- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Fix custom fields in login items.
- Fix custom fields during autosave.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Support per-app language preference.
- Updated translations.
- Updated core libraries.
- Allow spaces on login username.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.
- User can change mailbox email.
- Screen closing on maximum pin attempts.
- Updated translations.
- Infinite loading on accepting empty vault invite
- Add reset history option.
- Allow adding multiple Pass lifetime accounts.
- Add toggle to disable improved autofill.
- Updated translations.
- Updated core libraries.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Fix incorrect password score during password generation.
- Update common library for passkeys improvements
- Bug fixes.
- Improve autofill.
- Advanced alias management.
- Support not primary accounts management.
- UI tweaks to improve internationalization support.
- Updated translations.
- Incorrect display of sync dialog.
- Item count redirects to items list.
- Avoid items loading delay on the home screen.
- Credit card expiration date history.
- UI tweaks in the password generator.
- Performance improvements.
- Exclude items with passkeys from missing 2FA check.
- Updated core libraries.
- Updated translations.
- Add SL aliases permanent removal warning.
- Passkey creation with multiaccount.
- Autofill on old Android versions.
- Improved autofill compatibility with third-party keyboards
- Add option to see pinned items during autofill.
- SL note sync.
- Some performance improvements.
- Updated translations.
- Autofill crash with an alias.
- Support multi-account autofill.
- Username field always display setting.
- Fixes on autofill.
- Fixed login items options.
- Fixed crash on secure links fetching.
- Improved username/email fields input behavior.
- Updated translations.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Revamped report screen
- Add new reset filters option
- Fixed alias detachment
- Select last used vault as default vault
- Updated translations.
- Updated core libraries.
- Issues when login with two-factor authentication.
- Updated translations.
- Issues when login with two-factor authentication.
- Updated translations.
- Crashes when editing an identity custom section.
- Crashes when removing an identity custom field.
- Autofill improvements.
- Extra password getting stuck during login.
- Updated translations.
- Updated dependencies.
- Fix linked apps item revision diffing.
- Fix sharing trashed item.
- Fix extra password crash.
- Updated core libraries.
- History item revisions diffing.
- Improved item syncing.
- Fixed migrated items secure links syncing.
- Improved passkey domain matching.
- Avoid username field auto-clear when attaching an alias.
- Improved user auth flow security.
- Solved formatted date display issues for some locales.
- UI tweaks.
- Updated core libraries.
- Updated translations.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Sync issues on password reset.
- Pinned items incorrect counting.
- Fixes Custom fields not opening.
- Improves clear clipboard.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
- Improve note scrolling.
- Updated translations.
- Bug fixes
- Alias mailboxes selector.
- Photo picker crash.
- React to sync errors on the UI
- Updated core libraries.
- Updated translations.
- Logout crashes.
- Pass monitor fixes and improvements.
- Autofill multistep improvements.
- Sync improvements.
- Vault switcher redesign.
- Create credit card shortcut on empty vault.
- Extend lock period if user is active.
- Updated translations.
- FDroid releases now don't bundle any telemetry library.
- Pass monitor fixes and improvements.
- Updated translations
- Pass monitor fixes and improvements.
- Crash in Dark web monitor screen.
- Include Pass Monitor.
- Do not include sentry in FDroid builds.
- Allow to select an alias suffix when there are many suffixes to pick from.
- Allow to delete data when logging out.
- Updated core libraries.
- Updated translations.
- Do not strip ports and paths when storing a URL.
- FDroid build issues.
- Updated translations.
- Improve passkey compatibility for QR-based flows.
- In some ocasions the app could show the trash options when accessing the app.
- Crashes when autofilling a newly created alias.
- Crashes when trying to add a passkey created by some apps.
- Updated translations.
- Improve passkey compatibility.
- Crash on some sync issue failures.
- Updated translations.
- Improve passkey compatibility.
- Add passkey support indicator.
- Show full passkey key id in the details screen.
- Updated translations.
- Updated dependencies.
- Enable passkey support.
- Performance improvements in the app's responsiveness.
- Improved error handling when trying to share a vault.
- Autofill will not try to autofill the "password" field of Proton Pass.
- Autofill will not ask for association if the website was already linked to the item.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the main list was not displaying the items.
- Updated translations.
- Updated dependencies.
- Bug in edit login that did not allow to remove a linked app.
- Remaining invite count sometimes didn't reflect the updated number.
- Add better support for future item attributes.
- Updated translations.
- Bug in custom fields that duplicated them when editing.
- Autofill item selection crash.
- Improved sync resiliency.
- Smooth UI animations for TOTP codes.
- Forced sync not removing old items.
- Incorrect warning when moving an item between vaults.
- Some UI issues.
- Updated translations.
- Invite multiple addresses during sharing.
- Email suggestions during sharing.
- Fix bottomsheet overlay incorrect behaviour.
- 2FA not being displayed for a free account.
- Persist user filtering preference.
- Increase default password length to 20.
- User can pin from the home screen.
- Add more logging to investigate deadlock.
- Add tutorial link to onboarding.
- Add manage account link.
- Add tutorial link.
- Fix pinning issues.
- Item pinning.
- Add adaptive icon.
- Item count mismatch between the search and the filters.
- Add monospace font to the password and otp fields.
- Support custom field search.
- Change CC expiration date format to YY.
- Updated translations.
- Add timeout to avoid leaving worker locked.
- Fix external account invites.
- Fixed PIN code bottom sheet behaviour when device orientation changes.
- Do not allow read only items being moved to trash.
- Onboarding tips improvements.
- Improved Alias title on Alias creation.
- Updated translations.
- Fix autofill suggestions for Chromium based browsers
- Added password strength indicator.
- Added share logs shortcut.
- Updated translations.
- Improve UX when autofilling credentials in potentially dangerous contexts.
- Update translations.
- Update dependencies.
- Fix error on user invite
- Bulk actions
- Display shared icons in Vault chooser list.
- Crash on some devices when opening the app.
- Add a default vault selector in the Settings screen.
- Add a new 3-dot menu in the main list.
- Item details not showing properly on some languages.
- Crash when editing custom fields.
- Autofill improvements.
- Update translations.
- Warning if the default browser doesn't support autofill.
- Search improvements.
- Autofill improvements.
- Update translations.
- Autofill crash on some devices.
- Stability fixes regarding custom fields.
- Autofill improvements.
- Password scorer in item detail.
- Stability fixes.
- Improve autofill and autosave.
- Update translations.
- Make camera not mandatory to install the app.
- Don't disable autofill on user logout.
- Improve autofill
- View Alias from Login detail screen.
- Crash on Regex used by autofill.
- Crash on wrong TOTP code from autofill.
- Change PIN button.
- Improve autofill
- Improved share item from detail
- Fix item actions in trash view
- Improve autofill
- Add DuckDuckGo to browser list
- Allow to share from item detail.
- New password generation implementation.
- Vault sharing not available in some cases.
- Improve error messages when an invite cannot be accepted.
- Updated translations.
- Get sharing ready.
- Refresh plan details on app startup.
- Improve email validation.
- Updated translations.
- Used the right address when the user has more than one address.
- Updated translations.
- Wording in some screens.
- Alias mailboxes can be edited again.
- Updated translations.
- Add context to cryptographic signatures.
- Updated dependencies.
- Allow to copy note contents to clipboard from note detail screen.
- Use the new common library for validations.
- Improved scroll responsiveness.
- Display proper plan name in the account screen.
- Home screen getting stuck on account creation.
- Updated translations.
- Updated dependencies.
- Crash when clearing the clipboard on some devices.
- Crash when disabling autofill on older devices.
- Search on long notes.
- Updating the vault name in another client now gets reflected on Android.
- Improved username detection in autofill.
- Fixed compatibility with 2FA codes stored in other clients.
- Clearing the clipboard after some time.
- Other minor bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.
- Add button to re-enter PIN / biometry in the Master password screen.
- Crash on Autosave.
- Improved the app responsiveness while writing.
- Improved the item sync and initial item download with a new UI.
- 2FA QR scanner now detects the TOTP data properly.
- Updated translations