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Releases: paljs/prisma-tools


14 Aug 21:44
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New feature [CLI Create]

Support Charka UI as a UI framework on Nextjs template


29 Jun 15:45
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Drop using onDelete plugin while Prisma 2.26.0 have this feature

  • drop from pal.js file.
  • drop from context file
  • drop from generator


  • fix some styling issues


29 Jun 15:42
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  • Update the filter for the prisma react component
  • fix many issues in connect and disconnect relations on the update page


23 Jun 00:28
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Fix Issues #220, #221


25 May 15:36
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Fix Issue In SDL generator #214


13 May 00:01
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fix #205 and support selectRelationCount
update all packages to last version


21 May 23:06
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Breaking changes


Changing all the Admin components and working with Tailwind CSS instead of @paljs/ui so you can now use our component with any CSS framework.

update import path for PrismaTaple component to reduce the size of the pages
Old code will still work

import React from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
-import { PrismaTable } from '@paljs/admin';
+import { PrismaTable } from '@paljs/admin/PrismaTable';
-import 'react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css';
-import 'react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.css';
+import '@paljs/admin/style.css';

const Table: React.FC<{ model: string }> = ({ model }) => {
  const router = useRouter();
  return <PrismaTable model={model} push={router.push} query={router.query} />;

export default Table;

update import path for Settings component to reduce the size of the pages

import React from 'react';
-import { Settings } from '@paljs/admin';
+import { Settings } from '@paljs/admin/Settings';
+import '@paljs/admin/style.css';

export default function SettingsPage() {
  // Settings component not have any props
  return <Settings />;

We do not provide a quill editor anymore the default field if the editor option is true will be string until you provide a custom Editor component

New Features


NextJS Template

  • add a new option to select the UI framework
  • Use multi schema template option
  • Do you need to use Git
➜  ~ pal c

.______      ___       __             __       _______.
|   _  \    /   \     |  |           |  |     /       |
|  |_)  |  /  ^  \    |  |           |  |    |   (----`
|   ___/  /  /_\  \   |  |     .--.  |  |     \   \
|  |     /  _____  \  |  `----.|  `--'  | .----)   |
| _|    /__/     \__\ |_______| \______/  |_______/

✔ Please select your start example · full-stack-nextjs
+? Please select your start framework … 
❯ Material UI
  Material UI + PrismaAdmin UI
  Tailwind CSS
  Tailwind CSS + PrismaAdmin UI
+? Use multi schema template … 
❯ no
+? Do you need to use Git … 
❯ yes


03 Apr 19:49
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Upgrade all packages to the last version include (Prisma - react-form-hook)
Support change language for admin component.
and now you can customize the action buttons in the table

#188 disable save button when entering edit view
#169 i18n support


17 Feb 21:47
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Update to Prisma v2.17.0
#186 need to set default pageSize of PrismaTable
#181 Problem with gql generation when using the following scalar array type
#179 updateOneUser error with One-to-Many relationship
#180 Consider allowing defaultFields to be invokable
#184 basic filters export for custom table


03 Feb 19:51
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Fixing many issues
