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EventBridge replaces default CPU/Memory on Override to ECS #5253

quinnjr opened this issue Feb 28, 2025 · 3 comments

EventBridge replaces default CPU/Memory on Override to ECS #5253

quinnjr opened this issue Feb 28, 2025 · 3 comments
awaiting-upstream The issue cannot be resolved without action in another repository (may be owned by Pulumi). kind/bug Some behavior is incorrect or out of spec


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quinnjr commented Feb 28, 2025

Describe what happened

EventBridge invocations of ECS tasks are overriding the CPU/Memory configurations of the container being invoke on ECS with defaults of 0 CPU and 0 Memory unless specifically non-defaulted in the EventBridge configuration.

Sample program

EventBridge pipe:

      this.pipe = new aws.pipes.Pipe(
          name: generateNameTag('level-zero-pipe'),
          roleArn: this.pipeRole.arn,
          source: args.queues.levelZeroQueue!.arn,
          target: args.ecs.recordbossCluster!.arn,
          sourceParameters: {
            sqsQueueParameters: {
              batchSize: 1
          targetParameters: {
            ecsTaskParameters: {
              taskDefinitionArn: args.ecs.levelZeroTaskDefinition!.arn,
              taskCount: 1,
              launchType: 'FARGATE',
              platformVersion: 'LATEST',
              networkConfiguration: {
                awsVpcConfiguration: {
                  assignPublicIp: 'DISABLED',
                  subnets: [
                  securityGroups: []
              overrides: {
                containerOverrides: [
                    name: generateNameTag('ecs-level-zero-container'),
                    cpu: 2048, // Must specify or defaults to 0
                    memory: 12288, // Must specify or defaults to 0
                    environments: [
                        name: 'SQS_MESSAGE',
                        value: '$.body'
            inputTemplate: JSON.stringify({
              containerOverrides: [
                  name: generateNameTag('ecs-level-zero-container'),
                  environment: [
                      name: 'SQS_MESSAGE',
                      value: '<$.body>'
          logConfiguration: {
            includeExecutionDatas: ['ALL'],
            level: 'INFO',
            cloudwatchLogsLogDestination: {
              logGroupArn: args.ecs.levelZeroLogGroup!.arn
          tags: {
          parent: this,
          dependsOn: [

ECS Task Definition:

this.containerDefinition = {
        name: generateNameTag('ecs-level-zero-container'),
        image: `${environment === 'production' ? 'latest' : 'develop'}`,
        essential: true,
        cpu: 2048,
        memory: 12288,
        portMappings: [
            containerPort: 80,
            hostPort: 80,
            protocol: 'tcp'
            containerPort: 443,
            hostPort: 443,
            protocol: 'tcp'
            containerPort: 3306,
            hostPort: 3306,
            protocol: 'tcp'
            containerPort: 5432,
            hostPort: 5432,
            protocol: 'tcp'
        logConfiguration: {
          logDriver: 'awslogs',
          options: {
            'awslogs-group': '/ecs/recordboss/level-zero',
            'awslogs-region': aws.config.requireRegion(),
            'awslogs-stream-prefix': 'ecs'
        environment: [
            name: 'ENVIRONMENT',
            value: environment
            name: 'AWS_REGION',
            value: aws.config.requireRegion()
            name: 'S3_BUCKET',
            value: generateNameTag('files')
            name: 'SQS_MESSAGE',
            value: ''
            name: 'DB_NAME',
            value: 'recordboss'
        secrets: [
            name: 'DB_PASSWORD',
            valueFrom: `arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:947723167413:parameter/${environment}/database/password`
            name: 'DB_USERNAME',
            valueFrom: `arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:947723167413:parameter/${environment}/database/username`
            name: 'DB_HOST',
            valueFrom: `arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:947723167413:parameter/${environment}/database/url`

      this.taskDefinition = new aws.ecs.TaskDefinition(
          family: generateNameTag('ecs-level-zero'),
          cpu: this.containerDefinition.cpu.toString(),
          memory: this.containerDefinition.memory.toString(),
          networkMode: 'awsvpc',
          requiresCompatibilities: ['FARGATE'],
          executionRoleArn: this.taskExecRole.arn,
          taskRoleArn: this.taskRole.arn,
          trackLatest: true,
          runtimePlatform: {
            cpuArchitecture: 'ARM64'
          ephemeralStorage: {
            sizeInGib: 40
          containerDefinitions: pulumi
            .all([this.containerDefinition, aws.config.requireRegion()])
            .apply(([container, region]) => {
              const resolvedContainer = {
                logConfiguration: {
                  options: {
                    'awslogs-region': region
                environment: => {
                  return env;
              return JSON.stringify([resolvedContainer]);

Log output

No log output is given, but the override on the container definition in the EventBridge pipe shows 0 on CPU/Memory if defaults are not set.

Affected Resource(s)

No response

Output of pulumi about

Version 3.153.0
Go Version go1.23.6
Go Compiler gc

resource aws 6.66.2
resource awsx 2.19.0
resource docker 4.5.8
resource docker 3.6.1
resource grafana 0.4.2
language nodejs 3.153.0
resource random 4.16.8

OS ubuntu
Version 22.04
Arch x86_64

This project is written in nodejs: executable='/home/joseph/.local/share/nvm/versions/node/v22.13.1/bin/node' version='v22.13.1'

User jquinn
Organizations jquinn, recordboss
Token type personal

ts-node 10.9.2
uuid 9.0.1
@pulumi/aws 6.66.2
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 8.19.1
@typescript-eslint/parser 8.19.1
eslint-plugin-unicorn 55.0.0
husky 9.1.7
typescript 5.7.2
@pulumi/awsx 2.19.0
@types/node 20.17.12
eslint-config-prettier 9.1.0
eslint-plugin-prettier 5.2.1
eslint 9.17.0
@aws-sdk/client-rds-data 3.723.0
@pulumi/pulumi 3.145.0
@types/aws-sdk 2.7.4
lint-staged 15.3.0
@pulumi/random 4.16.8
@pulumiverse/grafana v0.4.2
aws-sdk 2.1692.0
prettier 3.4.2

Pulumi locates its logs in /tmp by default

Additional context

No response


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@quinnjr quinnjr added kind/bug Some behavior is incorrect or out of spec needs-triage Needs attention from the triage team labels Feb 28, 2025
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Hey @quinnjr, thanks for reporting and sorry you've hit this.

Can you please provide a self-contained program which reproduces the issue? That'd help us a lot in narrowing down the cause. The code excerpts look like they might be part of a component.

@VenelinMartinov VenelinMartinov added awaiting-feedback Blocked on input from the author needs-repro Needs repro steps before it can be triaged or fixed and removed needs-triage Needs attention from the triage team labels Mar 3, 2025
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quinnjr commented Mar 10, 2025

import aws from '@pulumi/aws';

const queue = new aws.sqs.Queue('test-queue', {
  name: 'test-queue',
  visibilityTimeoutSeconds: 60,
  fifoQueue: true,
  contentBasedDeduplication: true,
  sqsManagedSseEnabled: true

const taskRole = new aws.iam.Role('task-role', {
  assumeRolePolicy: JSON.stringify({
    Version: '2012-10-17',
    Statement: [{
      Action: 'sts:AssumeRole',
      Effect: 'Allow',
      Principal: {
        Service: ''

new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment('task-role-policy', {
  policyArn: aws.iam.ManagedPolicy.AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy,
  role: taskRole

const containerDefinition = {
  name: 'test',
  image: 'foobar',
  essential: true,
  portMappings: [
      containerPort: 80,
      hostPort: 80,
      protocol: 'tcp'
      containerPort: 443,
      hostPort: 443,
      protocol: 'tcp'
  environment: [
      name: 'SQS_MESSAGE',
      value: ''
  memory: 2048,
  cpu: 1024

const taskDefinition = new aws.ecs.TaskDefinition('test', {
  family: 'test',
  cpu: '1024',
  memory: '2048',
  networkMode: 'awsvpc',
  requiresCompatibilities: ['FARGATE'],
  trackLatest: true,
  containerDefinitions: JSON.stringify([containerDefinition]),
  executionRoleArn: taskRole.arn

const cluster = new aws.ecs.Cluster('test');

const eventRole = new aws.iam.Role('event-role', {
  assumeRolePolicy: aws.iam.assumeRolePolicyForPrincipal({
    Service: ''

new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment('event-role-policy', {
  policyArn: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceEventsRole',
  role: eventRole

const pipeRole = new aws.iam.Role('pipe-role', {
  assumeRolePolicy: aws.iam.assumeRolePolicyForPrincipal({
    Service: ''

new aws.iam.RolePolicy('pipe-role-policy', {
  role: pipeRole,
  policy: JSON.stringify({
    Version: '2012-10-17',
    Statement: [
        Effect: 'Allow',
        Action: [
        Resource: '*'
        Effect: 'Allow',
        Action: ['ecs:RunTask'],
        Resource: taskDefinition.arn,
        Condition: {
          ArnEquals: {
            'ecs:cluster': cluster.arn
        Effect: 'Allow',
        Action: ['iam:PassRole'],
        Resource: '*'

const pipe = new aws.pipes.Pipe('test-pipe', {
  roleArn: pipeRole.arn,
  source: queue.arn,
  target: cluster.arn,
  sourceParameters: {
    sqsQueueParameters: {
      batchSize: 1
  targetParameters: {
    ecsTaskParameters: {
      taskDefinitionArn: taskDefinition.arn,
      taskCount: 1,
      launchType: 'FARGATE',
      platformVersion: '1.4.0',
      overrides: {
        containerOverrides: [
            environments: [
                name: 'SQS_MESSAGE',
                value: 'test'
    inputTemplate: JSON.stringify({
      containerOverrides: [
          environment: [
              name: 'SQS_MESSAGE',
              value: '<$.body>'

@pulumi-bot pulumi-bot added needs-triage Needs attention from the triage team and removed awaiting-feedback Blocked on input from the author labels Mar 10, 2025
@corymhall corymhall added awaiting-upstream The issue cannot be resolved without action in another repository (may be owned by Pulumi). and removed needs-repro Needs repro steps before it can be triaged or fixed needs-triage Needs attention from the triage team labels Mar 11, 2025
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@quinnjr thanks for the repro. It looks like this is a bug with the upstream provider.


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awaiting-upstream The issue cannot be resolved without action in another repository (may be owned by Pulumi). kind/bug Some behavior is incorrect or out of spec
None yet

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4 participants