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Aladin Chaouachi codex009
a Tunisien Geek, future Dev and sad gamer cause i don't have a pc (my last one is broken) but one day i will have one and continue my passion 😁


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Andrej Redeky WSSDude
Software Engineer primarily utilizing C and C++ languages, interested in CGI, AR/VR and game engines along with reverse engineering and cyber security.

Bohemia Interactive Simulations Slovakia

Borisavetije Znicalo LudvigVanMetoten
Testing OS; beta; "is all about hat" ; games & .develop (just wanna learn to be user & don't wanna know what OS is)


Aiden AidenM6901
I make stuff.

United Kingdom

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

fats Fats768
im a new pirate lost at see but ever hopeful


Tyler TILR16

United States

James Charles Taylor JimCarlTay
Born April 23, 2002 Student, Mapua University, School of IT Degree course: B.Sc. Information Technology



chile, santiago

Joshua Hammer jehammer
I write code and have an unhealthy love for Taco Bell

Chicago, IL

Azurik Perathia AzurikRiseOfPerathia
Developer - Speedruner - TASer - Videographer - Singer - Composer - Encoder - Editor

@Cxbx-Reloaded Belgium

Valter l souza konterlim
@valterlsouza um dia de cada vez ! Deus é Grande!!

valterlsouza são paulo

Guilherme guido190
Just a computer science student wanting a internship role
Baggybawz baggybawz21
Am bringing Shexxy bk
Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Pedro Garcia mop4r
Estudante de Sistemas para Internet na UFSM.

Santa Maria, RS