We would like to thank Microsoft Azure Sponsorship 2 for their generous donation of GPU computational resources for this course, as well as, Michael Thomas, Andrew Webber and Lee Stott for their precious help.
Each student is given a VM instance with the following specifications:
- Name: Standard NC6 (East US)
- CPU: 6 cores
- RAM: 56 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA Tesla K80
By this point you should have received an IP and a password in your college email. Using the ip and password provided you can connect to your server using ssh deepnlp2017@<your server ip>
allows access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a remote terminal session. Using tmux
you can keep sessions alive in the background (e.g. training your network) even when disconnecting, and reconnect to them the next time you login.
Basic shortcuts:
list sessions
tmux ls
detach from session
ctrl+b - d
change name of session
ctrl+b - shift+4
reconnect to session
tmux attach -t <session_name>
sudo apt-get install build-essential
cd ~
wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/8.0/Prod2/local_installers/cuda_8.0.61_375.26_linux-run
chmod +x cuda_8.0.61_375.26_linux-run
sudo ./cuda_8.0.61_375.26_linux-run
Answer the questions with y(es) or enter (default settings) for paths. To confirm successful installation run nvidia-smi
cd ~
wget http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/redist/cudnn/v5.1/cudnn-8.0-linux-x64-v5.1.tgz
sudo tar -xzf cudnn-8.0-linux-x64-v5.1.tgz -C /usr/local
rm cudnn-8.0-linux-x64-v5.1.tgz
sudo ldconfig
append the following lines to your ~/.bashrc
. You can edit it with nano ~/.bashrc
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-8.0
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
You are ready to install python and your favourite framework:
- PyTorch
- Tensorflow
Instructions of how to set up an iPython notebook server remotely can be found here.
- ensure uninstallation of previous NVIDIA drivers
sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*
For further information for Univerisity of Oxford students please contact [email protected]