WARNING This file is deprecated. And will soon be removed. Leaving our swagger instance to be the complete standard in the Pulsar backend API documentation.
A non-essential endpoint, returning a status message, and the server version.
OAuth Callback URL. Other details TBD.
OAuth Callback URL. Other details TDB.
Pat Token Signup URL.
List all packages.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- page (optional)
| Location:query
| Defaults:1
- Indicate the page number to return.
- sort (optional)
| Location:query
| Defaults:downloads
| Valid:[downloads, created_at, updated_at, stars]
- The method to sort the returned pacakges by.
- direction (optional)
| Defaults:desc
| Valid:[desc, asc]
- Which direction to list the results. If sorting by stars, can only be sorted by desc.
- service (optional)
- A service to filter results by.
- serviceType (optional)
| Valid:[provided, consumed]
- The service type to filter results by. Must be supplied if a service is provided.
- serviceVersion (optional)
- An optional (when providing a service) version to filter results by.
- fileExtension (optional)
- The file extension to filter all results by. Must be just the file extension without any
- The file extension to filter all results by. Must be just the file extension without any
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
Returns a list of all packages. Paginated 30 at a time. Links to the next and last pages are in the 'Link' Header.
Publishes a new Package.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- repository (required)
| Location:query
- The repository containing the plugin, in the form 'owner/repo'.
- Authentication (required)
| Location:header
- A valid Atom.io token, in the 'Authorization' Header.
HTTP Status Code: 201
Type: [application/json]
Successfully created, return created package.
HTTP Status Code: 400 Bad Request
Type: [application/json]
Repository is inaccessible, nonexistant, not an atom package. Could be different errors returned.
{ "message": "That repo does not exist, ins't an atom package, or atombot does not have access." }, { "message": "The package.json at owner/repo isn't valid." }
HTTP Status Code: 409 Conflict
Type: [application/json]
A package by that name already exists.
Previously Undocumented endpoint. Used to return featured packages from all existing packages.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
An array of packages similar to /api/packages endpoint.
Searches all Packages.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want.
- q (required)
| Location:query
- Search query.
- page (optional)
| Location:query
- The page of search results to return.
- sort (optional)
| Location:query
| Defaults:relevance
| Valid:[downloads, created_at, updated_at, stars]
- Method to sort the results.
- direction (optional)
| Location:query
| Defaults:desc
| Valid:[asc, desc]
- Direction to list search results.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
Same format as listing packages, additionally paginated at 30 items.
Show package details.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required)
| Location:path
- The name of the package to return details for. URL escaped.
- engine (optional)
| Location:query
- Only show packages compatible with this Atom version. Must be valid SemVer.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
Returns package details and versions for a single package.
Delete a package.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required)
| Location:path
- The name of the package to delete.
- Authorization (required)
| Location:header
- A valid Atom.io token, in the 'Authorization' Header.
HTTP Status Code: 204 No Content
Type: [application/json]
Successfully deleted package. Returns No Content.
HTTP Status Code: 400 Bad Request
Type: [application/json]
Repository is inaccessible.
{ "message": "Respository is inaccessible." }
HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
Type: [application/json]
Star a package.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required)
| Location:path
- The name of the package to star.
- Authorization (required)
| Location:header
- A valid Atom.io token, in the 'Authorization' Header
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
Returns the package that was stared.
Unstar a package, requires authentication.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- Authentication (required)
| Location:header
- Atom Token, in the Header Authentication Item
- packageName (required)
| Location:path
- The package name to unstar.
HTTP Status Code: 201
An empty response to convey successfully unstaring a package.
List the users that have starred a package.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required) | Location:
- The package name to check for users stars.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
A list of user Objects.
[ { "login": "aperson" }, { "login": "anotherperson" } ]
Creates a new package version. If rename
is not true
, the name
field in package.json
must match the current package name.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required) | Location:
- The Package to modify.
- rename (optional) | Location:
- Boolean indicating whether this version contains a new name for the package.
- auth (required) | Location:
- A valid Atom.io API token, to authenticate with Github.
HTTP Status Code: 201
Successfully created. Returns created version.
HTTP Status Code: 400 Bad Request
Git tag not found / Repository inaccessible / package.json invalid.
Returns package.json
with dist
key added for tarball download.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required) | Location:
- The package name we want to access
- versionName (required) | Location:
- The Version we want to access.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
The package.json
modified as explainged in the endpoint description.
Deletes a package version. Note once a version is deleted, that same version should not be reused again.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- Authentication (required) | Location:
- The Authentication header containing a valid Atom Token
- packageName (required) | Location:
- The package name to check for the version to delete.
- versionName (required) | Location:
- The Package Version to actually delete.
HTTP Status Code: 204 No Content
Indicates a successful deletion.
Previously undocumented endpoint. Seems to allow for installation of a package. This is not currently implemented.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required) | Location:
- The package we want to download.
- versionName (required) | Location:
- The package version we want to download.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
The tarball data for the user to then be able to install.
Previously undocumented endpoint. BETA: Decreases the packages download count, by one. Indicating an uninstall.
- packType (required)
| Location:path
| Valid:[packages, themes]
- The Package Type you want to request.
- packageName (required) | Location:
- The name of the package to modify.
- versionName (required) | Location:
- This value is within the original spec. But has no use in its current implementation.
- auth (required) | Location:
- Valid Atom.io token.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Returns JSON ok: true
List a user's starred packages.
- login (required)
- The username of who to list their stars.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Return value is similar to GET /api/packages
HTTP Status Code: 404 Not Found
If the login does not exist, a 404 is returned.
Display details of the currently authenticated user.
- auth (required)
| Location:header
- Authorization Header of valid User Account Token.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
The return Details of the User Account.
Display the details of any user, as well as the packages they have published.
- login (required)
| Location:path
- The User of which to collect the details of.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
The returned details of a specific user, along with the packages they have published.
List the authenticated user's starred packages.
- auth (required)
| Location:header
- Authorization Header of valid Atom.io Token.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
Return value similar to GET /api/packages, an array of package objects.
List Atom Updates.
HTTP Status Code: 200 OK
Type: [application/json]
Atom update feed, following the format expected by Squirrel.