Provides standard math functions.
The following statement may be used to import the math library:
import math;
Name | Description |
seed_random | Seed the random number generator using system time |
get_random | Get a random integer |
int_to_double | Convert an integer to a double |
double_to_int | Convert a double to an integer |
int_to_long | Convert an integer to a long |
long_to_int | Convert a long to an integer |
long_to_double | Convert a long to a double |
double_to_long | Convert a double to a long |
absolute_value | Convert an integer, long, or double to its absolute value |
sqrt | Get the square root of an integer, long, or double |
log10 | Get the common logarithm an integer, long, or double |
ceil | Get the least value not less than an integer, long, or double |
round | Get the nearest integer, long, or double |
floor | Get theleast of an integer, long, or double |
sin | Compute the sine of an integer, long, or double |
cos | Compute the cosine of an integer, long, or double |
tan | Compute the tangent of an integer, long, or double |
get_pi | Returns pi approximation 3.141592653589793 |
set_precision | Set the fixed standard output precision |
exp | Computes Euler's number raised to the given integer, long, or double |
call seed_random;
int rand;
call get_random -> rand;
int iToD = 5;
double tempDouble;
call int_to_double : iToD -> tempDouble;
int dToI = -1;
double tempDouble;
call double_to_int : tempDouble -> dToI;
int toLong = 12345;
long l;
call int_to_long : toLong -> l;
long toInt = 349674032692;
int i;
call long_to_int : toInt -> i;
long toDouble = 122334;
double d;
call long_to_double : toDouble -> d;
double toLong = 3.14;
long l;
call double_to_long : toLong -> l;
double toLong = -3.14;
long l;
call absolute_value : toLong -> l;
double value = 4;
double l;
call sqrt : value -> l;
double value = 100;
double l;
call log10 : value -> l;
double value = 100.5;
double l;
call ceil : value -> l;
double value = 100.5;
double l;
call round : value -> l;
double value = 100.5;
double l;
call floor : value -> l;
double value = 100;
double l;
call sin : value -> l;
double value = 100;
double l;
call cos : value -> l;
double value = 100;
double l;
call tan : value -> l;
double pi_val = 0;
call get_pi -> pi_val;
int precision = 17;
call set_precision : precision;
double val = 1.6;
call exp : val -> val;