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DPI module for UART-based console interaction with Verilator simulations


Version 0.83 beta, November 2011.

When you start developing a new System-on-a-Chip (SoC) in Verilog for an FPGA (for example), a serial port comes in very handy, as it is easy to implement and it allows you to interact with the system under development right from the start. You just fire up your favourite console software and watch the various progress messages during the SoC boot phase. After booting, it is also helpful to be able to send at least simple keystrokes in order to display system information or trigger particular tests.

This DPI module provides such a bidirectional serial port interaction for Verilator simulations. The simulated SoC becomes a serial port with a familiar 16550 UART interface, the UART registers are available as memory locations on a Wishbone slave interface. The host system where the simulation runs creates a listening TCP port you can connect to with a text console client like telnet or socat.

The TCP connection acts as a virtual serial port cable. Data is transferred between the simulated UART and the TCP port on a byte basis, that is, the bits are not serialised through single Tx and Rx pins like a real UART would do. There is no data translation or conversion whatsoever, the user must implement any higher-level protocols (like telnet) himself.

Support for multiple simulated serial ports

You can create as many simulated serial ports as you like, which allows you to write different types of event log messages to separate consoles. Any messages generated with Verilog's $display() task will of course be kept separate in the standard simulation console.

Each simulated serial port needs a different base memory address for its UART registers and a different TCP port number to listen on, and operates completely independently from its siblings. You can connect to and disconnect from those simulated ports at any point in time during the simulation. You can then connect to several of them simultaneously, and you can also run the simulation on another computer and access them over the TCP/IP network (see parameter listen_on_local_addr_only).

How the module works

Transmit side (UART to TCP)

The C++ side of the UART DPI module has a transmit ring buffer that is normally much bigger than the standard 16 FIFO bytes in a real 16550 UART, the default buffer size is actually 100 KB.

When the simulation writes a byte to the UART registers, this byte is sent directly to the C++ transmit queue, as there is no simulated UART FIFO on the Verilog side. This is why, to the simulated SoC, the virtual UART seems to be much faster than a real one. Enabling or disabling the UART FIFOs has no effect, there is always a transmit buffer on the C++ side.

A "transmit FIFO full" condition is never reported on the simulated UART. If the transmit buffer fills up and the TCP socket transmit buffer is also full (because the TCP client is not reading any more), old data bytes will be discarded in a standard FIFO fashion. The SoC simulation will never stop.

Note that data is stored in the transmit buffer even if there is no TCP client currently connected. When a TCP client connects, it will start receiving from the first byte ever sent (provided that the buffer did not overflow). Similarly, if a client loses the TCP connection and then reconnects, all data buffered in the meantime will still be received, as if there had been no disconnection at all. Clearing the UART transmit FIFO has no effect.

This buffering behaviour has advantages and disadvantages. If a serial console is used for logging purposes, there may be a lot of data to receive upcon reconnection. In this case, you should probably use a small transmit buffer size, so that only a limited amount of old log messages are kept in the buffer.

If the transmitted UART data were to be discarded when no TCP client is connected, which more closely resembles real UART behaviour, it would be hard to guarantee that the first bytes are always received. Unlike real serial ports, which are always present, the listening TCP socket is created when the simulation starts, so the TCP client has to be launched afterwards, either from the same simulation start-up code or manually by the user.

Most TCP clients (like telnet) provide no programmatic indication when they successfully establish the connection, so, if the simulation is small and starts quickly, the first bytes will get lost before the child process has time to start and connect. This will happen even if the TCP client is started automatically by the simulation right after creating the listening socket.

The current buffering behaviour could be improved in the following ways:

  • The simulation could optionally wait on start-up until the first TCP client connects.

    The drawback would be slightly slower simulation start-up times.

  • There could be a permanently-running server that makes sure the listening TCP port is always available.

    A TCP client would only need to be started once, like it is already the case for real serial ports. Starting and stopping a simulation would then have no effect on the client. The drawback would be the need to keep a background relay process running the whole time. Such a server process will probably need to be configured upfront, so that it knows what UARTs will be coming later.

  • There could be an option to wait until the TCP client reads all data.

    This would make the simulation slower, but would prevent any data loss.

  • There could be an option to buffer only until the first TCP connection.

    If the user closes the connection and reconnects later, the bytes sent in the meantime could then be discarded.

Receive side (TCP to UART)

In a real UART, bytes will be lost if the software does not remove them fast enough from the receive FIFO. However, in the simulated UART the receive buffer is large (100 KB by default) and has no read time-out. If the receive buffer fills up, the TCP socket will not be read any more, which effectively provides incoming flow control.

Enabling or disabling the UART FIFOs has no effect, there is always a receive buffer on the C++ side.

Error conditions like "FIFO overrun" or "wrong parity" are never reported on the simulated UART, as TCP is a byte-oriented protocol and leaves no room for such receive errors. Clearing the UART receive FIFO has no effect, the existing incoming data will remain in the receive buffer.

Connecting to the TCP socket

The UART serial port data is available as a raw TCP stream. Note that there are no security checks at all, any user logged on to the local computer can connect to the TCP socket.

For most clients listed below, your SoC software will probably need to send [CR, LF] ("\r\n", ASCII 0x0D 0x0A) as end-of-line characters, as a simple LF ("\n") will not do.

Here are some raw TCP text console clients you can use:

  • telnet

    For a quick test, you can connect like this:

    telnet localhost 5678

    However, unless your SoC software implements a real telnet server, it will not work properly in all cases.

    When used with network ports other than number 23, telnet operates in a raw data mode, but it will still react to some special command sequences. There are other network virtual terminal (NVT) rules, such as the requirement for a bare carriage return character (CR, ASCII 0x0D) to be followed by a NULL (ASCII 0) character, that distinguish the telnet protocol from raw TCP sessions.

    It can be difficult to find the right key combination to enter the escape sequence that allows you to quit the telnet session. Stopping the simulation will do the trick, as that will tear down the socket and cause telnet to quit. You can also kill the telnet process from another console.

  • socat

    You can try the following:

    socat READLINE TCP4:localhost:5678

    This provides comfortable readline-base line editing, like a bash shell does. Text is only sent to the UART when you press the ENTER key though. Use Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D to exit. This means of course that such key combinations cannot be sent over to the UART.

    An alternative is:

    socat -,raw TCP4:localhost:5678

    This sends all keystrokes straight away, including Ctrl+C and the like. Exiting socat can be challenging. Stopping the simulation will cause it to quit. You can of course kill the socat process from another console.

    A nice trick is to start socat in a separate window, as closing the window will also terminate socat. For example:

    gnome-terminal --command "sh -c 'socat -,raw TCP4:localhost:5678'" &
  • Putty

    If you prefer a graphical tool, Putty comes with most Linux distributions and is also available for Windows. Look for the following options:

    Host name: localhost
    Port: 5678
    Connection type: raw

    You may want to adjust options "Terminal / Line discipline", "echo" and "local line editing" to suit your needs.

  • Other tools

    There are many other tools out there which can also do raw TCP, like nc (netcat) or screen.

    netcat can also store incoming data in a file like this:

    nc localhsot 23000 >filename.txt

    remtty connects to a TCP port on another machine and makes that connection available through a local pseudo tty(pty).

Automating the connection from Verilog

You may find it very convenient to automatically launch a TCP text console at the start of each simulation, just add a $system call to some initial section in your Verilog source code.

If you are using Verilator and your version still does not have a $system task (or similar), I have written a Run Shell Command DPI module as a replacement, it should be available in the same website as this UART DPI module. Here is a usage example:

  int shell_cmd_exit_code;

  if ( 0 != run_shell_command_dpi( shell_cmd_exit_code,
                                   "gnome-terminal --command \"sh -c 'socat READLINE TCP4:localhost:%0d'\" &",
                                   `MY_TCP_PORT ) )
       $display("Error trying to start the shell command.");

  if ( 0 != shell_cmd_exit_code )
       $display( "The shell command exited with a non-zero status code." );


No accurate 16550 UART timing

This module was designed for human interaction with a text console. The data bytes are not serialised like in real serial ports, and the baud rate setting is completely ignored.

The simulated SoC sees an extremely fast UART that is always willing to take new data bytes. Therefore, any software that is sensitive to UART timing will not work properly.

The Character Timeout interrupt is partially implemented. Parameter character_timeout_clk_count in the Verilog source code controls how many clock ticks to wait for between Receive Buffer Register reads in order to generate this interrupt. Therefore, you can replicate the 16550 UART timing by calculating the right value according to your wishbone clock rate and your target serial baud rate. There is no time-out associated to the data coming from the TCP connection, only RBR reads can reset the time-out timer.

Some 16550 UART features are not implemented or may not work as intended

  • There is no MODEM support at all.

    Writes to the MCR are not supported and trigger an assert. However, writes to MCR with the particular value 0x02 (which corresponds to setting RTS only) are ignored.

    The OpenRISC port of eCos' Redboot sets RTS at the beginning and leaves it always set. This is allowed in the standard and is probably also done by other software in the same way.

  • Most UART serial port settings are ignored.

    There is no baud rate, stop bit configuration, parity bit and so on. All bytes have always 8 bits.

Status of this software

This is beta sofware and has not been thoroughly tested. Besides, I am no UART expert, so there may be some rough edges left. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Testers with UART 16550 experience are specially welcome.

Note that the current version has been developed and tested only on Linux.

This package is implemented as a SystemVerilog DPI module, SystemC is not used or required. I have only tested it with Verilator, but there's nothing Verilator-specific, so it should be possible to run it on any standard simulator.

I don't have access to other commercial simulators to test the UART DPI module on, help is welcome. Cygwin and BSD maintainers are also welcome.

Installation instructions

You need to be familiar with Verilator or your simulator of choice, as you need to add file uart_dpi.cpp to the generated C++ code. There are a few ways to do that:

Alternative 1) Add uart_dpi.cpp to the Verilator command line.
Alternative 2) Include uart_dpi.cpp from your main .cpp file (with #include).
Alternative 3) Edit the makefile you are using.

Your main routine should ignore or properly handle signal SIGPIPE. Otherwise, the simulation may get killed by this signal if the remote end (the console client) closes the connection unexpectedly.

You also need to add file uart_dpi.v to the Verilog sources and connect its Verilog module to some Wishbone master. Here is an instantiation example:

  #( .tcp_port(5678),
     .port_name("UART DPI number 2"),
     .welcome_message( "--- Welcome to my second UART DPI port ---\n\r" )
        // WISHBONE common
        .wb_clk_i       ( wb_clk ), 
        .wb_rst_i       ( wb_rst ),

        // WISHBONE slave
        .wb_adr_i       ( wb_us2_adr_i[4:0] ),
        .wb_dat_i       ( wb_us2_dat_i ),
        .wb_dat_o       ( wb_us2_dat_o ),
        .wb_we_i        ( wb_us2_we_i  ),
        .wb_stb_i       ( wb_us2_stb_i ),
        .wb_cyc_i       ( wb_us2_cyc_i ),
        .wb_ack_o       ( wb_us2_ack_o ),
        .wb_err_o       ( wb_us2_err_o ),
        .wb_sel_i       ( wb_us2_sel_i ),

        // Interrupt request
        .int_o          ( pic_ints[`APP_INT_UART2] )

See file uart_example.c for example code in C of how to the drive the UART from the simulated processor. Note that you should be able to use any existing 16550 UART code as well.


Copyright (C) R. Diez 2011, rdiezmail-openrisc at

The UART DPI source code is released under the LGPL 3 license.

This document is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.