Bug fixes:
- Fix DeprecationWarnings. [maurits] (#4090)
- Prepare to work with plone.app.discussion as a core add-on. [@jensens] (#63)
- Update configuration files. [plone devs] (7d54a267)
Bug fixes:
- Update package configuration. [gforcada] (#1)
Bug fixes:
- Cleanup: remove six, use plone.base, zpretty. [maurits] (#44)
- Update configuration files. [plone meta] (#1)
Bug fixes:
- Final release for Plone 6.0.0 (#600)
Bug fixes:
- Increase the length of the password used in tests. [davisagli] (#43)
Bug fixes:
- Update Markup in Page Templates, made it ready for Plone 6 with Bootstrap 5 Rename Browserviews, make the names it more consistent [1letter] (#41)
Bug fixes:
- Really remove the old icon from the skin layer, emptying it. [maurits] (#33)
Breaking changes:
- Use
as icon. Only works in Plone 6. Removed theCMFPlacefulWorkflow
skin layer. Removed ancient upgrade step, added new one for the above. [maurits] (#33)
Bug fixes:
- Fix a test that picks up the footer-portlets link instead of a document. (#36)
- Fixed undefined name
. Fixed traceback on the policy mapping form when the workflow policy id is missing or wrong. [maurits] (#39)
Bug fixes:
- Removed unused mock request.SESSION from tests. [maurits] (#1)
Bug fixes:
- Fix deprecation warning at startup for setDefaultRoles. [maurits] (#34)
Bug fixes:
- Minor packaging updates. (#1)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'App.class_init' in Zope 5. [maurits] (#31)
Breaking changes:
- Adapt tests to Products.GenericSetup >= 2.0, thus requiring at least that version. [icemac] (#22)
- Replace all skin-templates with browser-views. [bauer] (#23)
New features:
- Replaced usages of my_worklist.py skin script. (#28)
Bug fixes:
- Fix all tests for python 3 and no longer use PloneTestCase. [pbauer] (#23)
- More Python 2 / 3 compatibility. [ale-rt, davilima6] (#24)
- Do the permission checks in zcml. This means we can stop using the
skin script. Also check for the 'CMFPlacefulWorkflow: Manage workflow policies' permission instead of the 'Manage portal' permission. [maurits] (#25)
Bug fixes:
- Remove traces of ZopeTestCase. [gforcada]
New features:
- Prepare for Python 2 / 3 compatibility [davilima6]
Bug fixes:
- Removed Plone 5.0 installer code from tests. Test that multiple installs and uninstalls work. See issue 1959. [maurits]
Bug fixes:
- Fixed workflow tests for new
. [maurits]
Bug fixes:
- Use zope.interface decorator. [gforcada]
- Added
profile instead of old external method. [maurits] - Removed
because this is handled incontrolpanel.xml
. [maurits] - Replaced
import step with apost_handler
. [maurits]
- Updated Site Setup link in all control panels. Fixes plone/Products.CMFPlone#1255 [davilima6]
- Fix test after new default dependecy-strategy for GenericSetup. [pbauer]
- Allow unicode as workflow-policy-name [pbauer]
- Added upgrade step to apply our full profile. This is meant mostly for upgrades from ancient versions that had no profile yet or had a profile without a metadata.xml. In that case the quick installer would complain that the old profile version was unknown and there was no upgrade. [maurits]
- Ported tests to plone.app.testing [tomgross]
- PEP8 and frosted cleanup [tomgross]
- Major cleanup of old stuff [tomgross]
- Plone 5 fixes [vangheem]
- Move dependency on Products.PloneTestCase to test extra and thus removing implicit hard dependency on Products.ATContentTypes. [thet]
- Fix policy_form test failures for Plone 5. [timo]
- Fixed handling of "update security" option. [ericof]
- Fixed updating Role Mappings only in current folder. [kroman0]
- Added 'CMFPlacefulWorkflow: Manage workflow policies' permission. ManageWorkflowPolicies is no longer 'Manage portal', it's now assigned to 'CMFPlacefulWorkflow: Manage workflow policies'. [alecghica]
- Fixed add workflow policy template (via ZMI). [alecghica]
- Fixed descriptions under placeful_workflow_configuration.pt for sections "For this folder" and "Below this folder". [alecghica]
- Added "update security" as an option field on local configuration management form, as in most cases updating catalog role mappings can be a very long operation and is better to be made as a separate upgrade step. [alecghica]
- Fixed a few test failures in combination with five.pt. [maurits]
- Fix profiles description to be translated. [vincentfretin]
- Fix failing test. [davisagli]
- Fix required value untested #9833 [encolpe]
- Fix test to work with both 4.0 and 4.1. [elro]
- Create base profile with no dependencies on the default Plone types to allow use in an archetype free dexterity environment [anthonyg]
- Fix failing test. The 'comment_review_workflow' from plone.app.discussion is now part of the core. [timo]
- Depend on
instead ofPlone
. [elro] - Updated the placeful_workflow import step to depends on typeinfo, as we need to make sure all types are available when importing the local policies. [deo]
- Fixed chameleon incompatibility in manage_workflow_policy_config.zpt. Renamed select_workflows.zpt to select_workflows.dtml and select_workflows.zpt to select_workflows.dtml. [swampmonkey]
- No changes.
- Avoid deprecation warnings under Zope 2.13. [hannosch]
- Avoid using the deprecated five:implements directive. [hannosch]
- Remove references to Large Plone Folder from the included workflow policies. [davisagli]
- Use i18n_domain=cmfplacefulworkflow in profiles.zcml to be able to translate the title and description of the profile. This refs http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9864 [vincentfretin]
- Avoid showing the content type icons in the workflow mapping screens. [hannosch]
- Small code cleanup and removal of unused imports. [hannosch]
- Make CMFPlacefulWorkflow tool an ImmutableId object, but not a UniqueObject. The UniqueObject base class specifies that it is impossible to have any other object with the same id (portal_placeful_workflow). This was breaking in-ZODB GenericSetup snapshots, because the GenericSetup sub-folder for placeful workflow policies happens to also be called portal_placeful_workflow. Plone has a checkId script which disallows shadowing tools anyway, so the UniqueObject base class is a nicety rather than a necessity. [optilude]
- Removed createSnapshot() call from exportimport.txt test. It wasn't doing anything useful, and caused a distracting test failure not related to CMFPlacefulWorkflow.
- Fix #9359: CMFPlacefulWorkflow defines __implements__ with zope3 interface. [encolpe]
- Remove use of the deprecated document_byline macro in the placeful workflow configuration template. [davisagli]
- Register configlet icon using icon_expr for forwards-compatibility with Plone 4. [davisagli]
- Copied safeEditProperty function from CMFPlone's migrations package, as that is being removed. [davisagli]
- Change imports from Globals to use canonical locations, for compatibility with Zope 2.12. [davisagli]
- Define wtool inside the prefs_workflow_policy_mapping template. [hannosch]
- Removed settings of the portal_skins tool itself from skins.xml. Specifically, allow_any was set to False, which bit me. [maurits]
- Made workflow policies translatable in prefs_workflow_localpolicies_form. [vincentfretin]
- The Cancel button on the local workflow configuration screen was saving data as much as the Save button. Now it actually cancels the operation. [hannosch]
- Made sure you cannot set a workflow configuration on a non-folderish item in the site root. The actual configuration would end up on the site root. [hannosch]
- Change the local workflow configuration screen to not be shown for the site root, even if you accidentally type in the wrong URL. [hannosch]
- Declare package dependencies and fixed deprecation warnings for use of Globals. [hannosch]
- Copied safeEditProperty from CMFPlone.migration_util to avoid a dependency. [hannosch]
- Port evolutions from the 1.3 maintenance branch (old style product). [encolpe]
- Fixed bad version in metadata.xml (again) [encolpe]
- Removed Favorite content type. [hannosch]
- Fixed "ValueError: 'acquisition' is not a workflow ID" in prefs_workflow_policy_mapping. Fix prepared by jhackel. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8101 [maurits]
- Fixed bad metadata.xml. [encolpe]
- Fixed incorrect variable name in exception message. [davisagli]