diff --git a/features/firstPartyData.md b/features/firstPartyData.md
index f6780a75ab..2d8f0abc3d 100644
--- a/features/firstPartyData.md
+++ b/features/firstPartyData.md
@@ -45,6 +45,60 @@ The Prebid First Party Data JSON structure reflects the OpenRTB standard.
- Fields that are meant to be standard [OpenRTB 2.5](https://www.iab.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/OpenRTB-API-Specification-Version-2-5-FINAL.pdf) should be in `ortb2.site` or `ortb2.user`. Specfically, the standard values for 'site' are: name, domain, cat, sectioncat, pagecat, page, ref, search, keywords. For 'user' these are: yob, gender, keywords.
- Segment taxonomy values go in `ortb2.site.content.data` or `ortb2.user.data` using the IAB standard representation.
+### Automatically collected first party data
+If not specified through any of the methods above, Prebid.js attempts to automatically fill a number of fields:
+{: .table .table-bordered .table-striped }
+| Field | Value | Notes |
+| `site.page` | Site URL, from `pageUrl` falling back to `location.href` | [`pageUrl` config](/dev-docs/publisher-api-reference/setConfig.md#setConfig-Page-URL) |
+| `site.ref` | `document.referrer` | |
+| `site.domain` | Domain portion of `site.page` | |
+| `site.keywords` | Contents of ``, if such a tag is present on the page | |
+| `site.publisher.domain` | Second level domain portion of `site.domain` | The second-level domain portion of `sub.example.publisher.com` is `publisher.com`|
+| `device.w` | Viewport width |
+| `device.h` | Viewport height |
+| `device.dnt` | Do Not Track setting | [Navigator.doNotTrack](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/doNotTrack) |
+| `device.language` | User's language | [Navigator.language](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/language) |
+| `device.ua` | User agent | [Navigator.userAgent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/userAgent) |
+| `device.sua` | User agent client hints | [uaHints config](#uaHints) |
+| `device.ext.webdriver`| `true` if the browser declares to be an automation tool | [Navigator.webdriver](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/webdriver) |
+| `device.ext.cdep`| Google Chrome cookie deprecation label | [Chrome-facilitated testing](https://developers.google.com/privacy-sandbox/setup/web/chrome-facilitated-testing) |
+| `regs.coppa` | COPPA Regulation flag | [COPPA config](/dev-docs/publisher-api-reference/setConfig.md#setConfig-coppa)
+| `regs.ext.gpc` | Global Privacy Control setting | [Navigator.globalPrivacyControl](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/globalPrivacyControl) |
+Publisher-provided first party data always takes precedence for all fields; you can also set `null` to disable them. For example, the following discards the automatically collected `device.keywords`:
+ ortb2: {
+ device: {
+ keywords: null
+ }
+ }
+#### User Agent client hints
+`device.sua` is populated with UA client hints retrieved from [`navigator.userAgentData`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/userAgentData). You can specify the list of hints using the `uaHints` option with [any available high entropy hint](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NavigatorUAData#returning_high_entropy_values):
+ firstPartyData: {
+ uaHints: [
+ 'platform',
+ // ...
+ ]
+ }
+If `uaHints` is set to an empty array or is not set, only low-entropy hints are used.
### Supplying Global Data
Here's how a publisher can let all bid adapters have access
@@ -134,8 +188,8 @@ pbjs.setConfig({
{: .alert.alert-warning :}
Note that supplying first party **user** data may require special
-consent in certain regions. Prebid.js does **not** police the passing
-of user data as part of its GDPR or CCPA modules.
+consent in certain regions. By default, Prebid's [gdprEnforcement](/dev-docs/modules/gdprEnforcement.html) module does **not** police the passing
+of user data, but can optionally do so if the `personalizedAds` rule is enabled.
{: .alert.alert-warning :}
If you're using PBJS version 4.29 or before, replace the following in the example above: 'ortb' with 'fpd', 'site' with 'context' and 'site.ext.data' with 'context.data'.