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Releases: pods-framework/pods

2.9.16 - June 10th, 2023

10 Jun 16:29
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  • Tweak: Allow bypassing table schema updates and overwriting table schemas in PodsAPI::save_pod() with the new parameters bypass_table_schema and overwrite_table_schema. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Support passing the full WP object (post/term/etc) into pods( $wp_object ) and use the ID associated with it instead of only the get_queried_object_id(). #7094 #7095 (@JoryHogeveen)
  • Fixed: The Pods repair tool was overwriting the storage type for table-based pods to meta, now it uses the proper logic there and also uses a new abstracted method Pod::get_default_storage() for defaults when empty. The tool now also won't overwrite the table schema for each Pod to prevent unintended problems. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved PHP error when using WordPress versions prior to 6.1 which did not have the did_filter() function that was called. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved issues when using Content Types only mode (no custom fields) in the Pods Settings so that Components like Pods Pages and Pods Templates will continue to have their fields shown. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.9.15 - May 30th, 2023

30 May 14:23
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  • Added: Now showing text notices to explain where performance may be improved for Relationship single/multi select fields when relating to dynamic content which direct the admin to use Autocomplete or List View instead in certain circumstances. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Add repair tool that can help recover any Pods that have an invalid pod type / storage. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Make the default as Dropdown for single select relationship fields again after seeing some reported issues. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved more PHP 8.x compatibility issues for strlen() usage. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Set default as Dropdown for relationship field configs across Pods. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.9.14 - May 29th, 2023

29 May 17:30
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  • Added: New component: Migrate: Import from the Advanced Custom Fields plugin -- It allows importing the Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies from ACF. Note: This does not migrate custom fields or field groups. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: List View is now the default for Relationship fields that are single select. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Updated Site Health info for Pods to include what Pods settings someone has and included memory limit with current memory limit for easier reference. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Default the "Watch WP Metadata calls" setting to off by default for Pods 2.9.14+. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Always default the Pods setting for metadata_integration to off for new Pods installs when WooCommerce is detected to also be installed. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Validate cache mode used across Pods to ensure unknown modes do not trigger PHP errors. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolve PHP errors when registering ACTs via code/JSON. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Ensure the parent post ID gets set in more cases when uploading files via a Pod uploader. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Set default display filter as empty and avoid strlen PHP errors. #7076 #7075 (@JoryHogeveen)
  • Fixed: TinyMCE on frontend would sometimes not show line breaks as paragraphs. #7051 #7049 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Allow HTML5 date fields to allow empty values. #7063 #7016 (@Shelob9)
  • Fixed: Resolved more PHP 8.x warnings and notices. #7074 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Configurations registered via JSON/YML that include field groups are now working as expected to register each group and corresponding fields. #7062 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Removed the extra DB call to get registered Pods blocks from the DB that can be re-enabled via a filter pods_blocks_api_get_blocks_bypass_post_type_find. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.0 Beta 1 - April 28th, 2023

01 May 14:13
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Official blog post:

Breaking compatibility warning

New minimum required versions have been updated as follows which includes notices to let you know if you need to update something:

  • New minimum WP version required: WordPress 5.8+ (previously: WP 5.7+)
  • New minimum PHP version required: PHP 7.2+ (previously: PHP 5.6+) — Hey! You should take the time to update to PHP 8.1+ because that is the lowest version actively supported by The PHP Group.


  • Feature: Conditional Logic for Fields - You can now choose to show or hide a field based on the value of another field. More will be expanded into this functionality in the future. #609 (@zrothauser, @sc0ttkclark, @Shelob9)
  • Added: New filter pods_tribe_common_vendor_autoload will now let you remove conflicting libraries from loading so your own libraries can continue to be used when that occurs. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Set up backward compatible updates to our prior depends-on and related logic for internal conditional logic prior to Pods 3.0 so they now properly translate over to the new format required. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.9.13 - March 15th, 2023

15 Mar 16:09
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  • Added: API > New pods_is_truthy() helper function helps validate truthy strings and handles null/bool/int/float variables too. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: API > New pods_is_falsey() helper function helps validate falsey strings and handles null/bool/int/float variables too. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Cache > Avoid clearing all caches when registering group configs via code. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Avatars > Resolve issues with avatars not showing up in certain circumstances and flush appropriate avatar field caches when changing avatar field value. #7025 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Deprecated: Components > The Builder Integration component is now officially deprecated and will be totally removed in Pods 3.1. (@sc0ttkclark) - March 12th, 2023

12 Mar 20:29
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  • Fixed: PHP > Fix potential PHP fatal in PHP 8+ with certain cached data when cache returns string instead of an expected array. (@sc0ttkclark) - March 10th, 2023

10 Mar 15:41
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  • Fixed: Components > Fix potential PHP fatal in PHP 8+ with the Translate Pods component. #7023 (@sc0ttkclark)

2.9.12 - March 9th, 2023

09 Mar 16:29
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  • Added: WP-CLI > Added a new wp pods tools flush-cache WP-CLI command to flush the Pods caches. To flushes caches for a specific Pod, use wp pods tools flush-cache --pod=your_pod (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: DFV > Introduce window.PodsDFV.detectForm() and window.PodsDFV.detectField() helper methods to normalize everything going into the DFV API. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: DFV > window.PodsDFV methods now accept null for pod, itemId, and formCounter values in various methods which will automatically detect+use the first pod, itemId, and formCounter on the screen. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: API > New PHP function pods_is_demo() will allow Pods to offer streamlined demos using the one-click WASM demo. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: API > New PHP function pods_clone_objects() and pods_clone_object() assist in cloning objects primarily used through callbacks. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: API > New PHP function pods_debug_log() allows for logging exception messages that do not need to be shown on the screen. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: API > New PHP function pods_get_item_object() allows for getting the WP object for an item based on the object type. This is similar to get_metadata() in WP core but as a general solution for any object. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: API > New Pods::has_rows() method can be used instead of Pods::total() to just check if there were any rows returned. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Pods Field Output > You can now traverse into the fields parent (Taxonomies) and post_parent (Post Types) as relationships like or post_parent.post_title. This also works for post_author. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Pods Field Output > You can now call post_thumbnail.title, post_thumbnail.caption, post_thumbnail.description, post_thumbnail.mime_type, post_thumbnail.alt_text, post_thumbnail.width, post_thumbnail.height, post_thumbnail.filesize, post_thumbnail.dimensions, post_thumbnail.filename, and post_thumbnail.extension, and image metadata using post_thumbnail.image_meta.copyright. This also works for other attachments. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Edit Field Modal > Added additional text below the Required option when editing a boolean field to clarify that only the "Yes" option counts as valid. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Pods Field Output > Added full $params from Pods::field() to the filters pods_data_map_field_values_custom, pods_data_map_field_values_map_value, and pods_data_map_field_values_map_value_pre_check. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Pods Field Output > Bypass mapping values when in the form context to prevent conflicts with Avatar fields and other fields. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Migration > Abstracted the migration process on first edit of a Pod to detect orphaned fields on future edits with a notice on the screen about the repair. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: API > Split up cache flushing method PodsAPI::cache_flush_pods() into a separate method PodsAPI::cache_flush_groups() and PodsAPI::cache_flush_fields() to more easily flush specific object types. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: API > Passing more context into pods_podsrel_enabled() usage for future iteration work on certain areas of the code. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Edit Field Modal > Attempt to auto-fix pick_object for display when it is set to "pod" but the real object is "post_type" or "taxonomy". #7007 (@sc0tkclark)
  • Fixed: Components > Fixed PHP warnings with the Translate Pods component (@JoryHogeveen)
  • Fixed: Pods Shortcode > Bypass showing the Pods Shortcode button on TinyMCE editors when on an Elementor edit screen. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Stats Opt-in > Don't show the opt-in message on Pods content screens, only show it on pages under the Pods Admin menu. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Relationship Modal > Updated CSS to prevent the modal from being narrow. #6996 (@pedromfm, @sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: DFV > Handle false values as null properly to prevent JS TypeErrors. #6963 (@sc0ttkclark, @spiderneo)
  • Fixed: API > Normalize object_type for PodsAPI::get_table_info(). #7007 (@sc0tkclark)
  • Fixed: API > Return 0 for {@user.ID} when logged out instead of null. #6979 (@jeiseman, @sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: API > Return empty string when user context used instead of null for certain fields. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: API > Use static cache for PodsMeta::groups_get() instead of static variable to allow flushing the groups cache. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Object Cache > When serializing Whatsit object, prevent serialized Closures being cached through Pods Alternative Cache. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Pods Field Output > Resolved issue with the fields parent (Taxonomies) and post_parent (Post Types) so they return the ID as they used to in previous Pods versions. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Pods Field Output > Resolve dot notation for attachments and post_thumbnail fields fallbacks when calling object fields like post_thumbnail.ID. #7005 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Bidirectional Relationships > Now using the correct related limit for bidirectional relationships instead of unlimited. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Admin Columns integration > Resolved PHP warning with substr() usage. #7014 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Pods Find Queries > References to .meta_value should always join the meta table when using a table-based Pod that supports meta-based storage. #7009 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: API > Fixed filter_by_date usage of sprintf() to prevent PHP warnings. #6980 (@sc0ttkclark) - January 23rd, 2023

23 Jan 17:29
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  • Fixed: PHP 5.6 compatibility has been restored after some PHP 7.0+ code came through from tribe-common library update in Pods 2.9.11. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Identified and resolved additional PHP 5.6 / PHP 7.0+ compatibility warnings in the Pods codebase. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Disabled the unnecessary Promoter authentication checks from tribe-common library. (@sc0ttkclark, @FabriSancho)

2.9.11 - January 19th, 2023

19 Jan 21:28
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  • Security: Fix nonce verification check when deleting a pod. Thanks to Rafshanzani Suhada for responsibly disclosing this through Patchstack (@0xshdax, @sc0ttkclark)
  • Compatibility: Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1+ (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Removed some of the jQuery dependency for Pods DFV, the only part that remains is jquery-ui-sortable for File fields (to be further refactored into React at a later point). (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Updated the tribe-common library which had an older version of JWT included. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Remove debug output on the Tools page when no actions needed to run. (@sc0ttkclark)