import glob
+import os
+import requests
+import s3fs
+import fiona
+import netCDF4 as nc
+import h5netcdf
+import xarray as xr
+import pandas as pd
+import geopandas as gpd
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import hvplot.xarray
+import earthaccess
+from earthaccess import Auth, DataCollections, DataGranules, Store
+from pathlib import Path
+import zipfile
SWOT Hydrology Science Application Tutorial on the Cloud
+SWOT Hydrology Science Application Tutorial on the Cloud
+Retrieving SWOT attributes (WSE, width, slope) and plotting a longitudinal profile along a river or over a basin
+This tutorial can only be run in an AWS cloud instance running in us-west-2: NASA Earthdata Cloud data in S3 can be directly accessed via earthaccess
python library; this access is limited to requests made within the US West (Oregon) (code: us-west-2
) AWS region.
Earthdata Login
+An Earthdata Login account is required to access data, as well as discover restricted data, from the NASA Earthdata system. Thus, to access NASA data, you need Earthdata Login. Please visit to register and manage your Earthdata Login account. This account is free to create and only takes a moment to set up.
+This code runs using SWOT Level 2 Data Products (Version 1.1).
+Notebook Authors: Arnaud Cerbelaud, Jeffrey Wade, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology (Jan 2024)
+Learning Objectives
- Retrieve SWOT hydrological attributes on river reaches within the AWS cloud (Cal/Val data). Query reaches by:
- River name +
- Spatial bounding box +
- Downstream tracing from reach id +
- Upstream tracing from reach id
+ - River longitudinal profile: filtering data to display all reaches located downstream of a given reach (e.g. headwater to outlet) +
- Watershed analysis: filtering data to display all reaches located upstream of a given reach (e.g. outlet to full river network) +
- Visualize and plot WSE, width, slope data on the filtered data +
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024
+Import Packages
+Authenticate your Earthdata Login (EDL) information using the earthaccess
python package as follows:
# Login with your EDL credentials if asked earthaccess.login()
Enter your Earthdata Login username: jswade
+Enter your Earthdata password: ········
+<earthaccess.auth.Auth at 0x7fd9a7adbee0>
+1. Retrieve SWOT hydrological attributes on river reaches within the AWS cloud (Cal/Val data)
+What data should we download?
- Optional step: Get the .kmz file of SWOT passes/swaths (Version 1.1) and import it into Google Earth for visualization +
- Determine which pass number corresponds to the river/basin you want to look at! #### Search for multiple days of data +
# Enter pass number
+= "009" # e.g. 009 for Connecticut in NA, 003 for Rhine in EU
+ pass_number # Enter continent code
+= "NA" # e.g. "AF", "NA", "EU", "SI", "AS", "AU", "SA", "AR", "GR"
+ continent_code
+# Retrieves granule from the day we want, in this case by passing to `earthdata.search_data` function the data collection shortname and temporal bounds
+= earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_RIVERSP_1.1',
+ river_results = ('2023-04-08 00:00:00', '2023-04-12 23:59:59'),
+ temporal = "*Reach*_" + pass_number + "_" + continent_code + "*")
+ granule_name
+# Create fiona session to read data
+= earthaccess.get_s3fs_session(results=river_results)
+ fs_s3 =fiona.session.AWSSession(
+ fiona_session=fs_s3.storage_options["key"],
+ aws_access_key_id=fs_s3.storage_options["secret"],
+ aws_secret_access_key=fs_s3.storage_options["token"]
+ aws_session_token )
Granules found: 5
+Unzip selected files in Fiona session
+# Initialize list of shapefiles containing all dates
+= []
+ SWOT_HR_shps
+# Loop through queried granules to stack all acquisition dates
+for j in range(len(river_results)):
+ # Get the link for each zip file
+ = earthaccess.results.DataGranule.data_links(river_results[j], access='direct')[0]
+ river_link
+ # We use the zip+ prefix so fiona knows that we are operating on a zip file
+ = f"zip+{river_link}"
+ river_shp_url
+ # Read shapefile
+ with fiona.Env(session=fiona_session):
+ SWOT_HR_shps.append(gpd.read_file(river_shp_url))
Aggregate unzipped files into dataframe
+# Combine granules from all acquisition dates into one dataframe
+= gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(SWOT_HR_shps, ignore_index=True))
+ SWOT_HR_df
+# Sort dataframe by reach_id and time
+= SWOT_HR_df.sort_values(['reach_id', 'time'])
+ SWOT_HR_df
+ SWOT_HR_df
+ | reach_id | +time | +time_tai | +time_str | +p_lat | +p_lon | +river_name | +wse | +wse_u | +wse_r_u | +... | +p_wid_var | +p_n_nodes | +p_dist_out | +p_length | +p_maf | +p_dam_id | +p_n_ch_max | +p_n_ch_mod | +p_low_slp | +geometry | +
1958 | +72270400231 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +56.794630 | +-66.461122 | +no_data | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +1618.079 | +53 | +230079.472 | +10630.774958 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +1 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-66.48682 56.83442, -66.48645 56.8... | +
2641 | +72270400231 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +56.794630 | +-66.461122 | +no_data | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +1618.079 | +53 | +230079.472 | +10630.774958 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +1 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-66.48682 56.83442, -66.48645 56.8... | +
1959 | +72270400241 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +56.744361 | +-66.341905 | +no_data | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +4831.128 | +53 | +240728.430 | +10648.958289 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-66.41602 56.75969, -66.41553 56.7... | +
2642 | +72270400241 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +56.744361 | +-66.341905 | +no_data | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +4831.128 | +53 | +240728.430 | +10648.958289 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-66.41602 56.75969, -66.41553 56.7... | +
1960 | +72270400251 | +7.344991e+08 | +7.344991e+08 | +2023-04-11T03:31:02Z | +56.676087 | +-66.219811 | +no_data | +2.855340e+02 | +1.008930e+00 | +1.004910e+00 | +... | +412.975 | +58 | +252286.769 | +11558.339052 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-66.27812 56.71437, -66.27775 56.7... | +
... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +
615 | +73130000061 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +41.424945 | +-73.230960 | +Housatonic River | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +10469.706 | +82 | +47161.191 | +16303.793847 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-73.17436 41.38295, -73.17465 41.3... | +
1283 | +73130000061 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +41.424945 | +-73.230960 | +Housatonic River | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +10469.706 | +82 | +47161.191 | +16303.793847 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-73.17436 41.38295, -73.17465 41.3... | +
1957 | +73130000061 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +41.424945 | +-73.230960 | +Housatonic River | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +10469.706 | +82 | +47161.191 | +16303.793847 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-73.17436 41.38295, -73.17465 41.3... | +
2640 | +73130000061 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +41.424945 | +-73.230960 | +Housatonic River | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +10469.706 | +82 | +47161.191 | +16303.793847 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-73.17436 41.38295, -73.17465 41.3... | +
3312 | +73130000061 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +no_data | +41.424945 | +-73.230960 | +Housatonic River | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +-1.000000e+12 | +... | +10469.706 | +82 | +47161.191 | +16303.793847 | +-1.000000e+12 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +LINESTRING (-73.17436 41.38295, -73.17465 41.3... | +
3313 rows × 127 columns
+Exploring the dataset
+What acquisition dates and rivers do our downloaded files cover?
+print('Available dates are:')
+print(np.unique([i[:10] for i in SWOT_HR_df['time_str']]))
+print('Available rivers are:')
+print(np.unique([i for i in SWOT_HR_df['river_name']]))
Available dates are:
+['2023-04-08' '2023-04-09' '2023-04-10' '2023-04-11' '2023-04-12'
+ 'no_data']
+Available rivers are:
+['Allagash River' 'Androscoggin River' 'Big Black River' 'Canal de fuite'
+ 'Carrabassett River' 'Concord River' 'Concord River; Sudbury River'
+ 'Connecticut River' 'Connecticut River; Westfield River'
+ 'Connecticut River; White River' 'Dead River'
+ 'Dead River (Kennebec River)' 'Deerfield River' 'Farmington River'
+ 'Housatonic River' 'Ikarut River' 'Kennebec River' 'Komaktorvik River'
+ 'Magalloway River' 'Merrimack River' 'Moose River'
+ 'North Branch Penobscot River' 'Passumsic River' 'Pemigewasset River'
+ 'Penobscot River West Branch' 'Quinebaug River' 'Saco River'
+ 'Saguenay River' 'Saint Francis River' 'Saint John River'
+ 'Saint Lawrence River' 'Sandy River' 'Shetucket River' 'Sudbury River'
+ 'Thames River' 'West River' 'White River' 'no_data']
+Filter dataframe by river name of interest and plot selected reaches:
+Note: Some rivers have multiple names, hence using the contains
# Enter river name
+= "Connecticut River" # e.g. "Rhine", "Connecticut River"
+ river
+## Filter dataframe
+= SWOT_HR_df[(SWOT_HR_df.river_name.str.contains(river))]
+ SWOT_HR_df_river
+# Plot geopandas dataframe with 'explore' by reach id
+'reach_id','river_name','geometry']].explore('reach_id', style_kwds=dict(weight=6)) SWOT_HR_df_river[[
Filter dataframe by latitude/longitude of interest:
+= {"Connecticut River": 41.5,
+ lat_start "Rhine": 47.5
+ }= {"Connecticut River": 45,
+ lat_end "Rhine": 51
+ }= {"Connecticut River": -74,
+ lon_start "Rhine": 7
+ }= {"Connecticut River": -71,
+ lon_end "Rhine": 10
+ }
+## Filter dataframe
+= SWOT_HR_df[(SWOT_HR_df.p_lat > lat_start[river]) & (SWOT_HR_df.p_lat < lat_end[river]) & (SWOT_HR_df.p_lon > lon_start[river]) & (SWOT_HR_df.p_lon < lon_end[river])]
+ SWOT_HR_df_box
+# Plot geopandas dataframe with 'explore' by river name
+'reach_id','river_name','geometry']].explore('river_name', style_kwds=dict(weight=6)) SWOT_HR_df_box[[
2. River longitudinal profile: trace reaches downstream of given starting reach using rch_id_dn
+WARNING: This works as long as the data is exhaustive (no missing SWORD reaches)
+First, let’s set up a dictionary relating all reaches in the dataset to their downstream neighbor
+Note: rch_dn_dict[rch_id] gives a list of all the reaches directly downstream from rch_id
+# Format rch_id_dn for dictionary. Rch_id_dn allows for multiple downstream reaches to be stored
+# Also removes spaces in attribute field
+= [[x.strip() for x in SWOT_HR_df.rch_id_dn[j].split(',')] for j in range(0,len(SWOT_HR_df.rch_id_dn))]
+ rch_id_dn
+# Filter upstream reach ids to remove 'no_data'
+= [[x for x in dn_id if x.isnumeric()] for dn_id in rch_id_dn]
+ rch_id_dn_filter
+# Create lookup dictionary for river network topology: Downstream
+= {SWOT_HR_df.reach_id[i]: rch_id_dn_filter[i] for i in range(len(SWOT_HR_df))} rch_dn_dict
Then, starting from a given reach, let’s trace all connected downstream reaches
+# Enter reach_id from which we will trace downstream (e.g. headwaters of the Connecticut River)
+= {"Connecticut River": '73120000691',
+ rch_dn_st "Rhine": '23267000651'
+ }
+# Initialize list to store downstream reaches, including starting reach
+= [rch_dn_st[river]]
+ rch_dn_list # Retrieve first downstream id of starting reach and add to list
+= rch_dn_dict[rch_dn_st[river]][0]
+ rch_dn_next
+# Trace next downstream reach until we hit the outlet (or here the last reach on file)
+while len(rch_dn_next) != 0:
+# Add reach to list if value exists
+ if len(rch_dn_next) != 0:
+ rch_dn_list.append(rch_dn_next)# Recursively retrieve first downstream id of next reach
+ # Catch error if reach isn't in downloaded data
+ try:
+ = rch_dn_dict[rch_dn_next][0]
+ rch_dn_next except:
+ break
Finally, we filtered our downloaded data by the traced reaches to create a plot
+# Filter downloaded data by downstream traced reaches
+= SWOT_HR_df[SWOT_HR_df.reach_id.isin(rch_dn_list)]
+ SWOT_dn_trace
+# Remove reaches from rch_dn_list that are not present in SWOT data
+= [rch for rch in rch_dn_list if rch in SWOT_HR_df.reach_id.values]
+ rch_dn_list
+'reach_id','river_name','geometry']].explore('river_name', style_kwds=dict(weight=6)) SWOT_dn_trace[[
3. Watershed analysis: trace reaches upstream of starting reach using rch_id_up
+WARNING: This works as long as the data is exhaustive (no missing SWORD reaches)
+First, let’s set up a dictionary relating all reaches in the dataset to their upstream neighbor
+Note: rch_up_dict[rch_id] gives a list of all the reaches directly upstream from rch_id
+# Format rch_id_up for dictionary. Rch_id_up allows for multiple upstream reaches to be stored
+# Also removes spaces in attribute field
+= [[x.strip() for x in SWOT_HR_df.rch_id_up[j].split(',')] for j in range(0,len(SWOT_HR_df.rch_id_up))]
+ rch_id_up
+# Filter upstream reach ids to remove 'no_data'
+= [[x for x in ups_id if x.isnumeric()] for ups_id in rch_id_up]
+ rch_id_up_fil
+# Create lookup dictionary for river network topology: Upstream
+= {SWOT_HR_df.reach_id[i]: rch_id_up_fil[i] for i in range(len(SWOT_HR_df))} rch_up_dict
Then, starting from a given reach, let’s trace all connected upstream reaches
+This adds a bit of complexity, as we need to keep track of multiple branches upstream of the starting reach.
+# Enter reach_id from which we will trace upstream (e.g. outlet of the Connecticut River)
+= {"Connecticut River": '73120000013',
+ rch_up_st "Rhine": '23265000051'
+ }
+# Initialize list to store traced upstream reaches, including starting reach
+= [rch_up_st[river]]
+ rch_up_list # Retrieve ids of reaches upstream of starting reach and add to list
+= rch_up_dict[rch_up_st[river]]
+ rch_up_next # For upstream tracing, we need to set a list of next upstream ids to start while loop
+= rch_up_next
+ rch_next_id
+# Loop until no more reaches to trace
+while len(rch_next_id) != 0:
+# Initialize list to store next upstream ids
+ = []
+ rch_next_id # Loop through next upstream ids for given reach
+ for rch_up_sel in rch_up_next:
+ # Get values of existing upstream ids of rch_up_next reaches
+ # If reach isn't in SWOT data (usually ghost reaches), continue to next reach
+ try:
+ = rch_next_id + rch_up_dict[rch_up_sel]
+ rch_next_id except:
+ continue
+ # Append id to list
+ rch_up_list.append(rch_up_sel)# If reaches exist, add to list for next cycle of tracing
+ if len(rch_next_id) != 0:
+ = rch_next_id rch_up_next
Finally, we filtered our downloaded data by the traced reaches to create a plot
+# Filter downloaded data by upstream traced reaches
+= SWOT_HR_df[SWOT_HR_df.reach_id.isin(rch_up_list)]
+ SWOT_up_trace
+# Remove reaches from rch_up_list that are not present in SWOT data
+= [rch for rch in rch_up_list if rch in SWOT_HR_df.reach_id.values]
+ rch_up_list
+'reach_id','river_name','geometry']].explore('river_name', style_kwds=dict(weight=6)) SWOT_up_trace[[
4. Visualize and plot a time series of WSE/width/slope longitudinal profiles
+Let’s create a time series dataframe from the downstream filtered database
+# Retrieve all possible acquisition dates (keeping only YYYY-MM-DD)
+= np.unique([i[:10] for i in [x for x in SWOT_HR_df['time_str'] if x!='no_data']])
+ dates
+# Create a new database for time series analysis with unique reach_ids
+= SWOT_dn_trace.set_index('reach_id').groupby(level=0) \
+ SWOT_dn_trace_time apply(lambda df: df.reset_index(drop=True)) \
+ .=1, level=1)
+ .unstack().sort_index(axis
+= ['{}_{}'.format(x[0],dates[x[1]]) for x in SWOT_dn_trace_time.columns] SWOT_dn_trace_time.columns
Plot a longitudinal profile for selected SWOT variable
+# Explore variables you could choose to plot
+for var in ["wse","slope","width","len"]:
Index(['wse', 'wse_u', 'wse_r_u', 'wse_c', 'wse_c_u', 'area_wse', 'p_wse',
+ 'p_wse_var'],
+ dtype='object')
+Index(['slope', 'slope_u', 'slope_r_u', 'slope2', 'slope2_u', 'slope2_r_u'], dtype='object')
+Index(['width', 'width_u', 'width_c', 'width_c_u', 'p_width'], dtype='object')
+Index(['p_length'], dtype='object')
+# Enter variable of interest for plotting
+= "wse" varstr
# Find cumulative length on the longitudinal profile
+= np.nan_to_num([SWOT_dn_trace.p_length[SWOT_dn_trace.reach_id == rch].mean()/1000 for rch in rch_dn_list])
+ length_list = np.cumsum(length_list)
+ cumlength_list
+## Plot a longitudinal profile from the downstream tracing database
+## Plot a longitudinal profile from the downstream tracing database
+ plt.figure(figsizefor t in dates:
+ # Store the quantity of interest (wse, width etc.) at time t
+ = SWOT_dn_trace_time.loc[rch_dn_list,varstr+'_'+t]
+ value
+ # Remove set negative values (bad observations) to NaN and forward fill NaNs
+ < 0] = np.nan
+ value[value = value.ffill()
+ value
+ # Plot the data
+ = varstr+'_'+t)
+ plt.plot(cumlength_list, value, label
+ 'Downstream Distance (km)')
+ plt.xlabel(
+ plt.ylabel(varstr) plt.legend()
Map the longitudinal profile of selected SWOT variable
+# Choose a date
+= dates[0] date
#Set one column as the active geometry in the new database
+= SWOT_dn_trace_time.set_geometry("geometry_"+date)
+ SWOT_dn_trace_time
+#Set cleaner colorbar bounds for better visualization
+= np.percentile([i for i in SWOT_dn_trace_time[varstr+'_'+date] if i>0],5)
+ vmin = np.percentile([i for i in SWOT_dn_trace_time[varstr+'_'+date] if i>0],95)
+ vmax
+# Interactive map
+ SWOT_dn_trace_time.explore(varstr= vmin,
+ vmin = vmax,
+ vmax = "Blues", #"Blues",
+ cmap = True,
+ control_scale = varstr+'_'+dates[0], # show "varstr+'_'+dates[0]" value in tooltip (on hover)
+ tooltip = True, # show all values in popup (on click)
+ popup #tiles = "CartoDB positron", # use "CartoDB positron" tiles
+ =dict(weight=10)
+ style_kwds )
+We can also map the upstream traced database
+= SWOT_up_trace.set_index('reach_id').groupby(level=0) \
+ SWOT_up_trace_time apply(lambda df: df.reset_index(drop=True)) \
+ .=1, level=1)
+ .unstack().sort_index(axis
+= ['{}_{}'.format(x[0],dates[x[1]]) for x in SWOT_up_trace_time.columns]
+ SWOT_up_trace_time.columns
+= SWOT_up_trace_time.set_geometry("geometry_"+date)
+ SWOT_up_trace_time
+#Set cleaner colorbar bounds for better visualization
+= np.percentile([i for i in SWOT_up_trace_time[varstr+'_'+date] if i>0],5)
+ vmin = np.percentile([i for i in SWOT_up_trace_time[varstr+'_'+date] if i>0],95)
+ vmax
+# Interactive map
+ SWOT_up_trace_time.explore(varstr= vmin,
+ vmin = vmax,
+ vmax = "Blues", #"Blues",
+ cmap = True,
+ control_scale = varstr+'_'+dates[0], # show "varstr+'_'+dates[0]" value in tooltip (on hover)
+ tooltip = True, # show all values in popup (on click)
+ popup = "CartoDB positron", # use "CartoDB positron" tiles
+ tiles =dict(weight=5)
+ style_kwds )
How to filter out raster data to reveal water bodies?
+Now you will also need the tile number (in addition to the pass number). You can find it on the .kmz file
+# Enter tile number
+= "116F"
+ tile_number
+# Retrieve granules from all days to find the cycle corresponding to the desired date
+= earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1',
+ raster_results = ('2023-04-01 00:00:00', '2023-04-22 23:59:59'),
+ temporal = "*100m*_" + pass_number + "_" + tile_number + "*")
+ granule_name # here we filter by files with '100m' in the name, pass=009, scene = 116F (tile = 232L) for Connecticut
+# pass=003, scene = 120F (tile = 239R) for the Rhine
Granules found: 15
+Display details of downloaded files
+print([i for i in raster_results])
[Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.4, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 484, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-08T03:55:38.288Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-08T03:55:18.398Z'}}
+Size(MB): 70.40732002258301
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.4, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 485, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-09T03:46:16.448Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-09T03:45:56.558Z'}}
+Size(MB): 68.41873073577881
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.4, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 486, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-10T03:36:54.573Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-10T03:36:34.684Z'}}
+Size(MB): 68.47044467926025
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.4, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 487, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-11T03:27:32.662Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-11T03:27:12.772Z'}}
+Size(MB): 69.02541446685791
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.4, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 488, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-12T03:18:10.720Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-12T03:17:50.831Z'}}
+Size(MB): 67.56003761291504
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.4, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 489, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-13T03:08:48.751Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-13T03:08:28.862Z'}}
+Size(MB): 68.72685241699219
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.4, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 490, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-14T02:59:26.753Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-14T02:59:06.866Z'}}
+Size(MB): 66.47898387908936
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 491, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-15T02:50:04.726Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-15T02:49:44.836Z'}}
+Size(MB): 67.29588985443115
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 492, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-16T02:40:43.207Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-16T02:40:22.244Z'}}
+Size(MB): 0.933258056640625
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 493, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-17T02:31:21.112Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-17T02:31:00.151Z'}}
+Size(MB): 0.9332094192504883
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 494, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-18T02:21:58.990Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-18T02:21:38.024Z'}}
+Size(MB): 0.9332304000854492
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 495, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-19T02:12:36.279Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-19T02:12:16.394Z'}}
+Size(MB): 63.773990631103516
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 496, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-20T02:03:14.075Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-20T02:02:54.187Z'}}
+Size(MB): 62.185853004455566
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 497, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-21T01:53:51.831Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-21T01:53:31.942Z'}}
+Size(MB): 61.36593437194824
+Data: [''], Collection: {'Version': '1.1', 'ShortName': 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1'}
+Spatial coverage: {'HorizontalSpatialDomain': {'Orbit': {'StartLatitude': -77.66, 'EndLatitude': 77.66, 'AscendingCrossing': -80.41, 'StartDirection': 'A', 'EndDirection': 'A'}, 'Track': {'Cycle': 498, 'Passes': [{'Pass': 9, 'Tiles': ['230L', '231L', '232L', '233L', '230R', '231R', '232R', '233R']}]}}}
+Temporal coverage: {'RangeDateTime': {'EndingDateTime': '2023-04-22T01:44:29.616Z', 'BeginningDateTime': '2023-04-22T01:44:09.731Z'}}
+Size(MB): 61.341376304626465
+Data: ['']]
+Select a single file for visualization
+# Let's look at cycle 485, on the second day of calval
+# Enter cycle
+= "485"
+ cycle
+= earthaccess.search_data(short_name = 'SWOT_L2_HR_Raster_1.1',
+ raster_results = ('2023-04-01 00:00:00', '2023-04-22 23:59:59'),
+ temporal = "*100m*" + cycle + "_" + pass_number + "_" + tile_number + "*")
+ granule_name
+# here we filter by files with '100m' in the name, cycle=484, pass=009, scene = 116F for Connecticut
+# cycle=485, pass=003, scene = 120F for the Rhine
Granules found: 1
+Open file using fiona AWS session and read file using xarray
+= earthaccess.get_s3fs_session(results=raster_results)
+ fs_s3
+# get link for file and open it
+= earthaccess.results.DataGranule.data_links(raster_results[0], access='direct')[0]
+ raster_link =, mode='rb')
+ s3_file_obj5
+# Open data with xarray
+= xr.open_dataset(s3_file_obj5, engine='h5netcdf') ds_raster
Plot raster data using custom filters to improve image quality
+# Plot the data with a filter on water_frac > x, or sig0>50
+> 0.5).hvplot.image(y='y', x='x').opts(cmap='Blues', clim=(vmin,vmax), width=1000, height=750) ds_raster.wse.where(ds_raster.water_frac