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sandal edited this page Oct 20, 2014 · 285 revisions

This page contains notes about features and fixes that will be shipped in future releases. For notes on already released Prawn versions, see our regular CHANGELOG.

Keep in mind that no decisions on these changes are final until we actually cut a release, but do try out new features and fixes and tell us what you think about them!

To be released in 1.4.0 (merged in master)

All decimals in PDF output are now rounded to a fixed precision of 4 decimal places

This should improve compatibility across viewers that do not support arbitrarily long decimal numbers, without effecting practical use at all. (A PDF point is 1/72 inch, so 0.0001 PDF point is a very, very small number).

This patch was added in response to certain PDFs on certain versions of Adobe Reader raising errors when viewed.

Fix text width calculation to prevent unnecessary soft hyphen

(Elaborate here)

Fix broken valign for center and bottom

(Elaborate here)

Note that because this has been broken for so long, folks may have assumed the original behavior was intentional. Check your code to see if you’ve been working around this issue, because if so it may cause breakage.

Calling dash(0) now raises an error instead of generating a corrupt PDF

Excess text returned by `text_box`, `formatted_text_box`, etc. is now returned as `UTF-8` instead of `Windows-1252`. (Not yet merged)

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