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Ênio Saraiva Leão eniosaraiva
Entusiasta de como a tecnologia pode revolucionar o serviço público, se utilizado de forma inclusiva.

João Pessoa/PB

Abd. Malik A. Madinu ikalmalik
Undergraduate Student, Scientist, Researcher Academic, Natural Disaster, Geophysics, Applied Meteorology, and Spatial Researcher

@ipbssrs Bogor, INDONESIA

Rahmat Asy'Ari arihutan
Scientist at IPB University. Forest and Environment Science: Geo-Artificial Intelligence (Geo-AI), GeoComputation, & Ecoinformatics

@ipbssrs Bogor, INDONESIA

Jianjian Gao jiaoyang2018
Postdoc working on computational social science, science of science and network science.

School of Data Science, University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA, USA

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Totok Dewayanto totokdewayanto
Pengajar di FEB Undip

Diponegoro University Semarang

Johannes Breuer jobreu
Senior researcher & team leader at @gesiscss

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cologne, Germany

Roberto meccanus
"...and he was one of those who are either abstractedly silent or ardently argumentative."


Bryn bryn-g
Coding, design and social research.

Melbourne, Australia