Choose one app for the walk. There are three options.
Check out these two apps:
You can read some details about them here: DATA WALKING. They output data as a csv, making it particularly easy to play with after.
If you're feeling more adventurous, you can use OSMAnd. If you have an Android phone, you can add photos, audio notes or videos along with your walk route.
- Download OSMAnd app to your mobile. It is available for Android and iOS
- For Android, if you want to add multimedia: Enable the audio/video notes plugin
- Press record, do the walk. Add photos, audio notes or videos as you go, they will be linked to the map.
- When you finish press 'Stop'. Your walk will be saved to your phone
- You can access the saved file in My Places > Tracks. From here, you can view the walk within the app in the 'Visible' folder
- Here, you can also see the folder called 'Rec'. Opening it, you will see any walk you have done. You can use 'Share' to get it onto your computer. Note for iOS users: OSMAnd are planning to add the audio/video notes plugin to the iOS app in 2022.
Choose a question (or questions) you can want to answer.
Think of something you can measure that says something about your question
Using the 'Words' app: 'How do I feel as I walk around?'
Using the 'Count' app: 'Noting anything that reminds me this place has been around for longer than I have.'
Using OSMAnd: recording sound that speaks to 'How does it sound to be an animal here?'. (You could also do this with the 'Words' app: Make recordings and note the title in the words app for georeferencing later.)
Using the 'Words' app: Collect parts of the ground (rocks, grass) that speak to you. Note them in the words app for georeferencing.
Walk around and collect data!
Export your data as a .geojson (or .csv if you prefer)
Email it to [email protected]