Releases: patrickTingen/DataDigger
DataDigger 23
A new version of the DataDigger. Yes, it is final! Read the blog for a more detailed list of what is new.
More information on the DataDigger blog
- Solved: Query-open errors were not shown in tooltip of query fill-in
- Solved: High nr of decimals on non-decimal fields could cause errors. See PKB P185263
- Solved: Errors on SQL Server dataserver tables (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Interface errors when using larger fonts
- Solved: Fields with % or # in their name cannot be dumped as XML (Damir Pem)
- Solved: Curly brace could break query
- Solved: Resize error in large window with resize bar
- Solved: Check on updates reports new BETA although set to check on STABLE
- Solved: Filter window looks weird with large font
- Solved: Query result always shows that query is incomplete (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: First hint on upgrading does not show
- Solved: Obsolete images of v18 and older were not cleaned up
- Solved: Version upgrade logic does not run on new beta version
- Solved: Custom hook customFormat did not fire
- Solved: Data Administration accessible in readonly mode (Curtis Schroer)
- Solved: About-window not accessible without timer (Frans Hoekstra)
- Solved: Several shortcuts conflicted (Frans Hoekstra)
- Solved: Window title not cleared after resetting filter (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Check on new version is done on each start, now once a day
- Solved: Availability of a new version is shown on each start (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Dumping data from VST tables result in unknown dump file name (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Dumping data with non-existing code page results in crash (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Edit window closes when it loses focus (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Error when updating record when no fields are visible (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Field visibility for RECID / ROWID fields was not preserved (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Error when opening DD with data on clipboard and database filled in in filter
- Solved: Error message when running DD on a machine where PSTIMER is not registered
- Solved: error when clearing data filters from data context menu (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: dictionary not resizable anymore (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: timer not functioning at all
- New : Multi-sort on data columns now possible
- New : Row coloring now depending on chosen sort
- New : Right-click on data browse now shows total, min, max, avg of selected rows
- New : set physical database name in title (Edwin Schutten)
- New : toggle selection of all fields in edit window
- New : optional pingback of DataDigger
Beta 20170412
Some small fixes on the previous beta.
- Solved: Check on new version is done on each start, now once a day
- Solved: Availability of a new version is shown on each start (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Dumping data from VST tables result in unknown dump file name (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Dumping data with non-existing code page results in crash (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Edit window closes when it loses focus (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Error when updating record when no fields are visible (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Field visibility for RECID / ROWID fields was not preserved (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Error when opening DD with data on clipboard and database filled in in filter
- Solved: Error message when running DD on a machine where PSTIMER is not registered
- New: set physical database name in title (Edwin Schutten)
- New: toggle selection of all fields in edit window
- New: optional pingback of DataDigger
More information on the DataDigger blog
Beta 20170330
Some small fixes on the previous beta.
- Solved: Custom hook customFormat did not fire
- Solved: Data Administration accessible in readonly mode (Curtis Schroer)
- Solved: About-window not accessible without timer (Frans Hoekstra)
- Solved: Several shortcuts conflicted (Frans Hoekstra)
- Solved: Window title not cleared after resetting filter (Dirk Vreken)
More information on the DataDigger blog
Beta 20170324
Some small fixes on the previous beta.
- Solved: Filter window looks weird with large font
- Solved: Query result always shows that query is incomplete (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: First hint on upgrading does not show
- Solved: Obsolete images of v18 and older were not cleaned up
- Solved: Version upgrade logic does not run on new beta version
Beta 20170320
A new beta version of the DataDigger, heading for version 23.
Changes in this version:
* Solved: Query-open errors were not shown in tooltip of query fill-in
* Solved: High nr of decimals on non-decimal fields could cause errors. See PKB P185263
* Solved: Errors on SQL Server dataserver tables (Edwin Schutten)
* Solved: Interface errors when using larger fonts
* Solved: Fields with % or # in their name cannot be dumped as XML (Damir Pem)
* Solved: Curly brace could break query
* Solved: Resize error in large window with resize bar
* Solved: Check on updates reports new BETA although set to check on STABLE
* New : Multi-sort on data columns now possible
* New : Row coloring now depending on chosen sort
* New : Right-click on data browse now shows total, min, max, avg of selected rows
More information on the DataDigger blog
DataDigger 22
This version of the DataDigger is only for users that are on Progress 10.1B.
The previous version fails to compile on 10.1B with errors in several files. This version works with 10.B.
There is no new functionality in this release. If you are on Progress 10.1C or higher, there is no reason to upgrade.
DataDigger 21
This new version of the DataDigger has some small bugfixes and one new exciting feature. DataDigger can now actively monitor whether a new version is out. No need for outdated versions, nor for frantically F5-ing on the DataDigger site anymore :)
Check for updates
Previous versions held an auto-update feature, but it never really worked well, so in the last version I decided to take it out. In the meantime, DataDigger was moved to GitHub, wich gave me an extra chance to check on updates. So now it's back, although it only reports that a new version exists and it does not try to update itself.
On the settings screen you will now find an extra section for updates:
By default, DataDigger will check for new stable versions, but you can set it to check for beta versions or to set it to manual checks, which - in effect - will disable the update checks.
Other changes in this version:
- Solved: Nr of selected rows not cleared on table change (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Error when using fields that end in 'by' in the where-box (Andrew Fornek)
- Solved: Error when started with relative path (Mike Raschendörfer)
- Solved: Settings screen still refered to OEHive (Marius Fiere)
- Solved: Error when started without timer OCX (Annamarie Fortgens)
- Solved: When large font is used, feedback text in lower right corner is truncated
- Solved: Fields browse is not cleared when advanced filtering yields no results
- Solved: Filter values disappear when query is reopened (Rob Willoughby)
- Change: Backup is turned on by default for updates and deletes
- Change: OFF-HOME in data browse no longer sets focus to filter fields (Edwin Schutten)
- New : The check on new versions of DataDigger is back.
Beta 20161102
A new version, but actually not a large update. Merely it's small fish, but one thing sticks out and that is that DataDigger again checks for update.
In version 17 I introduced auto-update from the OpenEdge Hive, but it never worked flawlessly, so in version 20 I decided to take it out. But in the meantime DataDigger was moved to GitHub, wich gave me an extra chance to check on updates.
On the settings screen you will now find an extra section for updates:
By default, DataDigger will check for new stable versions, but you can set it to check for beta versions or to set it to manual checks, which - in effect - will disable the update checks.
Other changes in this beta:
- Solved: Nr of selected rows not cleared on table change (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Error when using fields that end in 'by' in the where-box (Andrew Fornek)
- Solved: Error when started with relative path (Mike Raschendörfer)
- Solved: Settings screen still refered to OEHive (Marius Fiere)
- Solved: Error when started without timer OCX (Annamarie Fortgens)
- Solved: When large font is used, feedback text in lower right corner is truncated
- Solved: Fields browse is not cleared when advanced filtering yields no results
- Solved: Filter values disappear when query is reopened (Rob Willoughby)
- Change: Backup is turned on by default for updates and deletes
- Change: OFF-HOME in data browse no longer sets focus to filter fields (Edwin Schutten)
- New : The check on new versions of DataDigger is back.
DataDigger 20
Version 20 has been released. Thanks to the DataDigger testing team, a brand new version is ready for you.
Load data
Yes, you can now load data. For the time being you can only load XML files, but if this works well (read: all bugs gone) I will expand this to also work with regular .d and .csv files. You can load files by pressing CTRL-L, clicking the button at the bottom of the screen or by simply dragging the xml file onto the DataDigger
The import process is both new and complicated. And thus might contain some bugs. If you encounter strange issues or bugs please let me know.
The favorites section has ben improved. It was already in the previous version but less prominent, while I think it is a really useful feature. The table browse now has its own tabs to switch between the regular list of tables and a list of favorites. You can add or remove a table to the favorites by pressing the star in the right down corner. This star is filled when the table is a favorite or non-filled when not. See above images.
Auto refresh data browse
The data browse can be automatically refreshed. Below the data browse you will find a button and a combo to select the refresh speed. This can be useful for tables that are in progress in a batch process. I am still a bit uncertain whether this should be in the DataDigger. I’d like to hear your opinion on this.
Edit data
The edit data screen now has some extra features for editing data, like a date picker or capitalization functions. See the toolbar at the top of the edit window
Create a .df file, and more
Right-click on a table and among other options you will see the option to create the .df file for that table. In the same menu you can find the option to create a clone database, thus a database with the same structure, but – obviously – empty. You can use this to quickly test out some database changes when you cannot do that on your central database.
DataDigger 19
There it is, a brand new version of the DataDigger. In this version, a lot has changed, but a lot of the changes are below the surface. The list of changes is long. Very long. The most visible change is when you start the new version. It now welcomes you with a nice little introduction wizard that will tell you what’s new in this version.
Filters and extents
maximum nr of extent fields to showVersion 19 now better supports extents when you have them in your database: (read: less errors). A new feature is to only show the first 10 elements of an extent field. If you want to see all, just change it in the settings. You will find it on the Behavior tab.
Filter as combo
The filters on the data browse have been enhanced. DataDigger now shows the filter as a combo-box with the last 10 used values inside. Again, this can be changed in the settings. If you don’t like it, set the maximum back to zero and it will look as it was in version 18.
In order to speed some things up, DataDigger now uses caching. This should improve startup time. DataDigger keeps in memory definitions of tables and fields as long as it is running, but it saves it to disk as well. You will recognize this in the folder “Cache”. If you encounter problems with caching it is safe to just stop DataDigger, delete the Cache folder and start DataDigger again. If you want to, you can disable caching in the settings.
Field columns
select columns for field browseYou can now select which columns to show in the field browse. Just right-click on the column header and select which fields you want to see. You can select from 16 metaschema fields. As with most settings, DataDigger will remember this setting.
All tables are the same
Yes, but some are more the same than others, so you might find yourself using some tables more often than others. You can now easily add a table to a favorites view and switch between all tables and favorites. Filter and sorting are a lot easier if you can look at a handful of tables instead of hundreds.