kubernetes cluster level monitoring, including api server and etcd cluster monitoring.
Many of the useful settings come from the kube-prometheus project,and we added some new features.
Enable pv for grafana
Enable pv for prometheus
Add kubernetes cluster monitoring dashboard
Add kubernetes node overview dashboard
Enable systemd service monitoring
Add API server dashboard
Enable etcd cluster monitoring
Log collection with ElasticSearch and Fluent-Bit
There are two ways to customize and install, choose one you prefer.
And then install logging services with helm:
We have generated all YAML files in manifests directory, if you have no jsonnet env, you can modify these files to customize your configuration.
- Overwrite etcd cluster certificate base64 data in prometheus-secretEtcdCerts.yaml
- Set etcd server ips in prometheus-endpointsEtcd.yaml
- Put your alert manager configuration in alertmanager-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifest/
Note: If some resources created failed, wait for prometheus operator up and then apply again.
- Install jsonnet
go get github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnet
- Install jb
go get github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/cmd/jb
- Install gojsontoyaml
go get github.com/brancz/gojsontoyaml
- Download jsonnet dependencies
#run in monitoring directory
jb install
- Put etcd cluster certificate path and IPs in config.libsonnet
etcd+:: {
// Configure this to be the IP(s) to scrape - i.e. your etcd node(s) (use commas to separate multiple values).
ips: ['', '', ''],
// Set these three variables to the fully qualified directory path on your work machine to the certificate files that are valid to scrape etcd metrics with (check the apiserver container).
// All the sensitive information on the certificates will end up in a Kubernetes Secret.
clientCA: importstr 'etcd/etcd-client-ca.crt',
clientKey: importstr 'etcd/etcd-client.key',
clientCert: importstr 'etcd/etcd-client.crt',
insecureSkipVerify: true,
- Put your additional dashboard name and path in config.libsonnet
grafanaDashboards+:: {
//Configure this to be the dashboard definitions, keep the name unique
'k8s-cluster-monitoring.json': (import 'dashboards/k8s-cluster-monitoring-dashboard.json'),
'k8s-node-dashboard.json': (import 'dashboards/k8s-node-dashboard.json'),
'api-server.json': (import 'dashboards/api-server-dashboard.json'),
- Put your alert manager configuration in alertmanager-secret.yaml after step2
./build.sh true|false // the variables means that whether include etcd monitor and service of kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager
kubectl apply -f manifest/prometheus-operator
kubectl apply -f manifest/prometheus
Note: If any resource failed to create, wait for prometheus operator to be up and then apply again.