security INDIA

Oliver Salzburg oliversalzburg
CTO/Tech Lead/IT Designer/Architect made in Germany - aggressive, demanding, excessive, pedantic, strict - An absolute pleasure to work with, beyond expectation

Frankfurt, Germany

Simon Waldherr SimonWaldherr
curr. #DataAnalyst, orig. #MechatronicsEngineer, hobby #Programmer #ComputerScience, deputy #FireBrigade commander, hobby #Photographer, loving #OpenSource

RUBIX GmbH Bavaria, Germany

Bjørn techniker
doing electronics, software and network stuff, aviator, sailing, CCC ,@c3roc_ - When it gets boring, I used to play piano. (These views be mine.) 🌈

Frachtwerk GmbH Berlin

Dennis Heinrich cloudmaker97
Hey there! I am a software developer for more than 10 years and live in germany.

Hamburg, Germany

Fab!an foorschtbar
Software, Hardware and Electronics. Also does something with the @Westwoodlabs


Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Ivan Markin unkaktus
Pondering numerical relativity

Potsdam University Berlin

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Florian Wetzel CommanderRedYT
Application developer writing UIs at day and open source projects at night. Familiar with TypeScript, Python, C++ and Linux! Maintains @OpenDTU-App & @talkarr


Tech entrepreneur

Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

Bertrand C bcheronn
IT craftsman and data molder, trainer and coach flying/skiing/sailing/riding/driving/cycling across three borders (FR, CH and DE)

Regio TriRhena

Hugo Melder hmelder
Computer Science @ Technical University of Munich (TUM)

@algoriddim Munich, Germany

Robin Cheung, MBA rebots-online
"Jacks of all trades lack depth across polymathic breadth, mastering none. I specialize in synthesizing unique insights from depths across many domains."

Mining My Own Business Toronto, Canada

Nathan Dane avrovulcanxh607
Writes bad code to do weird things, like a Ceefax replica and other misc teletext stuff

@nmsni Northern Ireland

Coding as a hobby. Coding at @Jugendhackt


TheHorrorOfEmbrodery Maschiene Embrodery neerd
Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Khauta Maliehe khauta
Normal Software Engineer, Cyber Security Enthusiast

Maseru, Lesotho

Guillaume Pellerin yomguy
Researcher & engineer in audio, acoustics, data mining, web platforms, streaming, open source and commons for music and knowledge. Music producer. ex-IRCAM

Parisson Paris, France

tippfehlr tippfehlr
a student from Germany. I like many things, but especially computers and music.




Abdul Wahab the-realwahab
I am currently an Undergraduate Computer Science Student at NUML–Islamabad, Pakistan.

Islamabad, Pakistan

Richard Marshall ApacheAde
Read Hat Hacker

RAM Transcreation Services Ltd UK

MagicLike MagicLike
I'm a Games 🎮, Tech 🤖 and Coding nerd 🤓. I like Open Source, web development, debloating, secure communication 🔐, etc....

@LinkStackOrg @openandroidinstaller-dev


Berlin, Germany