In this document I will periodically link to man pages. I reference them
locally with erl -man <module>
, but they are also available online. I
recently figured out how to get a list of the man pages. That's impressive
because the site is confusing.
Go to
in the top nav. -
Erlang/OTP Documentation
.Incidentally, in the description text for this link, there's another link to a different version: 'Searchable in the right column'. I don't ever use this because the search is in a frame and the main window's link doesn't update. If I want to link to it, I have to then jump through hoops.
Just under the logo, there's a Modules link. That's it!
When I create files from this literate document, I'm going to output them in
the code
directory. This is the first time I'm doing that and the reason is
that the literate program should take priority. I don't want the literate
program mixed up with its output anymore.
Of course, I broke that rule with the development environment document, but whatever.
will be a program that monitors the response codes of web sites. This is
a demo application to get me more familiar with supervision trees. The tree
will look like:
Application (callback module is `mon_app`)
Supervisor (callback module is `mon_sup`)
v v v v v
Mon API Worker 1 Worker 2 ... Worker N
The mon API and worker nodes will be gen_server
s because I don't know what
else they should be. The OTP design principles lists the standard OTP
behaviors; none seem appropriate. The workers will have unimplemented functions
but this also seems typical in Erlang. I think it's okay because there's not
a lot of ceremony around these functions (they usually look like whatever(_) -> ok.
. Anyway...
When you run application:start(mon).
, the application
module searches the
code path for a [][]
file. The mod
specified therein is called 'the
application callback module'.
(When working with rebar
or other Erlang build tools, an .app.src
is put in
the src
directory and copied into ebin
when the code is compiled. I don't
think it's a big deal to check in a .app
into the ebin directory under source
{application, mon,
[{mod, {mon_app, []}}]}.
The application module starts a master process and runs the start/2
in the callback module.
% This file was generated from the in the root of this repository.
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
start(_Start_type, _Start_args) ->
<<Start applications required by the HTTP client.>>
stop(_State) ->
All this module does is start the supervisor which is named, also by
convention, mon_sup
After I've got the worker processes running, I'll start applications required by the HTTP client.
% This file was generated from the in the root of this repository.
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
init([]) ->
{ok, {
<<mon restart strategy>>
<<mon child spec>>
This module is a 'supervisor callback module', which only needs to define an
function. The start_link/0
function is not a part of the supervisor
behavior and seems like a pointless abstraction to me. However, it seems to be
a convention and I will follow it. (mon_app:start/2
could just run
supervisor:start_link({local, mon_sup}, mon_sup, [])
. Perhaps the usage of
makes it easier to refactor...)
When this function is called it
Creates a supervisor process as part of a supervision tree. The function will, among other things, ensure that the supervisor is linked to the calling process (its supervisor).
In this case, the application process is the calling process.
When you're wondering about what functions a callback module should support,
you can check the bottom of the man page for that module under CALLBACK FUNCTIONS
. Here's the supervisor man page.
The init
function returns the restart strategy and child spec. This is the
restart strategy.
#{strategy => one_for_one,
intensity => 10,
period => 1}
The one_for_one
strategy means that if a child process dies, only that one
process is restarted. (The one_for_all
strategy will kill and restart all the
children.) The intensity and period of restarts I selected is random. It
instructs OTP to shut down the children and their supervisor if more than ten
restarts happen in one second.
The following is the child spec. The id
is used internally by the supervisor.
The start
value is a module-function-arguments
tuple. You can specify
a type
, which can be worker
or supervisor
; I don't remember the details,
but it affects how the process is handled when it's killed. The mon
will be a gen_server
, so I'll use the default value of worker
[#{id => mon,
start => {mon, start_link, []}}]
Our process has been started by the supervisor. In the following block of code,
only the start_link/0
, init/1
and handle_call/3
are used.
% This file was generated from the in the root of this repository.
<<mon exports>>,
% Supervisor `start` function.
% gen_server callbacks
% Unused gen_server callbacks.
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
init([]) ->
{ok, []}.
handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
case Request of
<<mon calls>>
_ ->
{noreply, State}
% Unused gen_server callbacks.
handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_Old_version, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
<<mon functions>>
There's three code sections defined above. The <<mon exports>>
section is
where exported functions are defined; the trailing comma means that any lines
I append to the section will end in a comma. The <<mon calls>>
is inside
a case statement and is where I'll match calls from gen_server:call
. Finally,
the <<mon functions>>
section is where I'll define the mon API functions.
This is the real power of a literate program. The compiler needs code in various places inside the file, but having related code grouped together helps humans understand.
This is my first usage of the three code sections defined in the mon
They will be used to add behavior to the mon
process. The exported functions
will all be similar in that they will simply pass on arguments to
. The handle sections are embedded inside that case
statement above. The only bit of context I need to remember is that the State
is a list of the names of started worker
watch(Url) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {watch, Url}).
{watch, Url} ->
Name = list_to_atom(Url),
Ret = supervisor:start_child(mon_sup, #{id => Name,
start => {worker, start_link, [Name, Url]}}),
case Ret of
{ok, _} ->
{reply, ok, [Name | State]};
{ok, _, _} ->
{reply, ok, [Name | State]};
{error, {already_started, _}} ->
{reply, already_started, State};
{error, Reason} ->
{reply, Reason, State}
This establishes a facet of the worker
module. It needs a start_link/2
function that uses the given name when registering with the supervisor. In the
module, I was able to use the ?MODULE
macro as the name of the process.
That was okay because it was a globally unique name. I'll have many worker
processes, each with their own name.
Workers will also be a gen_server
because it's the most generic OTP behavior.
I'll have the same unused functions as in mon
. That's kind of not cool, so
I'm not sure if it's correct. I know Elixir added a couple even more generic
behaviors. I think they call them 'events' and 'tasks' or something. I wonder
if I could add something like that...
One thing I'll do differently is that, since the mon
module is the API
I won't bother writing the same sort of API for the worker processes. I'll just
write gen_server:call
s in the mon
module so that I'll only need to augment
in this module.
% This file was generated from the in the root of this repository.
% Supervisor `start` function.
% gen_server callbacks
% Unused gen_server callbacks.
start_link(Name, Url) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, [Name, Url], []).
init([Name, Url]) ->
{ok, Timer} = timer:apply_interval(10000, gen_server, call, [Name, heartbeat]),
{ok, #{name => Name,
timer => Timer,
url => Url,
last_status => "Waiting on first heartbeat."}}.
handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
case Request of
<<worker calls>>
_ ->
{noreply, State}
terminate(_Reason, #{timer := Timer}) ->
% Unused gen_server callbacks.
handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
code_change(_Old_version, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
Check out that init
function -- the timer:apply_interval
is the heart beat
for this process. (It's cancelled in the terminate
function.) The state
this module is a map with the name of the running process, a reference to the
If this were a real application, I wouldn't do that dumb heartbeat. What happens if a response takes longer than the length of the heartbeat? Also, if the target site goes down, I'd want to implement exponential back off. For now it's this shit.
ok = application:ensure_started(asn1),
ok = application:ensure_started(crypto),
ok = application:ensure_started(public_key),
ok = application:ensure_started(ssl),
ok = application:ensure_started(inets),
Now I can request a web page and store the status code.
heartbeat ->
#{url := Url} = State,
Status = case httpc:request(Url) of
{error, Reason} ->
io_lib:format("httpc error: ~p", [Reason]);
{ok, {{_Http_version, Status_code, Status_name}, _Headers, _Body}} ->
io_lib:format("~B ~s", [Status_code, Status_name]);
{ok, {Status_code, _Body}} ->
{ok, Request_id} ->
io_lib:format("Why did I get a request ID (~p)?", [Request_id])
{noreply, maps:put(last_status, Status, State)};
has three different return values. At a glance I couldn't
determine why it would return a 'request id', so I updated the status with
a representation of whatever it is.
Now I'm going to rocks your socks off. With this literate program, I can always
append to a section. Any sections with the same name are concatenated. That
means that I can add features to both the mon
and worker
modules in the
same place.
The mon export.
The mon API function.
status(Url) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {status, Url}).
Handling the mon call.
{status, Url} ->
Name = list_to_atom(Url),
{reply, gen_server:call(Name, status), State};
Returning the status from the worker.
status ->
#{last_status := Status} = State,
{reply, Status, State};
The mon process state is a list of all the process names of the workers. What I'd like to do is loop through them and print the process name and its current status.
First export the API function.
Then wrap the gen_server.
status() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, status).
And then loop through them and print.
status ->
lists:map(fun (Name) ->
io:format("~s: ~s~n", [Name, gen_server:call(Name, status)])
{reply, ok, State};
Now you can use mon:status().
to get a list of the last status code for all
You'll want to stop watching sites that you've added.
rm(Url) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rm, Url}).
{rm, Url} ->
Name = list_to_atom(Url),
supervisor:terminate_child(mon_sup, Name),
{reply, ok, lists:delete(Name, State)};
First you should build the Docker images with:
Then you can run the shell. (The build
and shell
scripts are described in
the development environment.)
$ ./shell
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Changed: ["",""]
Eshell V7.1 (abort with ^G)
1> Compile: ./code/src/mon.erl
Reloading: mon
Compile: ./code/src/worker.erl
Reloading: worker
Compile: ./code/src/mon_sup.erl
Reloading: mon_sup
Compile: ./code/src/mon_app.erl
Reloading: mon_app
Site1 = "", Site2 = "", Site3 = "This isn't a URL.".
"This isn't a URL."
2> application:start(mon).
3> mon:watch(Site1), mon:watch(Site2), mon:watch(Site3).
4> mon:status().
This isn't a URL.: Waiting on first heartbeat. Waiting on first heartbeat. Waiting on first heartbeat.
5> % Waiting ten seconds.
5> mon:status().
This isn't a URL.: httpc error: no_scheme 418 I'M A TEAPOT 200 OK
6> mon:rm(Site3).
7> mon:status(). 418 I'M A TEAPOT 200 OK
8> mon:status(Site2).
["418",32,"I'M A TEAPOT"]
9> application:stop(mon).
=INFO REPORT==== 10-Dec-2015::05:51:29 ===
application: mon
exited: stopped
type: temporary
I should be able to use names and configure parameters in the workers.
should look more like
mon:watch(google, "", #{frequency => 10 * 60 * 1000})
I should be able to check things other than the status code. This could be
different types of worker modules, like worker_grep
that looks inside the
body of the page. Then the supervisor will watch processes of mon
, worker
and/or worker_grep
Or maybe the request comparison is done with a callback. Then mon:watch
look like
mon:watch(google, "", #{frequency => 10 * 60 * 1000,
checker => {my_status_checkers, grep, []}})
With a module like
grep(<httpc:request response>) ->
Shouldn't I be able to do something with the status checks? Send an email or something.
The sites I'm watching should be persisted somewhere and automatically loaded when the mon application is started.
I should maintain a history with past events and the time they were returned.
In any case, I made a supervision tree and a dinky app, so mission accomplished.