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Mahesh edited this page Apr 5, 2015 · 15 revisions

Simple Scalable, Parallel, Multi-bitrate Video Transcoding

Simple Scalable, Parallel, Multi-bitrate Video Transcoding On Centos / Ubuntu / Suse / RedHat (Bash Scripts)

Multi-bitrate Video processing requires lots of computing power and time to process full movie. There are different open source video transcoding and processing tools freely available in Linux, like libav-tools, ffmpeg, mencoder, and handbrake. However, none of these tools support PARALLEL computing easily.

After some research, I found amazing solution designed & developed by 'Dustin Kirkland' based on Ubuntu JUJU and avconv. But our requirement was little bit diffrent from Dustins's solution. Our requirement was to convert single video in Multi-bitrate and in formats like 3gp, flv. Also we want to build this solution on top of CentOS and ffmpeg. So I decided to design and develop "Simple Scalable, Parallel, Multi-bitrate Video Transcoding System" by myself. Here is my solution.

The Algorithm is same as Dustin's solution but with some changes:

  1. Upload file to FTP. After a successful upload CallUploadScript(pure-ftpd function) will call script:
    • Script is responsible for syncing files to all nodes(Disabled ssh encryptions to speed up transfer)
    • Updating duration, file path, filename of video and number of nodes available currently for transcoding to MYSQL
  2. Transcode Nodes will split the work into even sized chunks for each node
  3. Each Node will then process their segments of video and raise a flag when done
  4. Master node will wait for each of the all-done flags, and then any master will pick the job to concatenate the result
  5. Upload converted files to different CDN


  1. bc
  2. nproc
  3. ffmpeg
  4. mysql
  5. mysql-server(For master node)
  6. mplayer
  7. rsync
  8. Password less ssh login
  9. nfs server and client
  10. screen
  11. ffprobe


  1. Install ffmpeg(Click here for instruction)

  2. Download and copy all scripts to /srv directory

  3. Change file permission to 755

  4. Install Pure-FTPD and change CallUploadscript directive to yes in /etc/pure-ftpd.conf file

  5. Create test user and set password # useradd -m ftptest; passwd ftptest

  6. Run below commands to change pure-ftpd init script

    # sed -i 's#start() {#start() {\n\t/usr/sbin/pure-uploadscript -B -r /srv/' /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd

# sed -i 's#stop() {#stop() {\n\tkillall -9 pure-uploadscript#g' /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd

  1. restart pure-ftp service
  2. Change Master/DB IP in all three scripts (MASTER_NODE variable)
  3. Make sure to change WORKERS variable in script(all servers hostname)
  4. start screen named master and run below command

# screen -S master # bash -x /srv/ > /home/master.log 2>&1

  1. start screen named nodes and run below command # screen -S nodes # bash -x /srv/ > /home/nodes.log 2>&1
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