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232 lines (211 loc) · 15.8 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (211 loc) · 15.8 KB


Major (breaking) Changes - Version 3

  • works only with node.js v4.0.0 and above (using now internal ES6 promise function, arrow functions, ...)
  • Promises. As you can see in the documentation, you can now also use it in a promise oriented way. But callbacks are still supported.
  • Async/Await. Due to the promises support, systeminformation also works perfectly with the async/await pattern (available in node.js v7.6.0 and above). See example in the docs.
  • cpuCurrentspeed: now returns an object with current minimal, maximal and average CPU frequencies of all cores.
  • mem: now supports also newer versions of free (Version 3.3.10 and above); extended information avaliable (potentially available memory)
  • fsStats: added information sum bytes read + write (tx) and sum transfer rate/sec (tx_sec)
  • networkInterfaces: now providing one more detail: internal - true if this is an internal interface like "lo"
  • networkConnections: instead of only counting sockets, you now get an array of objects with connection details for each socket (protocol, local and peer address, state)
  • users: now provides an array of objects with users online including detailed session information (login date/time, ip address, terminal, command)
  • inetLatency: now you can provide a host against which you want to test latency (default is
  • getDynamicData: changed order of parameters (callback - if provided - is now the last one): getDynamicData(srv, network, callback)
  • getAllData: changed order of parameters (callback - if provided - is now the last one): getAllData(srv, network, callback)

New Functions

  • FreeBSD support: for some basic functions (new in version 3.34 ff)
  • diskLayout: returns hard disk layout (new in version 3.23)
  • memLayout: returns memory chip layout (new in version 3.23)
  • Windows support: for some basic functions (new in version 3.17 ff)
  • cpuCache: returns CPU cache (L1, L2, L3) sizes (new in version 3.14)
  • cpuFlags: returns CPU flags (new in version 3.14)
  • currentLoad.cpus: returns current load per cpu/core in an array (new in version 3.14)
  • shell: returns standard shell e.g. /bin/bash (new in version 3.13)
  • blockDevices: returns array of block devices like disks, partitions, raids, roms (new in version 3.10)
  • dockerContainerProcesses: returns processes for a specific docker container (new in version 3.8)
  • versions: returns object of versions - kernel, ssl, node, npm, ...(new in version 3.6)
  • graphics: returns arrays of graphics controllers and displays (new in version 3.5)
  • networkInterfaceDefault: returns default network interface (new in version 3.4)
  • processes: now returns also a process list with all process details (new in version 3.3)
  • battery: retrieves battery status and charging level (new in version 3.2)
  • dockerContainers: returns a list of all docker containers (new in version 3.1)
  • dockerContainerStats: returns statistics for a specific docker container (new in version 3.1)
  • dockerAll: returns a list of all docker containers including their stats (new in version 3.1)
  • disksIO: returns overall diskIO and IOPS values for all mounted volumes (new in version 3.0)

Bug Fixes / improvements

  • improvement cpuTemperature - works now also on Raspberry Pi
  • bugfix disksIO - on OSX read and write got mixed up
  • several bug fixes (like assess errors in cpuCurrentspeed, potentially incorrect results in users, ...)
  • testet on even more platforms and linux distributions

Be aware, that the new version 3.x is NOT fully backward compatible to version 2.x ...

Major (breaking) Changes - Version 2

There had been a lot of changes in version 2 of systeminformation! Here is a quick overview (for those who come from version 1):

New Functions

  • version: returns systeminformation version (semver) of this library
  • system: hardware info (manufacturer, product/model name, version, serial, uuid)
  • networkConnections: number of active connections
  • inetLatency: latency in ms to external resource (internet)
  • getStaticData: returns on json object with static data at once (OS, CPU, Network Interfaces - they should not change until restarted)
  • getDynamicData: returns on json object with all dynamic data at once (e.g. for monitoring agents)
  • getAllData: returns on json object with all data (static and dynamic) at once

Renamed Functions (now all camelCase)

  • osinfo: renamed to osInfo
  • cpu_currentspeed: renamed to cpuCurrentspeed
  • cpu_temperature: renamed to cpuTemperature
  • fs_size: renamed to fsSize
  • fs_speed: renamed to fsStats
  • network_interfaces: renamed to networkInterfaces
  • network_speed: renamed to networkStats
  • network_connections: renamed to networkConnections
  • currentload: renamed to currentLoad
  • fullload: renamed to fullLoad
  • processload: renamed to processLoad
  • checksite: renamed to inetChecksite

Function Changes

  • cpu_temperature/cpuTemperature: -1 is new default (and indicates that non sensors are installed)
  • cpu_temperature/cpuTemperature: new result max which returns max temperature of all cores
  • cpu_currentspeed/cpuCurrentspeed: now in GHz
  • cpu: splitted manufacturer (e.g. Intel) and brand (e.g. Core 2 Duo)
  • network_speed/networkStats: now better support for OS X (also support for operstate)
  • network_speed/networkStats: overall received and transferred bytes (rx, tx)
  • mem: now better support for OS X (also support for swaptotal, swapused, swapfree)
  • fs_size/fsSize: use-values now in % (0 - 100% instead of 0 - 1)
  • fs_speed/fsStats: now also full support for OS X
  • checksite/inetChecksite: new result structure - see command reference
  • checksite/inetChecksite: ms (former response_ms): -1 if not ok

Other changes

  • osx-temperature-sensor: now added as an optional dependency
  • no more external dependencies: request is not longer needed
  • where possible results are now integer or float values (instead of strings) because it is easier to calculate with numbers ;-)

Version history

Version Date Comment
3.38.0 2018-04-06 added battery().acconnected
3.37.12 2018-04-05 another optimization battery().ischarging for macOS
3.37.11 2018-04-05 another optimization battery().ischarging for macOS
3.37.10 2018-04-05 battery().ischarging optimized for macOS
3.37.9 2018-04-03 optimized processes(), bugfix networkInterfaceDefault()
3.37.8 2018-03-25 optimized networkDefaultInterface() detection, fixed network operstate MacOS
3.37.7 2018-03-13 celebrating 4th birthday
3.37.6 2018-03-12 updated docs: fixed diskLayoutand mamlayout
3.37.5 2018-03-12 added support for ip instead of ifconfig
3.37.4 2018-02-22 bugfix windows processes(), disklayout()
3.37.3 2018-02-19 added windows exec windowsHide option
3.37.2 2018-02-15 fixed bug battery().percent for macOS
3.37.1 2018-02-13 fixed bug battery().ischarging for macOS
3.37.0 2018-02-11 extended FreeBSD support networkStats()
3.36.0 2018-02-11 extended FreeBSD support networkConnections()
3.35.0 2018-02-11 extended FreeBSD support processLoad()
3.34.1 2018-02-11 updated docs
3.34.0 2018-02-10 first partial FreeBSD support
3.33.15 2018-01-21 optimized OSX battery
3.33.14 2018-01-17 bugfix diskLayout() (Windows)
3.33.13 2018-01-12 bugfix memLayout() (Windows)
3.33.12 2017-12-25 fixed typos
3.33.11 2017-12-17 updated docs
3.33.10 2017-12-14 bugfix WMIC blockDevice parse (Windows 7)
3.33.9 2017-12-14 bugfix WMIC not found (Windows)
3.33.8 2017-12-02 bugfix diskLayout().size (OSX)
3.33.7 2017-11-28 bugfix diskLayout().size
3.33.6 2017-11-16 bugfix diskLayout().size
3.33.5 2017-11-09 code cleanup
3.33.4 2017-11-09 bugfix graphics controller win (bytes)
3.33.3 2017-11-08 bugfix cpu speed arm - type
3.33.2 2017-11-08 bugfix cpu speed arm
3.33.1 2017-11-07 improved bios and main board information
3.33.0 2017-11-07 added bios and main board information
3.32.4 2017-11-02 AMD cpu base frequencies table also for windows
3.32.3 2017-11-02 code cleanup, AMD cpu base frequencies table
3.32.2 2017-11-01 bugfix JSON.parse error blockDevices()
3.32.1 2017-10-23 updated docs
3.32.0 2017-10-23 extended memLayout() - added manufacturer
3.31.4 2017-10-21 updated
3.31.3 2017-10-21 bugfix graphics(), fixed typo
3.31.2 2017-10-16 bugfix graphics() vendor and model parsing linux VGA/3D
3.31.1 2017-10-16 bugfix graphics() vendor and model parsing linux
3.31.0 2017-10-15 extended windows support cpuFlags() (partially)
3.30.6 2017-10-05 updated community profile
3.30.5 2017-10-05 bugfix users() - parsing values on windows
3.30.4 2017-10-03 bugfix cpuTemperature() - parsing values on windows
3.30.3 2017-10-03 bugfix cpuTemperature() - max value on windows
3.30.2 2017-09-26 bugfix networkInterfaces() - optimized ip6 address selection
3.30.1 2017-09-21 bugfix/typo inetChecksite()
3.30.0 2017-09-21 extended versions() (added yarn, gulp, grunt, tsc, git)
3.29.0 2017-09-15 extended windows support services(), optimized diskLayout() (OSX), bugfixes
3.28.0 2017-09-14 extended windows support processes()
3.27.1 2017-09-13 updated Raspberry version detection system() (Pi 3, Zero)
3.27.0 2017-09-12 added raw data to currentLoad(), fixed networkInterfaces() MAC problem node 8.x
3.26.2 2017-09-01 removed redundant code
3.26.1 2017-08-23 fixed cpu().speed windows / AMD, updated docs
3.26.0 2017-08-21 extended getDynamicData() (windows), updated docs
3.25.1 2017-08-07 updated docs
3.25.0 2017-08-07 improved windows support networkStats(), cpuCache(), bug fix getStaticData()
3.24.0 2017-08-05 extended windows support networkStats(), networkConnections()
3.23.7 2017-07-11 bug fix diskLayout()
3.23.6 2017-07-11 added cpuFlags() to getStaticData(), bug fix graphics() (Win)
3.23.5 2017-06-29 bug fix inetChecksite()
3.23.4 2017-06-24 bug fix getDynamicData(), getAllData() - mem
3.23.3 2017-06-23 updated docs
3.23.2 2017-06-23 bug fix battery (windows)
3.23.1 2017-06-22 updated docs
3.23.0 2017-06-22 added memLayout, diskLayout, extended windows support (inetChecksite)
3.22.0 2017-06-19 extended windows support (users, inetLatency)
3.21.0 2017-06-18 extended time (timezone), extended windows support (battery, getAll...)
3.20.1 2017-06-17 updated docs
3.20.0 2017-06-16 extend WIN support (cpu, cpuCache, cpuCurrentspeed, mem, networkInterfaces, docker)
3.19.0 2017-06-12 OSX temperature now an optional dependency
3.18.0 2017-05-27 extended cpu info (vendor, family, model, stepping, revision, cache, speedmin/max)
3.17.3 2017-04-29 minor fix (blockDevices data array, Windows)
3.17.2 2017-04-24 minor fix (removed console.log)
3.17.1 2017-04-23 fixed bugs fsSize(win), si.processes (command), si.osinfo(win)
3.17.0 2017-02-19 windows support for some first functions, extended process list (linux)
3.16.0 2017-01-19 blockDevices: added removable attribute + fix
3.15.1 2017-01-17 minor cpuTemperature fix (OSX)
3.15.0 2017-01-15 added cpuTemperature also for OSX
3.14.0 2017-01-14 added currentLoad per cpu/core, cpu cache and cpu flags
3.13.0 2016-11-23 added shell (returns standard shell)
3.12.0 2016-11-17 refactoring and extended currentLoad
3.11.2 2016-11-16 blockDevices: improved for older lsblk versions
3.11.1 2016-11-16 fixed small bug in blockDevices
3.11.0 2016-11-15 blockDevices for OSX and extended blockDevices
3.10.2 2016-11-14 bug fix fsSize on OSX
3.10.1 2016-11-14 optimization fsStats, disksIO, networkStats
3.10.0 2016-11-12 added blockDevices, fixed fsSize, added file system type
3.9.0 2016-11-11 added MAC address to networkInterfaces, fixed currentLoad
3.8.1 2016-11-04 updated docs
3.8.0 2016-11-04 added dockerContainerProcesses
3.7.1 2016-11-03 code refactoring
3.7.0 2016-11-02 extended docker stats, and no longer relying on curl
3.6.0 2016-09-14 added versions (kernel, ssl, node, npm, pm2, ...)
3.5.1 2016-09-14 bugfix graphics info
3.5.0 2016-09-14 added graphics info (controller, display)
3.4.4 2016-09-02 tiny fixes system.model, getDefaultNetworkInterface
3.4.3 2016-09-02 tiny bug fix fsStats, disksIO OSX
3.4.2 2016-09-01 improved default network interface
3.4.1 2016-08-30 updated docs
3.4.0 2016-08-30 rewritten processes current cpu usage
3.3.0 2016-08-24 process list added to processes
3.2.1 2016-08-19 updated docs, improvement system
3.2.0 2016-08-19 added battery information
3.1.1 2016-08-18 improved system and os detection (vm, ...), bugfix disksIO
3.1.0 2016-08-18 added Docker stats
3.0.1 2016-08-17 Bug-Fix disksIO, users, updated docs
3.0.0 2016-08-03 new major version 3.0
2.0.5 2016-03-02 changed .gitignore
2.0.4 2016-02-22 tiny correction - removed double quotes CPU brand, ...
2.0.3 2016-02-22 optimized cpuCurrentspeed
2.0.2 2016-02-22 added CoreOS identification
2.0.1 2016-01-07 minor patch
2.0.0 2016-01-07 new major version 2.0
1.0.7 2015-11-27 fixed: si.network_speed()
1.0.6 2015-09-17 fixed: si.users()
1.0.5 2015-09-14 updated dependencies
1.0.4 2015-07-18 updated docs
1.0.3 2015-07-18 bugfix cpu cores
1.0.2 2015-07-18 bugfix cpu_currentspeed, cpu_temperature
1.0.1 2015-07-18 documentation update
1.0.0 2015-07-18 bug-fixes, version bump, published as npm component
0.0.3 2014-04-14 bug-fix (cpu_speed)
0.0.2 2014-03-14 Optimization FS-Speed & CPU current speed
0.0.1 2014-03-13 initial release