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Hardware Notes

This file contains a compilation of various pieces of information about the BL602's hardware (e.g. core, peripherals, debug, memory map), gathered from the SDK repository and around the internet. This is the best we can do in lieu of a proper Technical Reference Manual, which has not yet been released as of this writing.

Contributions welcome!

CPU Core

According to soc602_reg.svd, the BL602 contains a RISC-V RV32IMAFC core. Interestingly, the datasheet and online spec sheets from Bouffalo Lab never mention RISC-V, simply calling the core a "32-bit RISC CPU."

CNX Software claims that the core is a SiFive E24. Although this claim is unsourced, information in the datasheet seems to corroborate it. The datasheet claims that the CPU achieves a Dhrystone score of 1.46 DMIPS/MHz and a CoreMark score of 3.1 CoreMark/MHz. These numbers exactly match what SiFive advertises for the E24. Similarly, the set of RISC-V extensions matches, as does the pipeline length (3-stage) and number of breakpoints/watchpoints (4).

The BL602 appears to diverge from the reference E24 implementation in its memory map, however: its peripherals are mapped starting at 0x4000_0000, whereas SiFive's E24 Manual has a memory map placing peripherals at 0x2000_0000 (although these two regions alias one another on the BL602; see below). Likewise, the BL602 maps its memories at 0x2000_0000 but the E24 reference design maps them at 0x6000_0000. Finally, the BL602's TCMs are differently-mapped, differently-named (TCM vs TIM), and differently-sized (48KiB vs 32KiB) from the reference E24 ones. SiFive does claim that the memory map and TIM sizes are customizable, though, so none of these differences are strong evidence against the core being an E24.

clic.h, which is part of the BL602's register definition headers, appears to be a SiFive-authored file (see the include guard), and its addresses match the E24 reference. I think this is one of the clearest pieces of evidence for the core being SiFive IP.

Memory Map

The datasheet contains a memory map, as does soc602_reg.svd and bl602.h. As mentioned above, clic.h also contains part of the map. These sources have been synthesized into this unified table. (Accuracy is not guaranteed; please contribute a correction if you notice an error.)

The address ranges 0x2xxx_xxxx, 0x3xxx_xxxx, 0x4xxx_xxxx, and 0x5xxx_xxxx all appear to alias one another. All addresses past 0x7fff_ffff produce a bus error for both writes and reads, indicating that the internal physical memory bus is only 31 bits wide. The debug module reports the system bus width (sbcs.sbasize) to be 31 as well.

The datasheet says that, for the TCMs and main RAM, the 0x2xxx_xxxx mappings are "used as program memory" and the 0x4xxx_xxxx mappings are "used as data memory", but it is unclear why this is or if the hardware makes any distinction between accesses via the various mappings.

Base address Top address Name Register description
0x0200_0000 0x027F_FFFF RISC-V CLINT
0x0280_0000 0x02FF_FFFF Hart 0 CLIC
0x2100_0000 0x2101_FFFF Mask ROM (holds boot and RomDriver code)
0x2200_8000 0x2201_3FFF ITCM (Instruction Tightly Coupled Memory)
0x2201_4000 0x2201_FFFF DTCM (Data Tightly Coupled Memory)
0x2202_0000 0x2202_FFFF Main RAM
0x2300_0000 0x23FF_FFFF XIP (eXecute In Place) flash mapping
0x4000_0000 0x4000_0FFF glb (global control registers) GLB
0x4000_1000 0x4000_1FFF rf ("mixed signal"/radio) RF
0x4000_2000 0x4000_2FFF gpip (ADC+DAC+analog comparator config) GPIP
0x4000_3000 0x4000_3FFF sec_dbg (secure debug?) SEC_DBG
0x4000_4000 0x4000_4FFF sec_eng (security engine, e.g. SHA+AES) SEC_ENG
0x4000_5000 0x4000_5FFF tzc_sec ("trust isolation" #1) TZC_SEC
0x4000_6000 0x4000_6FFF tzc_nsec ("trust isolation" #2) TZC_NSEC
0x4000_7000 0x4000_707F ef_data_0 (eFuse data #1) EF_DATA_0
0x4000_7080 0x4000_70FF ef_data_1 (eFuse data #2) EF_DATA_1
0x4000_7800 0x4000_7FFF ef_ctrl (eFuse control) EF_CTRL
0x4000_8000 0x4000_8FFF cci (???) CCI
0x4000_9000 0x4000_9FFF l1c (cache control) L1C
0x4000_A000 0x4000_A0FF uart0 (UART #1) UART
0x4000_A100 0x4000_A1FF uart1 (UART #2) UART
0x4000_A200 0x4000_A2FF spi (Serial Peripheral Interface) SPI
0x4000_A300 0x4000_A3FF i2c (I2C) I2C
0x4000_A400 0x4000_A4FF pwm (Pulse Width Modulation #1-#6) PWM
0x4000_A500 0x4000_A5FF timer (Timer #1 and #2) TIMER
0x4000_A600 0x4000_A6FF ir (infrared remote accelerator) IR
0x4000_A700 0x4000_A7FF cks (checksum engine) CKS
0x4000_B000 0x4000_B6FF sf_ctrl (serial flash control) SF_CTRL
0x4000_B700 0x4000_BFFF sf_ctrl_buf (serial flash data buffer)
0x4000_C000 0x4000_CFFF dma (Direct Memory Access engine) DMA
0x4000_D000 0x4000_DFFF sdu (SDIO slave controller)
0x4000_E000 0x4000_EFFF pds (Power Down Sleep/sleep control) PDS
0x4000_F000 0x4000_F7FF hbn (Hibernate/deep sleep control) HBN
0x4000_F800 0x4000_FFFF aon (Always-ON peripheral control) AON
0x4001_0000 0x4001_0FFF Deep sleep retention RAM
0x4203_0000 0x4204_BFFF Wireless RAM
0x44b0_0000 0x44b0_???? mm (MAC management), txl, rxl and ps (undocumented WiFi/BLE, see mm_init)
0x44c0_0000 0x44c?_???? wifi phy (identified from phy_init) (has many wifi related modules including agc) PHY
0x54c0_a000 0x54c0_???? agc ucode (identified from phy_init)

(Peripherals in italics are present in the SVD but not the datasheet.)

bl602.h defines three extra mappings, labeled REMAP0, REMAP1, and REMAP2, in addition to the ranges in the datasheet for each of flash XIP, main+wireless RAM, and the TCMs. This appears to reflect the above-stated fact that 0x2xxx_xxxx, 0x3xxx_xxxx, and 0x4xxx_xxxx alias one another, but unfortunately the names give no hint to if or how the mappings differ. The remap base addresses are as follows:

Memory "Normal" base REMAP0 base REMAP1 base REMAP2 base
XIP 0x2300_0000 0x3300_0000 0x4300_0000 0x5300_0000
WRAM 0x4202_0000 0x2202_0000 0x3202_0000 0x5202_0000
TCM 0x2200_8000 0x3200_8000 0x4200_8000 0x5200_8000

Note that the "WRAM" mapping in bl602.h, which starts at 0x4202_0000 and goes to 0x4204_C000, is badly named. It encompasses all of main RAM and all of wireless RAM (but not the TCMs), instead of just wireless RAM like its name implies.

The datasheet claims that the system has 276KiB of RAM, and indeed that is the number we get by adding up 64KiB of main RAM, 112KiB of wireless RAM, 48KiB of instruction TCM, 48KiB of data TCM, and 4KiB of deep sleep retention RAM.

On-chip ROM

The BL602 has 128KiB of "ROM," mapped at 0x2100_0000. As far as I can tell, this is an actual Mask ROM that's hardwired at the factory, not a flash or an EEPROM. What immutable data could take up 128KiB? Code, it appears! In the OpenOCD configuration for the BL602, pc is forced to the start of the ROM after reset. Therefore, it seems likely that the beginning of the ROM holds a BootROM which implements the various boot modes ("UART, SDIO, and Flash") listed in the datasheet.

But that's not all that's in the ROM. There's an interesting peripheral driver called RomDriver, which exposes a number of functions for global register configuration, power+clock+sleep management, serial flash setup, and general operations like delay and memcpy. However, none of the functions are actually implemented by the driver! Instead, it forwards each call to a corresponding function pointer in a table at 0x2101_0800, which is within the ROM. I assume the function pointers in that table are also ROM addresses, meaning the bulk of the ROM is likely taken up by library code. The SDK has a macro called BL602_USE_ROM_DRIVER which selects whether to use the ROM implementation of functions when available.

Registers in the TZ ("trust isolation") peripherals reference a ROM (for example, tzc_rom0_r0_lock). This could indicate that areas of the ROM need protection from unauthorized reads. Perhaps the ROM holds factory-provisioned, per-device keys that are used as part of the secure boot flow? This, however, is purely speculation.

Here are the known areas of the ROM's memory map:

Base address Top address Name
0x2100_0000 0x2101_07FF BootROM (+ other stuff?)
0x2101_0800 0x2101_0FFF RomDriver function table
0x2101_1000 0x2101_FFFF RomDriver functions (+ other stuff?)


The BL602's RF stack is mostly based on CEVA RivieraWaves reference platform. The PHY is custom by Bouffalolab, but implements the standard RivieraWaves PHY. Luckily almost all the source code is publicy available in different SDKs. The RivieraWaves code has been published here and the custom Bouffalolab PHY here. Some auxiliary code is also in either one of these repos. Together they cover most source in the demo binary.


The RF front-end of the BL602 uses a fractional-n PLL frequency synthesizer to synthesize a precise carrier and modulate it with the I/Q signal to produce the signal that will be transmitted.

Note that most of the content in this diagram is extrapolated from reverse analysis of RF driver code and typical analog designs, and does not necessarily match the actual design.

LO Structure

The output frequency F of the PLL is calculated by frac = lo_sdmin / 2^22, crystal = fVCO / frac and F = fVCO * 3/4.

On the other hand, to generate a target frequency of F, the lo_sdmin has to be fVCO = 4/3 F, frac = fVCO / crystal and lo_sdmin = frac * 2^22.

To improve the locking speed of the phase-locked loop, for each frequency point, the BL602 pre-calibrates a set of VCO inputs. It is conjectured that there is a voltage value and a current value that are calibrated in this process, where the voltage input is determined by the counter shown in the figure. For a given VCO input the resulting open-loop output is counted over a given period to fall around the theoretical value of the corresponding target frequency and the corresponding VCO input is recorded. The current value, on the other hand, is achieved by changing the input lo_vco_idac_cw of a digital-to-analog converter and detecting acal_vco_ud after correctly configuring the division frequency and voltage value of the SDM divider. The signal is presumed to be the control signal up/down from the phase detector output and is inferred to provide a more accurate frequency regulation capability compared to voltage.