This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) introduced with version 8.0 and beyond.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash.
To get the diff between two versions, go to
- With particles, the
is gone, and is now replaced withregisterOutgoingEdge
. - The {ParticleName}/{EdgeName}Out folder structure to define edges is now replaced with the explicit "registerOutgoingEdge" method only.
- Particle's
registerHandlerAdapter(string $class)
method is replaced withregisterHandler(string $class)
. - Two new signals; outgoing_edge.registered and edge.registered
- ParticleTrait __construct (which was imported by particles via "particleConstructor" name) is now named as: "initializeParticle".
- The internals of OutgoingEdgeLoader simplified.
- Documentation (under docs/) updated to reflect the latest API changes.
- Unit tests updated to reflect the latest changes in the API.
- Support for autoRegisterOutgoingEdges back. The directory structure {particle_name}Out/* would be parsed for outgoing edges.
- Introduced quietSet to set up node edges at construction without triggering an event each time.
- Edges now can also have fields.
- exportCargo method added to particles.
- Switched to pho-lib-graph's new ID
- node.added signals are now thrown once the particle is fully initialized.
- Added new format constraints; e.g format="numeric", "ip", "email", "url", "creditCard"
- added sha1 directive (for passwords) besides archaic md5
- Standardized getter and setter cargos. Fields are stored upper-camelized while all others are stored camelized.
- Tail/Head callables introduced. Now you can call directly edges via getters (useful for examples like Message, Comment)
- Important bugfixes
- Singular picking enabled. getComments()[0] = getComment()
- regex delimiters are now a must
- removed sabre-event dependency
- no more observer pattern which was complicating.
- Object to Obj
- moved ID headers off of pho-lib-graph towars this framework
- backwards compatibility for the Object to Obj switch
- added long form formative edges. E.g $node->post also $node->postBlog
- added SubscribeNotification
- added signal
- pho-lib-graph 9.0 update to DHT support
- important bugfix so subgraph actors won't get deleted.