Once the Ubuntu Live CD is booted on the target system, there are a number of steps you need to perform to allow ansible to connect to it over the network such as update packages, create an ansible user account, define a password, grant the ansible account sudo
privileges, install SSH server, etc. The helper script named do_ssh.sh
completes all this work for you.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reefland/ansible-zfs_on_root/master/files/do_ssh.sh
chmod +x do_ssh.sh
- When prompted for the Ansible password, enter and confirm it. This will be a temporary password only needed just to push the SSH Key to the target machine. The Ansible password will be disabled and only SSH authentication will be allowed.
wget -O - https://bit.ly/do_ssh | bash
sudo passwd ansible
- The
is a capital letterO
(not a zero).
These are the manual commands performed by the helper script. If it is not available, these steps do the same. Enter these at the shell prompt on the LiveCD environment.
sudo useradd -m ansible
sudo passwd ansible
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/99_sudo_include_file
# Save File & Exit
sudo apt install --yes openssh-server vim python3 python3-apt mdadm
sudo swapoff -a
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false