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Andy Gotz edited this page Dec 1, 2018 · 27 revisions

PaNOSC logo


The Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud (PaNOSC) is a cluster which proposes to align the efforts of the existing and new photon and neutron sources to link up to the European Open Science Cloud.


PaNOSC officially starts the 1 December 2018 - PaNOSC kickoff meeting is the 15+16 January 2019. Registration is open - please register if you are planning on attending!

PaNOSC kickoff


The cluster is composed of photon and neutron research infrastructures that belong to the European Strategic Forum of Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) or the European Consortium of Research Infrastructures (ERIC):

PaNOSC is coordinated by the ESRF.


  • Participate in the construction of the EOSC by linking with the e-infrastructures and other ESFRI clusters.
  • Make scientific data produced at Europe’s major Photon and Neutron sources fully compatible with the FAIR principles.
  • Generalise the adoption of open data policies, standard metadata and data stewardship from 15 photon and neutron RIs and physics institutes across Europe
  • Provide innovative data services to the users of these facilities locally and the scientific community at large via the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
  • Increase the impact of RIs by ensuring data from user experiments can be used beyond the initial scope.
  • Share the outcomes with the national RIs who are observers in the proposal and the community at large to promote the adoption of FAIR data principles, data stewardship and the EOSC.

The PaNOSC proposal

The PaNOSC proposal was submitted on March 20. 2018 in response to the EU Horizon2020 Call for Proposals INFRAEOSC-04-2018. The proposal is public and can be found here: .


For general inquiries about PaNOSC please submit an issue to this project or send an email to [email protected].

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