title | sidebar_position | id |
Development |
7 |
development |
Please checkout the source tree from https://github.com/apache/incubator-fury.
cd java
mvn clean compile -DskipTests
- java 1.8+
- maven 3.6.3+
cd python
pip install pyarrow==14.0.0 Cython wheel numpy pytest
pip install -v -e .
- python 3.6+
Build fury row format:
pip install pyarrow==14.0.0
bazel build //cpp/fury/row:fury_row_format
Build fury row format encoder:
pip install pyarrow==14.0.0
bazel build //cpp/fury/encoder:fury_encoder
- compilers with C++17 support
- bazel 6.3.2
cd go/fury
# run test
go test -v
# run xlang test
go test -v fury_xlang_test.go
- go 1.13+
cd rust
# build
cargo build
# run test
cargo test
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
cd javascript
npm install
# run build
npm run build
# run test
npm run test
- node 14+
- npm 8+