provides an efficient and succinct dynamic DNA sequence graph model, as well as a host of algorithms that allow the use of such graphs in bioinformatic analyses.
Careful encoding of graph entities allows odgi
to efficiently compute and transform pangenomes with minimal overheads. odgi
implements a dynamic data structure that leveraged multi-core CPUs and can be updated on the fly.
The edges and path steps are recorded as deltas between the current node id and the target node id, where the node id corresponds to the rank in the global array of nodes. Graphs built from biological data sets tend to have local partial order and, when sorted, the deltas be small. This allows them to be compressed with a variable length integer representation, resulting in a small in-memory footprint at the cost of packing and unpacking.
The RAM and computational savings are substantial. In partially ordered regions of the graph, most deltas will require only a single byte.
requires a C++ version of 9.3 or higher. You can check your version via:
gcc --version
g++ --version
pulls in a host of source repositories as dependencies. It may be necessary to install several system-level
libraries to build odgi
. On Ubuntu 20.04
, these can be installed using apt
sudo apt install build-essential cmake python3-distutils python3-dev libjemalloc-dev
After installing the required dependencies, clone the odgi
git repository recursively because of the many submodules
and build with:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/pangenome/odgi.git
cd odgi
cmake -H. -Bbuild && cmake --build build -- -j 3
To build a static executable, use:
cmake -DBUILD_STATIC=1 -H. -Bbuild && cmake --build build -- -j 3
You'll need to set this flag to 0 or remove and rebuild your build directory if you want to unset this build behavior and get a dynamic binary again. Static builds are unlikely to be supported on OSX, and require appropriate static libraries on linux.
On Arch Linux
, the jemalloc
dependency can be installed with:
sudo pacman -S jemalloc # arch linux
An alternative way to manage odgi
's dependencies is to use GUIX
. After sudo apt install guix
, start a GNU Guix
build container with:
source ./.guix-build
recipes for Bioconda are available at https://bioconda.github.io/recipes/odgi/README.html. To install the latest version using Conda
please execute:
conda install -c bioconda odgi
First, clone the guix-genomics repository:
git clone https://github.com/ekg/guix-genomics
And install the odgi
package to your default GUIX environment:
GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=. guix package -i odgi
Now odgi
is available as a global binary installation.
Add the following to your ~/.config/guix/channels.scm:
(name 'guix-genomics)
(url "https://github.com/ekg/guix-genomics.git")
(branch "master"))
First, pull all the packages, then install odgi to your default GUIX environment:
guix pull
guix package -i odgi
If you want to build an environment only consisting of the odgi binary, you can do:
guix environment --ad-hoc odgi
For more details about how to handle Guix channels, please go to https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/guix-bioinformatics.git.
includes a variety of tools for analyzing and manipulating large pangenome graphs.
Read the full documentation at https://odgi.readthedocs.io/.
Since v1.11 MultiQC has an ODGI module. This module can only
work with output from odgi stats
! For more details take a look at the documentation at odgi.readthedocs.io/multiqc.
Unittests from vg
have been ported here and are used to validate the behavior of the algorithm.
They can be run via odgi test
is a MutablePathDeletableHandleGraph
in the generic variation graph handle graph hierarchical API model.
As such, it is possible to add, delete, and modify nodes, edges, and paths through the graph.
Wherever possible, destructive operations on the graph maintain path validity.
Each time odgi
is build, the current version is inferred via git describe --always --tags
. Assuming, version.cpp
is up to date, odgi version
will not only print out the current tagged version, but its release codename, too.
This section is important for developers only. Each time we make a new release, we invoke prepare_release.sh (cd
into folder scripts first!)
with a new release version and codename. version.cpp is updated and the documentation version is bumped up.
is a play on the Italian word "oggi" (/ˈɔd.dʒi/), which means "today".
As of 2019, a standard refrain in genomics is that genome graphs will be useful in x years.
But, if we make them efficient and scalable, they will be useful today.