diff --git a/Historie.md b/Historie.md index 293764c4..d7adf9f9 100644 --- a/Historie.md +++ b/Historie.md @@ -31,11 +31,7 @@ Aufbauend auf externen und eigenen Vorarbeiten (insb. dem [WissGrid-Leitfaden zu + **Community und Nutzertests**: Austausch mit Zielgruppen zu Anforderungserhebung sowie Evaluierung von Prototypen des RDMO-Tools. Am Ende der ersten Projektphase wurde die finale Version von RDMO in einem Abschlussworkshop der Community vorgestellt. -### Publikationen -Neuroth, H., Engelhardt, C., Klar, J., Ludwig, J., & Enke, H. (2018). [Aktives Forschungsdatenmanagement](https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/abitech/38/1/article-p55.xml), ABI Technik, 38(1), 55-64. [https://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2018-0008](https://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2018-0008) - -Engelhardt, C., Enke, H., Klar, J., Ludwig, J., & Neuroth, H. (2017). Research data management organiser. In _Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Digital Preservation_, 25-29. [http://www.ipres-conference.org/ipres17/ipres2017.jp/wp-content/uploads/27Claudia-Engelhardt.pdf](http://www.ipres-conference.org/ipres17/ipres2017.jp/wp-content/uploads/27Claudia-Engelhardt.pdf)

Ehemaliges DFG Projekt Team

diff --git a/Publikationen.md b/Publikationen.md index 3a8ac89d..bc8463d3 100644 --- a/Publikationen.md +++ b/Publikationen.md @@ -4,7 +4,101 @@ lang: de key: rdmo-pub --- +# Publikationen über RDMO + RDMO wurde bereits in zahlreichen Publikationen erwähnt. Im Folgenden sind diese nach bestimmten Inhalten gegliedert aufgelistet. Falls die Liste nicht vollständig sein sollte, schreiben Sie bitte eine Mail an die interne Mailingliste.

Wird aktuell bearbeitet. Bitte zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch einmal schauen.

\ No newline at end of file + +RDMO Development + + +RDMO Implementation and Applications + + +DMP Tools + + +DMP and SMP Templates + + diff --git a/_data/publications.yaml b/_data/publications.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bb9648b --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/publications.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +RDMO_development: +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 23.05.2015 + title: Anforderungen an ein Tool zur Erstellung von Forschungsdatenmanagementplänen + authors: Jochen Klar; Harry Enke; Claudia Engelhardt; Jens Ludwig + doi: + uri: http://www.forschungsdaten.org/images/2/27/07--klar--anforderungen-tool.pdf + +- publication: + type: Conference Paper + date: 2016 + title: DMPwerkzeug - A tool to support the planning, implementation, and organization of research data management. + authors: Jochen Klar; Claudia Engelhardt; Heike Neuroth; Harry Enke + doi: + uri: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/orals/20148 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 15.09.2016 + title: RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser + authors: Jochen Klar + doi: + uri: https://rdmorganiser.github.io/docs/publications/klar_AG2016.pdf + +- publication: + type: Conference Paper + date: 2017 + title: Research data management organiser. In _Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Digital Preservation_, 25-29. + authors: Engelhardt, C., Enke, H., Klar, J., Ludwig, J., & Neuroth, H. + doi: + uri: http://www.ipres-conference.org/ipres17/ipres2017.jp/wp-content/uploads/27Claudia-Engelhardt.pdf + +- publication: + type: Conference Paper + date: 01.04.2017 + title: RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser + authors: Klar, Jochen ; Engelhardt, Claudia ; Neuroth, Heike ; Enke, Harry ; Ludwig, Jens + doi: + uri: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017EGUGA..1915760K + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 07.06.2017 + title: Research Data Management Organiser + authors: Harry Enke; Jochen Klar + doi: + uri: https://cds.unistra.fr//meetings/Lisa8/public/presentations/wednesday/afternoon/08_RDMO-Talk-LISAVIII.pdf + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 2018 + title: Aktives Forschungsdatenmanagement + authors: Neuroth, H., Engelhardt, C., Klar, J., Ludwig, J., & Enke, H. + doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2018-0008 + uri: https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/abitech/38/1/article-p55.xml + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 13.06.2018 + title: Aktives Forschungsdatenmanagement - das DFG-Projekt Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) + authors: Heike Neuroth, Claudia Engelhardt + doi: + uri: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-bib-info/frontdoor/index/index/docId/3688 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 11.06.2018 + title: Research data management organiser + authors: Jochen Klar; Olaf Michaelis; Harry Enke; Janine Vierheller; Heike Neuroth; Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin; Frank Tristam; Claudia Kramer; Jens Ludwig + doi: + uri: https://escience.aip.de/ak-forschungsdaten/veranstaltungen/7-workshop/ + +- publication: + type: Poster + date: 2019 + title: Research data management organiser + authors: Harry Enke; Jochen Klar; Olaf Michaelis; Heike Neuroth; Ulrike Wuttke; Claudia Kramer; Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin; Frank Tristam; Jens Ludwig + doi: + uri: https://rdmorganiser.github.io/docs/publications/rdmo-poster_escience_tage_2019.pdf + +- publication: + type: Proceeding + date: 2019 + title: Research Data Management Organiser, pp. 261 + authors: Ulrike Wuttke; Heike Neuroth; Jochen Klar; Harry Enke; Janine Straka; Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin; Claudia Kramer; Olaf Michaelis; Jens Ludwig + doi: + uri: https://d-nb.info/1193070686/34#page=270 + +- publication: + type: Conference Paper + date: 2019 + title: Aktives Datenmanagement mit RDMO + authors: Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin; Olaf Michaelis; Heike Neuroth; + doi: + uri: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-bib-info/frontdoor/index/index/docId/16498 + +- publication: + type: Software + date: 2022 + title: "rdmorganiser/rdmo-catalog: 1.2.0-rdmo-1.6.0" + authors: Michaelis, Olaf ; Lanza, Giacomo ; Klar, Jochen ; Raspeanut ; Grossmann, Yves Vincent ; Rathmann, Torsten ; Enke, Harry ; Frenzel, Johannes ; Schneider, Thomas ; Hasler, Tim + doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.7466775 + uri: https://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/862126 + +- publication: + type: Software + date: 2022 + title: "rdmorganiser/rdmo-catalog: 1.2.0-rdmo-1.6.0" + authors: Michaelis, Olaf ; Lanza, Giacomo ; Klar, Jochen ; Raspeanut ; Grossmann, Yves Vincent ; Rathmann, Torsten ; Enke, Harry ; Frenzel, Johannes ; Schneider, Thomas ; Hasler, Tim + doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.7466775 + uri: https://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/862126 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 12.02.2024 + title: "Research Data Management Working Group Webinar - Data Management Plans: Use and Reuse (Slides)" + authors: Wedlich-Zachodin, Kerstin Vanessa; Soltau, Kerstin; Rodenburg, Elisa; Kuusniemi, Mari Elisa + doi: + uri: https://zenodo.org/records/10649084 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 08.05.2024 + title: The Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) – a Strong Community Behind an Established Software for DMPs and Much More + authors: Ivonne Anders; Harry Enke; Daniela Adele Hausen; Christin Henzen; Gerald Jagusch; Giacomo Lanza; Olaf Michaelis; Karsten Peters-von Gehlen; Torsten Rathmann; Jürgen Rohrwild; Sabine Schönau; Kerstin Vanessa Wedlich-Zachodin; Jürgen Windeck + doi: 10.5334/dsj-2024-028 + uri: https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2024-028 + +RDMO_implementation: +- publication: + type: Report + date: 2018 + title: Introducing Coordinated Research Data Management at RWTH Aachen University. A Brief Project Report + authors: Daniela A. Hausen, Ulrike Eich, Bela Brenger, Florian Claus, Benedikt Magrean, Elke Müller, Matthias S. Müller, Marius Politze, Stephan von der Ropp, Dominik Schmitz, Ute Trautwein-Bruns and Ann-Kathrin Wluka + doi: + uri: http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/725992/files/725992.pdf + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 13.06.2018 + title: "FDM in der Praxis: Datenmanagementpläne mit RDMO als neues Dienstleistungsangebot in WBs?" + authors: Sonja Hendriks; Ania López + doi: + uri: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-bib-info/frontdoor/index/index/docId/3693 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 2019 + title: Datenmanagement-Pläne interaktiv mit RDMO + authors: Maik Stührenberg + doi: + uri: https://biecoll.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/index.php/kwi/article/download/863/910 + +- publication: + type: Document + date: 2019 + title: Implementierung des Forschungsdatenmanagement an der SUH in Hildesheim – Die Rolle der Universitätsbibliothek Hildesheim auf dem Campus + authors: Annette Strauch + doi: + uri: https://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/863183 + +- publication: + type: Conference Paper + date: 2019 + title: Aktives Datenmanagement mit RDMO + authors: Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin; Olaf Michaelis; Heike Neuroth + doi: + uri: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-bib-info/frontdoor/index/index/docId/16498 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 07.03.2019 + title: RDMO4Life im Projekt EmiMin-Die Anpassung von Datenmanagementplänen an lebenswissenschaftliche Fachspezifika + authors: Robin Rothe; Birte Lindstädt + doi: + uri: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-bib-info/frontdoor/index/index/docId/16229 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 30.08.2019 + title: Infrastruktur-Dienste für das aktive und passive Forschungsdatenmanagement eines neurowissenschaftlichen Sonderforschungsbereichs + authors: Thorsten Arendt; Alexander Schütz + doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2019.2.8070 + uri: https://bausteine-fdm.de/article/view/8070 + +- publication: + type: Report + date: 30.07.2021 + title: RDMO ‒ Schnellstartanleitung + authors: Katja Marciniak; Paul Sutter + doi: + uri: https://edoc.bbaw.de/opus4-bbaw/frontdoor/index/index/docId/3529 + +- publication: + type: Book Section + date: 2022 + title: Product Life Cycle Oriented Data Management Planning with RDMO at the Example of Research Field Data + authors: Iryna Mozgova; Gerald Jagusch; Jens Freund; Angelina Kraft; Tobias Glück; Kevin Herrmann; Marvin Knöchelmann; Roland Lachmayer + doi: https://doi.org/10.11588/heibooks.979.c13722 + uri: https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de//heibooks/catalog/book/979/chapter/13722 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 11.11.2022 + title: Konzeption eines RDMO-Katalogs für einen Software Management Plan + authors: Yves Vincent Grossmann + doi: + uri: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3473536_3/component/file_3473539/content?download=true + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 24.11.2022 + title: Entwicklung eines Software-Management-Plans als RDMO-Fragekatalog + authors: Yves Vincent Grossmann + doi: + uri: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3476007/component/file_3476305/content + +- publication: + type: Conference Paper + date: 11.-13.09.2023 + title: Adapting RDMO for the Efficient Management of Educational Research Data + authors: Natalie Kiesler; Daniel Schiffner; Axel Nieder-Vahrenholz + doi: 10.18420/delfi2023-51 + uri: https://dl.gi.de/items/86e5c384-8852-4cc9-aa9d-a61856c93bc9 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 2023 + title: FAIR4RS-Viewer for the catalogue “Software Management Plan for Researcher” in RDMO + authors: Jan Matthiesen + doi: + uri: + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 07.09.2023 + title: MaRDMO Plugin + authors: Marco Reidelbach; Eloi Ferrer; Marcus Weber + doi: 10.52825/cordi.v1i.254 + uri: https://www.tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/CoRDI/article/view/254 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 15.03.2023 + title: Sustainable and FAIR Software in Research-A New RDMO Catalogue for Software Management Plans + authors: Michael Franke; Yves Vincent Grossmann + doi: + uri: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3527228/component/file_3527229/content + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 02.05.2023 + title: Softwaremanagementpläne in RDMO + authors: Yves Vincent Grossmann + doi: + uri: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3508395/component/file_3508396/content + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 08.05.2024 + title: The Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) – a Strong Community Behind an Established Software for DMPs and Much More + authors: Ivonne Anders; Harry Enke; Daniela Adele Hausen; Christin Henzen; Gerald Jagusch; Giacomo Lanza; Olaf Michaelis; Karsten Peters-von Gehlen; Torsten Rathmann; Jürgen Rohrwild; Sabine Schönau; Kerstin Vanessa Wedlich-Zachodin; Jürgen Windeck + doi: 10.5334/dsj-2024-028 + uri: https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2024-028 + +DMP_Tools: +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 13.07.2018 + title: "Datenmanagementpläne leicht gemacht: TUB-DMP, das Web-Tool der TU Berlin für Datenmanagementpläne, p. 47-60" + authors: Monika Kuberek; Fabian Fürste + doi: 10.5282/o-bib/2018H2S47-60 + uri: https://www.o-bib.de/bib/article/view/5328 + +- publication: + type: Dataset + date: 24.03.2021 + title: DMP-Toolguide + authors: Helbig, Kerstin; Paul-Stüve, Thilo; Rex, Jessica + doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.4632308 + uri: https://zenodo.org/record/4632308 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 07.09.2023 + title: "Data Management Plan Tools: Overview and Evaluation" + authors: Carina Becker; Carolin Hundt; Claudia Engelhardt; Johannes Sperling; Moritz Kurzweil; Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn + doi: 10.52825/cordi.v1i.338 + uri: https://www.tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/cordi/article/view/338 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 24.10.2023 + title: "DataPLAN: A Web-Based Data Management Plan Generator for the Plant Sciences" + authors: Xiao-Ran Zhou; Sebastian Beier; Dominik Brilhaus; Cristina Martins Rodrigues; Timo Mühlhaus; Dirk von Suchodoletz; Richard M. Twyman; Björn Usadel; Angela Kranz + doi: 10.3390/data8110159 + uri: https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5729/8/11/159 + +DMP_SMP: +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 2018 + title: A Landscape Survey of ActiveDMPs + authors: Stephanie Simms; Sarah Jones; Tomasz Miksa; Daniel Mietchen; Natasha Simons; Kathryn Unsworth + doi: 10.2218/ijdc.v13i1.629 + uri: https://ijdc.net/ijdc/article/view/629 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 15.05.2019 + title: Datenmanagementpläne zur Strukturierung von Forschungsvorhaben + authors: Jan Leendertse; Susanne Mocken; Dirk von Suchodoletz + doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2019.2.8003 + uri: https://bausteine-fdm.de/article/view/8003 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 16.09.2020 + title: RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans + authors: Tomasz Miksa; Paul Walk; Peter Neish + doi: 10.15497/rda00039 + uri: https://zenodo.org/record/4036060 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 15.11.2021 + title: Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans – Hackathon Report + authors: João Cardoso; Leyla Jael Castro; Tomasz Miksa + doi: 10.5334/dsj-2021-035 + uri: https://account.datascience.codata.org/index.php/up-j-dsj/article/view/dsj-2021-035 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 14.03.2022 + title: Datenmanagementpläne in der Forschung – von Grundlagen zu Grundfragen + authors: Daniela Hausen; Gianpiero Favella; Matthias Fingerhuth; Kerstin Helbig; Sonja Hendriks; Alexia Meyermann; Volker Soßna + doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2022.1.8366 + uri: https://bausteine-fdm.de/article/view/8366 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 14.03.2022 + title: "Activities and Challenges in developing Discipline-Specific Data Management Plan Templates: From Vertical to Horizontal Integration of RDM Practices" + authors: Sebastian Netscher; Ivonne Anders; Christin Henzen + doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2022.1.8371 + uri: https://bausteine-fdm.de/article/view/8371 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 05.04.2022 + title: Checkliste zur Erstellung eines Datenmanagementplans in der empirischen Bildungsforschung + authors: Verbund Forschungsdaten Bildung + doi: 10.25656/01:22298 + uri: https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=22298 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 30.06.2022 + title: Stamp - Standardisierter Datenmanagementplan für die Bildungsforschung + authors: Sebastian Netscher; Anna Schwickerath; Simon Eckert; Gianpiero Favella; Olaf Michaelis + doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6782478 + uri: https://zenodo.org/record/6782478 + +- publication: + type: Report + date: 25.07.2022 + title: A Community-driven Collection and Template for DMP Guidance facilitating Data Management across Disciplines and Funding + authors: Christin Henzen; Jürgen Rohrwild; Daniela Hausen; Karsten Peters-von Gehlen; Ivonne Anders; Sabine Schönau + doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.6966878 + uri: https://zenodo.org/records/6966878 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 07.09.2022 + title: Stamp - Standardisierter Datenmanagementplan für die Bildungsforschung + authors: Sebastian Netscher; Anna Schwickerath; Simon Eckert; Gianpiero Favella; Alexia Meyermann; Olaf Michaelis + doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7057034 + uri: https://zenodo.org/record/7057035 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 25.05.2023 + title: Data Management for PalMod-II – A FAIR-Based Strategy for Data Handling in Large Climate Modeling Projects + authors: Swati Gehlot; Karsten Peters-von Gehlen; Andrea Lammert; Hannes Thiemann + doi: 10.5334/dsj-2023-034 + uri: https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2023-034?_rsc=tnnr0 + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 22.06.2023 + title: Data Management Plans for the Photon and Neutron Communities + authors: Marjolaine Bodin; Fredrik Bolmsten; Petra Aulin; Teodor Ivănoaica; Alessandro Olivo; Janusz Malka; Krzysztof Wrona; Andy Götz + doi: 10.5334/dsj-2023-030 + uri: https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2023-030?_rsc=5d7ok + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 05.09.2023 + title: Designing and Implementing Practicable Data Management Plans in Large-Scale Projects + authors: Soo-Yon Kim; Steffen Hillemacher; Stefan Decker; Bernhard Rumpe; Sandra Geisler + doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2023.3.8571 + uri: https://bausteine-fdm.de/article/view/8571 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 2023 + title: Machine-actionable Software Management Plans–High Potentials or Just Gimmicks? + authors: Yves Vincent Grossmann + doi: + uri: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3525097/component/file_3527897/content + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 2023 + title: RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT AND A SYSTEM DESIGN TO SEMI-AUTOMATICALLY COMPLETE INTEGRATED DATA MANAGEMENT PLANS [POSITION PAPER] + authors: SYED ASHFAQ HUSSAIN SHAH; Frank Petzold + doi: 10.54729/2789-8547.1235 + uri: https://digitalcommons.bau.edu.lb/apj/vol28/iss3/40/ + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 21.09.2023 + title: Research-data management planning in the German mathematical community + authors: Tobias Boege; René Fritze; Christiane Görgen; Jeroen Hanselman; Dorothea Iglezakis; Lars Kastner; Thomas Koprucki; Tabea H. Krause; Christoph Lehrenfeld; Silvia Polla; Marco Reidelbach; Christian Riedel; Jens Saak; Björn Schembera; Karsten Tabelow; Marcus Weber + doi: 10.4171/mag/152 + uri: https://ems.press/journals/mag/articles/12474488 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 2023 + title: Software Management Pläne-Definition, Konzeption und RDMO Anwendung + authors: Michael Franke; Yves Vincent Grossmann + doi: + uri: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3527894/component/file_3527895/content + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 09.05.2023 + title: Standardisierter Datenmanagementplan + authors: Simon Eckert; Gianpiero Favella; Anne Gärtner; Ursula Kirschner + doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2023.2.8458 + uri: https://bausteine-fdm.de/article/view/8458 + +- publication: + type: Presentation + date: 15.03.2023 + title: Sustainable and FAIR Software in Research-A New RDMO Catalogue for Software Management Plans + authors: Michael Franke; Yves Vincent Grossmann + doi: + uri: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3527228/component/file_3527229/content + +- publication: + type: Journal Article + date: 27.10.2023 + title: Stamp – Standardisierter Datenmanagementplan für die Bildungsforschung. Ein Konzept zum maßgeschneiderten Forschungsdatenmanagement. Ein Interview mit Sebastian Netscher + authors: Nicole Hoffmann; Sebastian Netscher + doi: 10.17192/bfdm.2023.4.8593 + uri: https://bausteine-fdm.de/article/view/8593 + +- publication: + type: Software + date: 22.08.2023 + title: RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans + authors: Tomasz Miksa; Paul Walk; Peter Neish + doi: 10.15497/rda00039 + uri: https://github.com/RDA-DMP-Common/RDA-DMP-Common-Standard + +- publication: + type: Report + date: 2023 + title: Five Minutes to Write a Software Management Plan – A Machine-actionable Approach to Simplify the Creation of SMPs + authors: Castro, Leyla Jael; Geist, Lukas; Gonzalez, Esteban; Gonzalez-Ocanto, Mariaisabel; Grossmann, Yves Vincent; Pronk, Thomas; Solanki, Dhwani; Utrilla Guerrero, Carlos; Wallace, David; Windeck, Jürgen + doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.10374838 + uri: https://www.i12.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/opqu/lidx/1/file/975680 + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/publications/klar_AG2016.pdf b/docs/publications/klar_AG2016.pdf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7a64d37 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/publications/klar_AG2016.pdf differ diff --git a/docs/publications/rdmo-poster_escience_tage_2019.pdf b/docs/publications/rdmo-poster_escience_tage_2019.pdf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..93ff874c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/publications/rdmo-poster_escience_tage_2019.pdf differ diff --git a/en/Publications.md b/en/Publications.md index 777f1249..cebcf1b9 100644 --- a/en/Publications.md +++ b/en/Publications.md @@ -4,7 +4,101 @@ lang: de key: rdmo-pub --- +# Publications about RDMO + RDMO has already been mentioned in numerous publications. These are listed below, broken down according to specific content. If the list is not complete, please write an Mail to the internal mailing list.

Currently being edited. Please look again at a later date.

\ No newline at end of file + +RDMO Development + + +RDMO Implementation and Applications + + +DMP Tools + + +DMP and SMP Templates + + \ No newline at end of file