Releases: rapid7/nexpose-client
Nexpose Client v0.8.8
Ensures engine pool IDs are returned as Fixnum
Add additional, optional argument to DataTable#_get_json_table
to enable new endpoint type.
Adds Connection#activity
method to get a much more concise version of Connection#scan_activity
constant fields for filter searching.
and Connection#pause_scan
now explicitly return booleans.
Nexpose Client v0.8.7
Allows engine pools to be deleted from the EnginePoolSummary
Coerces engine IDs to Fixnum
Nexpose Client v0.8.6
Addresses the issue (#83) where the gem wouldn't properly load a dynamic site containing no filtering criteria.
Nexpose Client v0.8.5
Adjusts import_scan method to not rely on rest-client gem.
Addresses issues around the saving and loading of dynamic sites.
Adds remove methods around assets on a site.
Nexpose Client v0.8.1
Adds SNMP v3 support to credentials.
Cleans up criteria creation for Dynamic Asset Groups.
Nexpose Client v0.8.0
Adds nokogiri dependency.
Adjusts several methods in coordination with the 5.9.16 release of Nexpose. Also fixes an issue with Ruby 1.9.3 compatibility.
Release 18 June 2014
This release adds a dependency on nokogiri (鋸).
Two methods in this version of the gem are not backwards compatible.
- The Connection#find_vuln_check method requires that the Nexpose console be on at least version 5.9.16.
- This version of the gem is required to download certain HTML reports via the AdhocReportConfig#generate method. This issue only affects newer report templates in the HTML format, such as "Top Remediations", "Top 10 Assets by Vulnerabilities", etc.
Bug Fixes
An internal method introduced a Ruby 2.0 method call which would break clients using Ruby 1.9.3. Because the gem still supports 1.9.3, the method was refactored to not depend on the unsupported method.
Nexpose Client v0.7.6
Adds port exclusion functionality for scan templates and protects against submitting tags with invalid colors.
Release 11 June 2014
New Features
Adds methods for excluding TCP and UDP ports from a Scan Template.
Adds constants for the accepted colors for tags, and validates those colors if the user attempts to save a color that won't be accepted.
Nexpose Client v0.7.5
Fixes issue where tag listings would only return 500 results maximum.
Release 29 May 2014
This release is backwards compatible with version 0.7.0.
Bug Fixes
The requests to retrieve existing tags should now return all tags, and not cap the total number returned at 500.
New Features
Adds more aliases for retrieving tags.
Adds some missing documentation around tags.
Nexpose Client v0.7.4
Refactoring around Role classes to ensure safe marshalling of XML.
Nexpose Client v0.7.3
Fixes an issue where existing Roles could not be updated.