== Description ==
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser, or a mail server and a mail client.
This integration will monitor your SSL certificates by collecting their expiration time.
Once enabled you will get a default SSL dashboard to help you get started monitoring your SSL certificates.
== Metrics Collected ==
Metric Name | Type | Labels | Unit | Description |
ssl.days_remaining | Gauge | ssl_cert_source | day | The SSL certificate remaining days for expiration. |
== Installation ==
Just run the SSL plugin against your hosts and it will start collecting metrics.
The SSL plugin can be customized via environment variables.
Variable | Default | Description |
cert_path | The certificate path in the filesystem, e.g.: /usr/local/nginx/ssl/cert.crt | |
host | The remote host where the certificate is installed, e.g.: outlyer.com | |
port | 443 | The host remote port. |
cert_common_name | The certificate CN (Common Name). When specified, it checks whether the CN provided is equal to the CN present in the certificate, e.g.: *.outlyer.com | |
warning_days | 30 | The number of remaining days for a warning condition. |
critical_days | 7 | The number of remaining days for a critical condition. |
== Changelog ==
Version | Release Date | Description |
1.0 | 06-Jul-2018 | Initial version of our SSL monitoring integration. |