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PHPUnit & Pest Test Explorer

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Run your PHPUnit OR Pest tests in Node using the Test Explorer UI.



  • Shows a Test Explorer in the Test view in VS Code's sidebar with all detected tests and suites and their state
  • Shows a failed test's log when the test is selected in the explorer
  • Lets you choose test suites or individual tests in the explorer that should be run automatically after each file change

Extension Settings

Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • phpunit.php: Absolute path to php. Fallback to global php if it exists on the command line.
  • phpunit.phpunit: Path to phpunit. Can be the phpunit file or phpunit.phar.\n\nAutomatically finds it in common places:\n - Composer vendor directory\n - phpunit.phar in your project\n - phpunit (or phpunit.bat for windows) globally on the command line
  • phpunit.command: Custom command to run. Ex: docker exec -t container_name.
  • phpunit.args: Any phpunit args (phpunit --help) E.g. --configuration ./phpunit.xml.dist
  • phpunit.environment: Set environment variables before running the phpunit command, Ex: { "XDEBUG_MODE": "coverage" } or "XDEBUG_MODE=coverage"
  • phpunit.clearOutputOnRun: True will clear the output when we run a new test. False will leave the output after every test.
  • phpunit.showAfterExecution Specify if the test report will automatically be shown after execution


The following commands are available in VS Code's command palette, use the ID to add them to your keyboard shortcuts:

  • phpunit.reload: PHPUnit: Reload tests
  • PHPUnit: Run all tests
  • PHPUnit: Run tests in current file
  • PHPUnit: Run the test at the current cursor position
  • phpunit.rerun: PHPUnit: Repeat the last test run


  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/pest"
  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/paratest"


  "phpunit.command": "docker exec -t [container_id] /bin/sh -c",
  "phpunit.php": "php",
  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/phpunit", 
  "phpunit.args": [
  "phpunit.paths": {
    "${workspaceFolder}": "/app",
  "phpunit.command": "docker run --rm -t -v ${PWD}:/app -w /app php:latest",
  "phpunit.php": "php",
  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/phpunit",
  "phpunit.args": [
  "phpunit.paths": {
    "${workspaceFolder}": "/app",

Docker & Pest

  "phpunit.command": "docker exec -t [container_id] /bin/sh -c",
  "phpunit.php": "php",
  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/pest", 
  "phpunit.args": [
  "phpunit.paths": {
    "${workspaceFolder}": "/app",
  "phpunit.command": "docker run --rm -t -v ${PWD}:/app -w /app php:latest",
  "phpunit.php": "php",
  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/pest",
  "phpunit.args": [
  "phpunit.paths": {
    "${workspaceFolder}": "/app",


  "phpunit.command": "ssh -i dockerfiles/pest/id_rsa -p 2222 root@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cd /app;",
  "phpunit.php": "php",
  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/phpunit",
  "phpunit.args": [
  "phpunit.paths": {
    "${workspaceFolder}": "/app",

SSH & Pest

  "phpunit.command": "ssh -i dockerfiles/pest/id_rsa -p 2222 root@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cd /app;",
  "phpunit.php": "php",
  "phpunit.phpunit": "vendor/bin/pest",
  "phpunit.args": [
  "phpunit.paths": {
    "${workspaceFolder}": "/app",
