- Nothing changed yet.
- Don't use formControls div to prevent modals bug.
- Moved sorting method to utility to make it easier to customize sort order.
- Add custom display widget for Plone 5.
- Add widget option for custom default language.
- Add option to remove existing languages for Plone 5.
- Don't depend on z3c.indexer which might only be used in pure Zope 3 applications.
- Fix unicode error in z3c.form data converter.
- Add custom widget template for Plone 5.
- Add __hash__ method to I18NDict.
- Add missing method definition for ILanguageAvailability interface.
- Add plone.registry persistent adapters.
- Add required Plone utilities.
- Allow for indexing of normal dict and other values as well as I18NDict.
- Better to iterate over the existing indices in case the available language configuration changes.
- Added en translation.
- Added translations (de, es).
- Provide the 'Add translation' value already translated (e.g. for JS).
- Return empty dict when value is None.
- Test for correct value types before we set any data.
- Correctly evaluate the bool value of the I18NDict when the field is required.
- When the fallback is the first value found, sort the values so that the result is consistent with each repeated call.
- Always return the super call instead of None when no sub-indices have been created yet.
- Add tests to cover the sort method with and without values.
- Initial release.