Test summary:
(pytest): Unit tests. These tests don't bring up any external processes../tests/schema_registry/*
(pytest): Tests related to Schema Registry that utilize a mock client and don't bring up any external processes../tests/avro/*
(pytest): Tests for the old Avro API. These tests don't bring up any external processes../tests/integration/integration_test.py
: Older integration tests, not built on pytest../tests/integration/*
, excludingintegration_test.py
(pytest): Integration tests that depend on Kafka../tests/system
: System tests../tests/soak
: Soak test.
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all command, file and directory references are relative to the repo's root directory.
A python3 env suitable for running tests:
$ python3 -m venv venv_test
$ source venv_test/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install .[tests]
When you're finished with it:
$ deactivate
"Unit" tests are the ones directly in the ./test
directory. These tests do
not require an active Kafka cluster.
You can run them selectively like so:
$ pytest -s -v tests/test_Producer.py
Or run them all with:
$ pytest -s -v tests/test_*.py
Note that the -v flag enables verbose output and -s flag disables capture of stderr and stdout (so that you see it on the console).
You can also use ./tests/run.sh to run the unit tests:
$ ./tests/run.sh unit
Integration tests are currently transitioning from one framework to another.
The original integration tests do not utilise pytest
and are all specified in ./test/integration_test.py
. These tests expect a Kafka cluster and Schema Registry instances to already be running.
The easiest way to arrange for this is:
And also:
source ./tests/docker/.env.sh
which sets environment variables referenced by ./tests/integration/testconf.json
You can then run the tests as follows:
python ./tests/integration/integration_test.py ./tests/integration/testconf.json
Or selectively using via specifying one or more options ("modes"). You can see all of these via:
python ./tests/integration/integration_test.py --help
The newer integration tests utilise pytest
and define the kafka_cluster
fixture (in ./tests/integration/conftest.py
) which uses trivup to bring up a Kafka Cluster and Schema Registry instance automatically.
You can run these tests selectively like so:
pytest -v -s ./tests/integration/consumer/test_consumer_error.py
If you would like to avoid creating / destroying a cluster each time you run a
test and you have a test cluster running, you can set the BROKERS environment
variable which will automatically make the integration tests use those brokers
as the bootstrap.servers
instead of creating a new cluster for each test
run, e.g.:
$ export BROKERS=localhost:9092
# SR_URL is optional and only required for Schema-registry tests
$ export SR_URL=http://localhost:1234/
If for some reason these tests aren't working, you can add 'debug': True
to the config property list in ./tests/integration/conftest.py
to debug the cause.
Note that the following error is benign:
tests/integration/consumer/test_consumer_error.py::test_consume_error [2020-12-02 12:09:15.649905] KafkaBrokerApp-2: Failed to set RLIMIT_NOFILE(9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807): current limit exceeds maximum limit
Tox can be used to test against various supported Python versions (py27, py36, py38):
You need to have tox installed:
pip install tox
Uncomment the following line in tox.ini
#python tests/integration/integration_test.py
From top-level directory run:
$ ./tests/run.sh tox