Provides standard regular expression functions. For Concert versions 8.0+.
The following statement may be used to import the regex library:
import regex;
Name | Description |
regex_search | Search for all matches of a regular expression in a string. |
regex_match | Check if string matches regular expression. |
regex_replace | Replace all occurrences of regular expression in string. |
The first argument is the name of the object variable to create. The object variable will contain a string array named data
and an int count named length
which indicates how long data
string data = "(Speed:366 Mass:35 Speed:378 Mass:32";
string regex = "(Speed:\d*)";
call regex_search : "result", data, regex;
println result.length;
println[0],[1], " done.";
int x = 0;
while x < result.length[0];
x += 1;
Will return 1 if there was an exact match, or 0 if there was no exact match.
int match;
string data2 = "subject";
string regex2 = "(sub)(.*)";
call regex_match : data2, regex2 -> match;
string r1 = "there is a subsequence in the string\n";
string r2 = "\b(sub)([^ ]*)";
string r3;
string r4 = "sub-$2";
call regex_replace : r1, r2, r4 -> r3;
println r3;