Classification application for Windows on Snapdragon® with MobileNet-V2 using ONNX runtime.
The app demonstrates how to use the QNN execution provider to accelerate the model using the Snapdragon® Neural Processing Unit (NPU).
- Snapdragon® Platform (e.g. X Elite)
- Windows 11+
- Visual Studio 22
- Download any variant of Visual Studio here
- Make sure Desktop development with C++ tools are selected during installation or installed separately later
- QAIRT SDK: Qualcomm AI Runtime SDK (see QNN SDK for older versions)
- Download and install the latest Qualcomm AI Engine Direct SDK
- Make libraries from
accessible to app target binary- Option 1: add
in $PATH environment variable - Option 2: copy libraries from
in same directory as executable
- Option 1: add
- e.g. on Windows on Snapdragon®,
should be added in $PATH environment variable.
Download classification MobileNet-V2 ONNX model from AI Hub and place into <project directory>/assets/models/
Setting up dependencies
NuGet packages
- NuGet packages should automatically restore in Visual Studio during build
- If packages are not restored automatically, try the following:
- If prompted by Visual Studio to
NuGet packages- Click on
to restore allNuGet
- Click on
- Otherwise,
- Go to
Project -> Manage NuGet packages
in Visual studio - Install ONNX-Runtime-QNN 1.19.0
- Go to
- If prompted by Visual Studio to
vcpkg packages
Project is configured to work with vcpkg in manifest mode
If opencv headers are missing, vcpkg is not setup correctly.
Integrate vcpkg with Visual Studio:
- Go to
View -> Terminal
in Visual studio - Run the following command in terminal
vcpkg integrate install
- Go to
Build project in Visual Studio
- It takes around 10 mins to build on X Elite.
Please ensure you have followed Downloading model from AI Hub section and placed mobilenet_v2.onnx into .\assets\models\mobilenet_v2.onnx
Visual studio project is configured with the following command arguments:
--model .\assets\models\mobilenet_v2.onnx --image .\assets\images\keyboard.jpg
You can simply run the app from Visual Studio to run classification on sample image.
.\ARM64\Debug\Classification.exe --model .\assets\models\mobilenet_v2.onnx --image .\assets\images\keyboard.jpg
You can additionally run --help
to get more information about all available options:
.\ARM64\Debug\Classification.exe --help
Please refer to QNN EP options that can be provided as --qnn_options
to the app.
- Model input resolution: 224x224
- If input image is of different shape, it's resized to 224x224
- You can override model input dimensions if model uses different spatial image dimensions
- App is built to work with post-processed outputs
- App processes output logits and produces consumable output as Class Label.
- If you want to try out any other model than Yolo (with post-processing included in model), please update output handling accordingly.
QNN SetupBackend failed:
QNN SetupBackend failed: Unable to load backend, error: load library failed
- QNN libraries are not set up correctly and at runtime backend libs were not found.
- Please refer to Tools and SDK and ensure required libs are either in PATH environment variable or copied into target directory
How do I use a model with different input shape than 224x224?
- Use
to model input dimensions.
- Use
I have a model that does have different post-processing. Can I still use the app?
- You will have to modify the app and add the necessary post-processing to accommodate that models.
Following section describes how to configure similar project with NuGet and vcpkg from scratch:
- Start empty Visual Studio project
- Setup NuGet to install ONNXRuntime QNN Execution provider
- Go to
Project -> Manage NuGet Packages
- Look up and install the following packages
- Go to
- Set up Visual Studio for vcpkg
Enable vcpkg manifest mode
- Go to Project Setting
- General -> vcpkg
- Enable Manifest mode
dependency in vcpkg- Run the following commands in Visual Studio powershell:
vcpkg —new application vcpkg add port opencv
This creates vcpkg.json and adds opencv depedency
- Now project is setup to work with vcpkg and NuGet package manager