Provides standard string functions.
The following statement may be used to import the string library:
import string;
Name | Description |
substring | Return a substring |
find | Find the index of a substring |
contains | Check the existence of a substring |
length | Return the length |
to_int | Convert to an integer type |
to_double | Convert to a double type |
char_at | Return the character at an index |
wchar_at | Return the wchar at an index |
char_to_string | Convert a character, stored in an integer, to a string |
wchar_to_string | Convert a wchar, stored in an integer, to a string |
int_to_string | Convert an integer to a string |
double_to_string | Convert a double to a string |
wchar_to_int | Convert a wchar to an integer |
to_lower_case | Convert a string to lower case |
to_upper_case | Convert a string to upper case |
string SUBSTRING_TEST_STRING = "This is a test string.";
string testSubstring;
call substring : SUBSTRING_TEST_STRING, 0, 4 -> testSubstring;
string FIND_TEST_STRING = "This is a test string.";
int findResult = -1;
call find : FIND_TEST_STRING, "a" -> findResult;
string CONTAINS_TEST_STRING = "This is a test string.";
int containsResult;
call contains : CONTAINS_TEST_STRING, "This" -> containsResult;
string LENGTH_TEST_STRING = "This is a test string.";
int testStringLength = -1;
call length : LENGTH_TEST_STRING -> testStringLength;
string firstChar = "?";
int charInt = -1;
call to_int : firstChar -> charInt;
string sToD = "2.718";
tempDouble = -1.0;
call to_double : sToD -> tempDouble;
string CHAR_AT_TEST_STRING = "This is a test string.";
string firstChar = "?";
call wchar_at : CHAR_AT_TEST_STRING, 0 -> firstChar;
int byte;
string char;
call char_to_string : byte -> char;
int wchar;
string char;
call wchar_to_string : wchar -> char;
int iToS = 234;
string tempString = "?";
call int_to_string : iToS -> tempString;
double dToS = 3.14;
tempString = "?";
call double_to_string : dToS -> tempString;
string firstChar = "?";
int charInt = -1;
call wchar_to_int : firstChar -> charInt;
string toLower = "ABCdefGHI";
call to_lower_case : toLower -> toLower;
string toUpper = "abcDEFghi";
call to_upper_case : toUpper -> toUpper;