##v1.0.0 (17/01/2017) Implementing talent composition with stateless talents and explicit conflict resolution between talents.
##v1.0.1 (17/01/2017) Updating readme
##v1.0.2 (19/01/2017) Updating readme
##v1.0.4 (23/01/2017) Making possible to use talents which were created by an other installment of the package.
##v1.0.5 (24/01/2017)
Going back to proper type check for talents. If using a talent created by an other installment of the package is necessary I recommend to recreate the talent using the Talent constructor. Like: const copiedTalent = new Talent(talent)
##v1.1.0 (31/01/2017) Making possible to declare a required member on the prototype of a class
##v1.1.1 (05/03/2017) Refactoring for better encapsulation
##v2.0.0 (17/05/2017) Removing node4 build and adding basic jsdoc
##v2.0.1 (19/05/2017) Adding dependency badges
##v2.0.2 (20/05/2017) Adding test coverage badge
##v2.0.3 (05/06/2017) Upgrading packages To clear up badges
##v2.0.4 (06/07/2017) Upgrading packages To clear up badges
##v2.0.5 (05/01/2018) Building on node v8 Making sure that talentcomposer is good with node v8. Also upgrading packages, minor changes and fixes.
##v2.0.6 (17/06/2018) Upgrading packages To clear up badges
##v2.0.7 (08/01/2019) Upgrading packages To clear up badges
##v2.0.8 (09/01/2019) Rounding up code coverage Raising code coverage to 100%
##v2.0.10 (10/01/2019) Improving code quality Removing side effects and solving a bug with utilities. The bug didn't have direct effect on functionality.
##v2.0.11 (16/02/2020) Upgrading packages Getting rid of grunt and clearing up badges
##v2.0.12 (16/02/2020) Fixing build Fixing build