For a short video overview of this demonstration please refer to this YouTube video:
Demonstrate a closed loop incident management scenario.
- Check devices for compliance. When a device does not meet compliance requirements, a ServiceNow ticket with relevant information will be created.
- The ticketing system has business logic to automatically fix bespoke incidents - in this case, a device that is out of compliance should be brought into compliance. ServiceNow will call out to Tower to use automation and fix the incident.
- The Ansible Tower automation job will bring the device into compliance and then reach out to ServiceNow to resolve and close out the ticket
Thus a BSS (Business Services System) is able to maintain a statement of record while automatically fixing incidents at the same time.
- Step 1 - Connect to workbench
- Step 2 - Provide ServiceNow credentials
- Step 3 - Run demo setup playbook
- Step 4 - The named URL
- Step 5 - Setup ServiceNow REST Message
- Step 6 - Setup ServiceNow Business Rule
- Running the Demo
Connect to the workshop workbench:
[user@RHEL ~]$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Move into the demos/servicenow/1-config-drift
[student1@ansible ~]$
[student1@ansible ~]$ cd ~/demos/servicenow/2-closed_loop_incident_mgmt
Define the login information (username, password and instance) as defined in the Common Setup. Fill this information out in login_info.yml
with your text editor of choice.
[student1@ansible ~]$ nano login_info.yml
Run the demo_setup.yml
playbook as follows. This will create the necessary job templates for the demo in your tower instance:
[student1@ansible closed_loop_incident_mgmt]$ ansible-playbook demo_setup.yml
After this step, log into your tower instance and verify that the 2 "SNOW" job templates are present:
- SNOW-Demo-Compliance-Check - this Job Template will check for the banner being in compliance. It will not modify the banner.
- SNOW-Demo-Compliance-Fix - this Job Template will change the banner to the desired banner
screenshot of Job Templates in Red Hat Ansible Tower:
Extremely important: Make sure you use FQDNs that have valid SSL certs for the demo to work
The Ansible Tower API has the concept of a named URL (named_url
). The named URL feature allows you to access Tower resources via resource-specific human-readable identifiers. More info can be found in the documentation at:
The URL for the SNOW-Demo-Compliance-Fix will be:
for example:
In the ServiceNow instance, navigate to System Web Services >> Outbound >> REST Message
You can also use the search bar at the top left and search for "rest message"
Click on New at the top of the page:
Fill out the following:
Parameter Value Name Ansible Tower Demo Endpoint $TOWER_URL/api/v2/job_templates/SNOW-Demo-Compliance-Fix/launch
make sure to use correct $TOWER_URL, example in previous step. -
Under the Authentication tab, choose the Basic Authentication type.
For the Basic Auth Configuration, click on the search icon. This will open window. Click on new and add your Ansible Tower login information:
Click Submit, the user interface should look similar to the following:
Click on the REST message you just created click on new to add a HTTP method
Fill out the following values:
Parameter Value Name Launch Compliance Fix HTTP method POST
Endpoint Leave this blank -
Click on the HTTP Request tab. Under the "HTTP Headers" add a new HTTP header with the following name and value:
Name Value Content-Type
At the bottom, in the Content text area, add the following:
{"extra_vars": {
"incident_num": "${INC}" } }
The extra_vars
is how the ServiceNow API is going to pass the incident number information to the Ansible Tower instance
- Click Submit
- Navigate to System Definition >> Business Rules
Click on New to add a new business rule. Fill out the following parameters:
Parameter Value Name Ansible Tower Demo Table Incident [incident]
Active ✓ Advanced ✓ -
Under the When to run tab:
Parameter Value When after Insert ✓ -
Click on the Add Filter Condition button and fill out the filter:
Field Operation Value Short description contains BANNER It should look similar to this screenshot:
Click on the Advanced tab
If you have used the exact naming conventions in this README, you can copy and paste the following:
(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/ ) {
try {
var r = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2('Ansible Tower Demo', 'Launch compliance fix');
r.setStringParameterNoEscape('INC', current.number);
var response = r.execute();
var responseBody = response.getBody();
var httpStatus = response.getStatusCode();
current.comments = "Contacting Ansible Tower to fix bespoke incident";
current.state = '2';
} catch (ex) {
var message = ex.message;
})(current, previous);
It should look similar to this screenshot:
- Click Submit
Reminder, for a short video overview of this demonstration please refer to this YouTube video:
Ensure that the router does not have a current banner (required condition for the device to be out of compliance:
[student1@ansible]$ ssh rtr1
If there is an existing banner you can use the
no banner login
command in config mode to remove it
Log into the Tower instance and launch the SNOW-Demo-Compliance-Check Job Template
Observe the following 2 tasks as that template runs
TASK [CREATE AN INCIDENT] ******************************************************
changed: [rtr1 -> localhost]
TASK [VISUAL OUTPUT OF INCIDENT NUMBER] ****************************************
ok: [rtr1] => {
"snow_var.record.number": "INC0010034"
Switch over to the ServiceNow instance and see that the ticket number as see in the previous output has been created.
Switch back to the Ansible Tower Jobs and click on the SNOW-Demo-Compliance-Fix Job
Observe that the job will fix the issue on the router, resolve and close out the ticket
TASK [CONFIGURE THE LOGIN BANNER] **********************************************
changed: [rtr1]
TASK [MARK THE TICKET AS RESOLVED] *********************************************
changed: [rtr1]
TASK [MARK THE TICKET AS CLOSED] ***********************************************
changed: [rtr1]
- Log back into the router and see that you are greeted with the new banner:
[student1@ansible]$ ssh rtr1