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How to run multiple pushgateway instances #466

Answered by beorn7
hota911 asked this question in Q&A
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tl:dr: Sadly, there is no good way of running multiple Pushgateway instances in a proper HA mode.


I guess you could just push to n Pushgateway instances, scrape them all, and then do some PromQL magic to extract the relevant metric. But this is quite specific to what you are querying and quite cumbersome.

Generally, the Pushgateway is meant for things like infrequently occurring batch jobs (e.g. your daily DB backup), for which you would set up merely ticketing alerts and not pages that wake someone up. In those cases, it's also OK to not make a broken Pushgateway a page-worthy issue. Then it's kind of OK to rely on K8s to replace a dead instance of the Pushgateway eventually, an…

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