Firmata consists of two parts:
- A protocol for serial communication between a host (in our case a Pharo image) and an Arduino-type micro-controller (that we will call Arduino from here on);
- A program (sketch) running on the Arduino. This can be Standard Firmata. But also a specialized version with only the functionalities needed (see Configurable Firmata ( ))
This software concerns controlling an Arduino from Pharo through a serial port (or USB, or Bluetooth).
The communication protocol is asynchronous. A command from the host initiates action on the Arduino side, but the response is returned asynchronously. The Firmata package listens for answers and stores the results internally, so the user can retrieve them at will. In some cases Firmata will announce the availability of data. The user program can subscribe to these announcements.
Changes in digital inputs are immediately transmitted to the host. Other input (e.g. analog or from I2C devices) are sampled at a certain rate and then reported. By default the sampling interval is 19 ms, but this can be increased.
Because we don’t want to lose data from the Arduino, reading the serial port is done in a separate thread that runs at priority lowIOPriority (60). It is in this thread that announcement originate, but because processing these may take too much time, announcements are made from another thread, at priority userInterruptPriority (50).
In principle Firmata is not thread-safe. The user will have to implement his own locking. We ensure however that command sequences (sysex commands) sent to the Arduino will not be intermixed. So, as long as different threads use different parts of the protocol (e.g. analog in, i2c, servo) there should be no problem. Internally, access to the stored data is protected with a Mutex.
Before starting Firmata, the Arduino has to have been freshly initialized. It should not be active on it's serial output port (see LEDs). Also make sure to enter the correct baud rate (default 57600, but can be changed in the sketch).
All pins are numbered starting at 0!
arduino := Firmata onPort: ’COM3’ baudRate: 57600.
Of course you can also use a Unix device name. From now on, we will use arduino
to stand for a Firmata instance.
During initialization, instance variables are set, but also three calls to the Arduino are performed:
self queryVersion
to request the version of the sketch and implicitly test the connection;self queryCapabilities
to enumerate all pins (including analog) and list all modes each pin is capable of.self queryAnalogMapping
to determine which pin numbers are associated with analog inputs (note that these pins can also be used for other purposes).
The instance arduino
now contains a collection of FirmataPin
’s. Each pin has, among others, a list of capabilities showing the possible modes and, if applicable, the resolution in bits. All modes are encoded in the class FirmataConstants
returns the version of the Firmata sketch on the Arduino.
returns the total number of pins.
setSamplingInterval: millisecond
sets the sampling interval to milliseconds.
reset the Firmata sketch on the Arduino.
disconnects from the Arduino, closes the communication port.
queries the name of the sketch, to be retrieved with: arduino firmwareName
At present two announcements are implemented:
this is triggered when a digital input pin changes state. It has the methods#pinNr
to indicate which pin changed and to what value.FirmataStepperFinished
which signals the completion of a (legacy) stepper move, with the method#stepperNr
indicating which stepper finished moving.
You subscribe to an announcement with:
subscription := arduino when: AnAnnouncementClass do: aBlock
subscription := arduino when: AnAnnouncementClass send: aSelector to: anObject
You can cancel a subscription with:
arduino removeSubscription: aSubscription
Pin modes (or functions) have codes that are retrieved by class side methods on FirmataConstants
., e.g.
FirmataConstants pinModePwm >> 3
the code to set a pin to PWM output (if allowed). Usage:
arduino pin: 3 mode: FirmataConstants pinModePwm
For I2C, servo, encoder and stepper, you usually don't set the pin mode directly but you use some initialization method.
A Firmata instance contains an instance of FirmataPin
for each pin found by the capability request. A copy (so you cannot modify it!) is requested by:
arduino firmataPin: pinNumber
. Here pinNumber is the Arduino pin number. Interesting properties of a FirmataPin
returns the Arduino pin number;
returns the acquired value (for digital in and analog in)
returns what Firmata thinks is the output value;
the current mode the pin is in;
returns the analog pin number if applicable (eg. on an Uno pin 19 is analog pin 5);
capableOfMode: aPinMode
true if the pin is capable to perform that function.
arduino queryPinState: aPinNumber
refreshes state
and mode
for the pin specified. This should becalled prior to examining state
and mode
in the corresponding FirmataPin
When the Firmata sketch starts, digital output is the default for digital pins. You can set the mode with:
arduino pin: aPinNumber mode: FirmataConstants pinModeOutput
The original Firmata writes a full byte to 8 consecutive pins, called a port. The port number is simply the pin number integer divided by 8. Internally this is handled by remembering the state of all pins in the port and just flipping the correct bit. The command is:
arduino digitalWrite: aPinNumber value: oneOrZero
In version 2.5 of the Firmata protocol directly writing to one digital pin was added:
arduino directDigitalWrite: aPinNumber value: oneOrZero
The mode is set by:
arduino pin: aPinNumber mode: FirmataConstants pinModeInput
This is not enough! The sketch must also be told to report changes to the pin. In fact, reporting is turned on and off on a port basis, so pins 0..7 or 8..15 etc.. The command is:
arduino digitalPortReport: aPortNumber onOff: oneOrZero
Changes are reported as soon as they occur, independent of the sampling interval. You can read the latest value with:
digitalRead: aPinNumber
or you can look in the corresponding FirmataPin
The change also triggers an announcement: FirmataPinChanged
that has the methods pinNr
for the number of the pin and pinValue
for the pin value.
As an example: to report a pin change to the Transcript:
arduino when: FirmataPinChanged do: [ :ann | ('pin ', ann pinNr, ' changed to ', ann pinValue) traceCr].
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is not available on all pins. Check
arduino pinsWithMode: FirmataConstants pinModePwm
The mode is set by
arduino pin: aPWMCapablePinNumer mode: FirmataConstants pinModePwm
To set a PWM output to a certain value:
arduino analogWrite: aPinNumber value: aNumber
This calls on #extendedAnalogWrite:value:
if the pin number is greater than 15. You should also use this when the value is more than 14 bits.
The range of the value to be sent is often 8 bits (0..255). You should check this with:
(arduino firmataPin: aPinNumber ) resolution
ToDo: implement #analogWrite:percentageValue: that takes resolution into account
Analog inputs are activated on an individual basis; once activated their value is sent to the Firmata instance each sample interval. To activate:
arduino activateAnalogPin: analogPinNumber
To deactivate:
arduino deactivateAnalogPin: analogPinNumber
The most recent value can be read with:
arduino analogRead: analogPinNumber
In principle servo output is a kind of PWM, with a minimum pulse width for one extreme and a maximum width for the other extreme (or, for continuous rotation servo's: maximum counterclockwise speed to maximum clockwise speed). A servo is initialized with the default values of the Arduino servo library by:
arduino pin: aPinNumber mode: FirmataConstants pinModeServo
If you want to specify other values for minimum and maximum pulse width you use:
arduino servoConfig: aPinNumber minPulse: minimum maxPulse: maximum
Common values are minimum = 544 and maximum = 2400.
To control the servo you use the analogWrite
command with a value between 0 and 180:
To detach the servo and free the pin for other uses set it to another mode.
Firmata supports up to 5 rotary or linear encoders, numbered 0 to 4.
To activate an encode:
arduino attachEncoder: encoderNumber pinA: aPinNumber1 pinB: aPinNumber2
For best performance the pins should be interrupt capable.
To detach the encoder:
arduino detachEncoder: encoderNumber
To read an encoder you first send:
arduino readEncoder: encoderNumber
and retrieve the answer with
arduino readAnswerOfEncoder: encoderNumber
You can also read all encoders at once:
arduino readEncodersAll
and retrieve the results individually.
The sketch supports up to six steppers (0 .. 5). This version supports acceleration and deacceleration, but does not support the grouping of steppers to synchronize their motion. In principle this version is deprecated in favor of AccelStepper.
A stepper motor is initialized with:
arduino stepperConfig: devNumber delay: museconds interface: code stepsPerRev: number pins: aByteArray
Meaning of the parameters:
- the number used for this stepper (0..5)
- 0 for 1 microsecond delay, 1 for 2 microseconds delay between steps
- a code for the interface (1 = step+direction driver, 2 = two-wire, 4 = four-wire)
- number of steps per revolution
aByteArray - a ByteArray with 2 or 4 pin numbers.
The stepper is moved with:
arduino stepperStep: stepperNo steps: numberOfSteps speed: speed
where stepperNo
is the stepper number, numberOfSteps
is the number of steps (negative is counterclockwise) and speed
is the speed in 0.01 rad/sec.
Optionally you can also specify an acceleration and deceleration (in 0.01 rad/sec^2):
arduino stepperStep: stepperNo steps: numberOfSteps speed: speed accel: accelValue decel: decelValue
When a move is completed, this is announced with:
which has the method stepperNr
to return the stepper number.
to be done
Firmata knows which pins to use. You can check with:
arduino pinsWithMode: FirmataConstants pinModeI2C
The I2C functionality is initialized by:
arduino i2cConfig
Some devices need a small delay between writing a register and retrieving the data; in that case use:
arduino i2cConfigWithDelay: NumberOfMicroseconds
Devices on the I2C bus are distinguished by the I2C address. Usually this is 7 bits; 10 bits addresses are not supported.
Reading a device specifies the number of byte to read and, optionally, the register that most be set first. You can also initiate continues reading: the devices is than read every sample interval. The methods are:
i2cRead: anI2Caddress count: aNumber
i2cRead: anI2Caddress count: aNumber register: aRegister
i2cReadContinous: anI2Caddress count: aNumber
i2cReadContinous: anI2Caddress count: aNumber register: aRegister
The result of the read operation is a ByteArray that will be returned by:
arduino i2cReadAnswer: anI2CAddress
Note that the first byte of the result is the register number.
To stop continuous reading:
arduino i2cStopReading: anI2CAddress
A ByteArray can be written to the device with
arduino i2cWriteTo: anI2CAddress data: aByteArray
If a register is needed this must be the first byte of anByteArray
To make it easier to use the I2C capabilities you can use the class FirmataI2CConnection
, that is compatible with equivalent classes in the WiringPi, PiGPio and Picod drivers. You would have an instance of FirmataI2CConnection
for each device on the I2C bus, identified by its bus address.
You start with:
i2cDevice := arduino openI2C: 16r67. "open device with address 16r67"
Examples of usage:
value := i2cDevice read8BitsAt: 5. "read a byte from register 5"
i2cDevice writeWordAt: 5 data: 16ra0c5. "Write value to register 5, lower byte (16rc5) first"
i2cDevice writeWordAt: 5 data: 16ra0c5 bigEndian: true. "the same but now the high order byte is sent first"
i2cDevice writeByte: 4. "Simply write 4, without register, for a device like the PCF8574 8-bits port extender"
to be done