A helper tool to practice speaking more clearly in a concise manner. Improve your assertiveness!! Displays a random topic for you to talk about.
A topic and image is shown to you on the home page. Talk about the topic for the selected amount of time. When the timer runs out, the app will automatically display a new one. You can do this by yourself or with a partner! The timer is also customizable!
- Returns a random topic from DB/api/process/names
- Processes any new names added to the list. Include an optionalsize
parameter to specify the number of topics to process at a time. You can add a new name to the list here. More easier support for adding topics is on the way!
topics are processed from a file, to the database, setting the image by utilizing the unsplash apis. On the home page, it calls the db for a random topic displaying it to the user along with the image.
- ✔️ Implement configurable timer for how long to speak about the topic(Implemented with this commit)
- Record your speaking session
- Rate your session
- User session so data can be saved per user
This PROJECT was based off a NextJS Template!
A Next.js starter that includes all you need to build amazing projects 🔥. Fork and customize from jpedroschmitz
- 🚀 Next.js 13 & React 18
- ⚙️ Tailwind CSS 3 - A utility-first CSS framework
- 🍓 Styled Components - Styling React component
- 📏 ESLint — Pluggable JavaScript linter
- 💖 Prettier - Opinionated Code Formatter
- 🐶 Husky — Use git hooks with ease
- 🚫 lint-staged - Run linters against staged git files
- 🗂 Absolute import - Import folders and files using the
prefix - 🤩 Vercel Serverless/Edge Functions - Serverless/Edge functions for Next.js