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File metadata and controls

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3.0 - Technical Infrastructure

3.1 Back end directory structure

The imaging part of a LORIS instance is typically separated into two directories, /data/$PROJECT which stores data, and /opt/$PROJECT which stores the scripts.

## Imaging pipeline file directory structures

## Directory storing all the imaging scripts
|__ opt
    |__ $PROJECT
        |__ bin
           |__ mri
              |__ Loris-MRI scripts

## Directory storing all imaging-related data
|__ data
    |__ incoming
    |__ $PROJECT
        |__ data
            |__ assembly
            |__ assembly_bids
            |__ bids_imports
            |__ BIDS_export*
            |__ batch_output
            |__ hrrtarchive
            |__ logs
                |__ DTIPrep_pipeline*
                |__ DTIPrep_register*
            |__ pic
            |__ tarchive
            |__ trashbin
            |__ pipelines*
            |__ protocols*

* denotes optional directories that are not automatically created by the install script. They are created when running the DTIprep pipeline

Within a LORIS-MRI instance there are typically two directories:

  • The /opt/$PROJECT/bin/mri directory is a copy of all the imaging scripts downloaded from the GitHub LORIS-MRI repository. Details about the content of this folder can be found in the script section.

  • The /data/$PROJECT/data directory stores all the imaging-related data that will be created by the imaging scripts.

The following subsections will describe the content of the different subdirectories found under /data/$PROJECT/data.

The assembly directory

The MINC images that can be viewed via BrainBrowser in the imaging browser module are located under the data/assembly directory and organized by CandID/Visit. Within each of these visit labels, data are first organized by imaging type (mri or pet for example) and then by output type (such as native or processed). For example, a native T1W image for subject 123456's V1 visit will be located in data/assembly/123456/V1/mri/native/project_123456_V1_T1W_001.mnc.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/assembly directory
|__ CandID
    |__ Visit
        |__ mri
        |   |__ native
        |   |   |__ project_CandID_Visit_modality_number.mnc
        |   |__ processed
        |       |__ pipeline_name
        |           |__ nativeFileName_output_number.mnc
        |__ pet
            |__ native
                | project_CandID_Visit_modality_number.mnc

The assembly_bids directory

The BIDS images derived from DICOM files that can be viewed via BrainBrowser in the Imaging Browser module are located under the data/assembly_bids directory and organized as a BIDS structure (see BIDS specifications). For example, a native T1W image for subject 123456's V1 visit will be located in data/assembly_bids/sub-123456/ses-V1/anat/sub-123456_ses-V1_run-1_T1w.nii.gz along with its JSON side car file data/assembly_bids/sub-123456/ses-V1/anat/sub-123456_ses-V1_run-1_T1w.json.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/assembly_bids directory
|__ sub-CandID
    |__ ses-Visit
        |__ anat
        |   |__ sub-CandID_ses-Visit_run-number_modality.json
        |   |__ sub-CandID_ses-Visit_run-number_modality.nii.gz
        |__ dwi
            |__ sub-CandID_ses-Visit_run-number_dwi.bval
            |__ sub-CandID_ses-Visit_run-number_dwi.bvec
            |__ sub-CandID_ses-Visit_run-number_dwi.json
            |__ sub-CandID_ses-Visit_run-number_dwi.nii.gz

The incoming directory

Incoming scans from the Imaging uploader module (or automatic cron jobs) are stored in an incoming directory. Once the pipeline has successfully run, data in the incoming folder are removed to avoid duplication of raw imaging datasets.

The bids_imports directory

Every BIDS data structure imported into LORIS will be stored in the bids_imports directory. Within that directory, each imported BIDS structure will be contained into a sub-directory that will be named based on the following information:

  • the "Name" field of the dataset_description.json BIDS file (for example "Example BIDS Dataset")
  • the "BIDSVersion" field of the dataset_description.json BIDS file (for example "1.0.2") For the example mentioned here, the sub-directory would be named: Example_BIDS_Dataset_BIDSVersion_1.0.2 (Note how spaces present in the "Name" field were replaced by underscores in the sub-directory name)

Within that BIDS sub-directory, the file system structure will follow the BIDS specification.

The hrrtarchive directory

The HRRT archives listed in the hrrt_archive table are stored in the data/hrrtarchive directory and organized within folders representing the different years of acquisition.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/hrrttarchive directory
|__ year_1
    |__ DCM_`date`_hrrtarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_hrrtarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_hrrtarchive.tar
|__ year_2
    |__ DCM_`date`_hrrtarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_hrrtarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_hrrtarchive.tar

The logs directory

The logs of the scripts are created under data/logs in /data/$PROJECT.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/logs directory
|__ TarLoad-`hh-mm-xxxxxx`.log
|__ DTIPrep_pipeline*
|   |__ DTI_QC`date`.log
|   |__ DTI_QC`date`.log
|__ DTIPrep_register*
|   |__ DTIregister`date`.log
|   |__ DTIregister`date`.log
|__ registerProcessed*
    |__ registerProcessed`date`.log
    |__ registerProcessed`date`.log

* denotes optional directories that are not automatically created by the install script hh-mm-xxxxxx where hh denotes the hour the insertion to the database took place, mm the minutes, and xxxxxx a random alphanumeric string.

The pic directory

The screenshots displayed in the imaging browser module for each modality is stored within the data/pic folder and organized per candidates.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/pic directory
|__ CandID
    |__ project_CandID_Visit_modality_number_fileid_check.jpg
    |__ project_CandID_Visit_modality_number_fileid_check.jpg

The pipelines directory

Processed incoming data or DTIPrep pipeline outputs are stored within the data/pipelines directory and organized per pipeline versions, candidates and visit labels. In addition, protocol files for automatic pipelines are saved in the data/protocols directory.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/pipelines directory
|__ DTIPrep
    |__ DTIPrep_version
        |__ CandID
            |__ Visit
                |__ mri
                    |__ processed
                        |__ DTIPrep_XML_protocol_name
                            |__ file.mnc
                            |__ file.nrrd

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/protocols directory
|__ protocols
    |__ DTIPrep
        |__ project_DTIPrep_XML_protocol.xml

The tarchive directory

The DICOM archives listed in the DICOM archive module are stored in the data/tarchive directory and organized within folders representing the different years of acquisition.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/tarchive directory
|__ year_1
    |__ DCM_`date`_tarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_tarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_tarchive.tar
|__ year_2
    |__ DCM_`date`_tarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_tarchive.tar
    |__ DCM_`date`_tarchive.tar

The trashbin directory

The scans that violates the established imaging protocol and listed in the MRI violated scans module are stored within the directory data/trashbin.

## Content of the /data/$PROJECT/data/trashbin directory
|__ Tarload-XX1
    |__ file.mnc
    |__ file.mnc
|__ Tarload-XX2

3.2 Database infrastructure

The database infrastructure is divided in six main components based on the workflow happening from native images insertion to quality control and ultimately insertion of processed datasets.


3.2.1 Database infrastructure for the MRI/PET insertion pipeline MRI upload table

Summary information about the imaging upload status can be found in the mri_upload table. This includes links to the DICOM archive tables (described in the next section) and to the session table. It also includes summary information regarding the upload and the insertion process performed after the upload.

mri_upload_tables Tarchive tables

The first step to insert a new imaging session into the database is the insertion of the DICOM study. In the database, all information related to a DICOM study is being organized into three different tables:

  • the tarchive table stores information about the whole imaging session, including patient, scanner and study information, as well as the location of the archived DICOM dataset. Each row correspond to a specific imaging session identified by the DICOM header StudyUID.
  • the tarchive_series table stores information about each modality that was acquired during the imaging session (T1W, T2W...). This information include imaging parameters such as TR, TE, TI, slice thickness, sequence name... Each row corresponds to a different modality identified by the DICOM header SeriesUID and EchoTime. This table is linked to the tarchive table via the TarchiveID foreign key.
  • the tarchive_files table stores information about each DICOM found in the imaging session. Each row correspond to one DICOM file and is linked to the tarchive table via the TarchiveID foreign key and to the tarchive_series table via the TarchiveSeriesID foreign key.


In the front end of LORIS, you can see the DICOM studies using the DICOM Archive module under the Imaging tab. The information displayed in this module comes from the three tarchive tables mentioned above.

Note: the SessionID field of the tarchive table is populated once at least
one MINC file derived from that DICOM study got inserted in the tables described in HRRT archive tables

The first step to insert a new HRRT session into the database is the insertion of the HRRT PET study. In the database, all information related to a HRRT PET study is being organized into two different tables:

  • the hrrt_archive table stores information about the whole HRRT session, including patient, center name and study information, as well as the location of the archived HRRT dataset. Each row correspond to a specific HRRT session.
  • the hrrt_archive_files table stores information about each ECAT7 file found in the HRRT session. Each row correspond to one ECAT7 file and is linked to the hrrt_archive table via the HrrtArchiveID foreign key.

Note: the SessionID field of the hrrt_archive table is populated once at least
one MINC file derived from that HRRT study got inserted in the tables described in Files tables

The second step to insert a new imaging session into the database is the conversion of the DICOM study into the MINC files that will be inserted based on the imaging protocol used. Having the dataset converted in MINC allows visualization of the images directly in the browser.

First, all DICOMs are converted into either MINC format (using dcm2mnc from MINC tools), or into a BIDS structure (using dcm2niix). Then, the backend scripts will pull the information stored in the following tables in order to identify the scan type for each converted file created:

  • the mri_scan_type table stores the name of the scan type linked along with the ID field that will be used to identify the scan type
  • the mri_protocol table stores each scan type's parameters that will be used to identify the scan type (TR, TE, TI, slice_thickness...)
  • the mri_protocol_group defines the groups of scanning protocols. Each line in the mri_protocol table belongs to one and only one group.
  • the mri_protocol_group_target table is used to determine which scanning protocol group to use in order to identify the type of a given scan based on the subject's project, the subject's subproject or the visit at which the scan was done.
  • the mri_protocol_checks table stores additional protocol checks after an acquisition has been identified in order to automatically flag some acquisitions based on information stored in specific DICOM headers
  • the mri_protocol_checks_group defines the different groups of protocol checks. Each lines in the mri_protocol_checks table belongs to one and only one group.
  • the mri_protocol_checks_group_target table is used to determine which protocol checks to use when an archive is processed by the MRI pipeline based on the subject's project, the subject's subproject or the visit at which the scan was done.
  • the bids_mri_scan_type_rel* table is used to determine the name convention to be used for the BIDS data based on a specific scan type. It is linked to the mri_scan_type, bids_category, bids_phase_encoding_direction, bids_scan_type and bids_scan_type_subcategory
  • the bids_category* table contains the different BIDS categories (or data type) linked along with the BIDSCategoryID field used in bids_mri_scan_type_rel (examples: anat, func, dwi, fmap, asl...)
  • the bids_scan_type* table contains the different BIDS scan types (or modalities) linked along with the BIDSScanTypeID field used in bids_mri_scan_type_rel (examples: T1w, T2w, bold, dwi, FLAIR, magnitude, phasediff, asl...)
  • the bids_scan_type_subcategory* table contains all the different BIDS subcategories that should be used to describe a specific scan. It is linked along with the BIDSScanTypeSubCategoryID field used in bids_mri_scan_type_rel. When creating a new BIDS subcategory, it is important to respect the BIDS order of tags (refer to the Entity table appendix of the BIDS specifications for the order) (examples: task-rest, acq-25direction, acq-B0_dir-AP...)
  • the bids_phase_encoding_direction* table contains the different phase encoding directions of an image. It is linked along with the BIDSPhaseEncodingDirectionID field used in bids_mri_scan_type_rel. (examples: i, -i, j, -j, k, -k)

* refers to tables used to determine BIDS file names when converting DICOM files into a BIDS dataset or previously inserted MINC files into a BIDS dataset.

Every converted file that matches the protocol defined in the tables mentioned above will be inserted in the database using the following tables:

  • the files table contains the information about the MINC file itself (its location, the identified scan type, the file type...). Each row correspond to one MINC file identified by the SeriesUID and EchoTime header information.
  • the parameter_file table contains all the information stored in the MINC header. Each row in that table stores a combination of a specific header for a specific MINC file. This table is linked to the files table using the foreign key FileID and to the parameter_type table using the foreign key ParameterTypeID. Note: The parameter_type table is automatically populated with the insertion of the first MINC file in the database and stores the data dictionary for each MINC header field.
  • the ImagingFileTypes table contains the different file format that can be inserted into the files table (.mnc, .txt, .xml...). The field type of the table ImagingFileTypes is linked to the FileType field of the files table.
  • the mri_scanner table contains information specific to the scanner used to obtain the images. By convention, each scanner is assigned a candidate in the candidate table which is linked to the mri_scanner table using the CandID foreign key. In addition, the ID field of the mri_scanner table is linked to the ScannerID field of the files table.


Once an image has been inserted into the database, it is possible to view it directly via the Imaging Browser module under the Imaging menu. MRI violation tables

In the event a scan does not match any of the protocol mentioned in the mri_protocol table, LORIS automatically flags it as a violated scan. Below is the description of the different tables involved in the organization of such scans:

  • the MRICandidateErrors table stores scans for which the PSCID and the CandID fields stored in the PatientName of the DICOMs do not match any of the registered candidates in the candidate table. This is linked to the tarchive table via the TarchiveID foreign key.
  • the mri_violations_log table stores files for which a specific DICOM field does not match the requirement specified in the mri_protocol_checks
  • the mri_protocol_violated_scans table stores the violated scans' parameters (TR, TE, TI...) for easy identification of what is different between the violated scan and the imaging protocol specified in the mri_protocol table. This table is linked to the tarchive table via the TarchiveID foreign key and to the candidate table via the CandID and PSCID foreign keys.
  • the violations_resolved is linked to the three other tables mentioned in this section. For each entry in that table, the TypeTable field allows to specify the table to link violations_resolved to and the ExtID allows to specify the ID to use from the linked table. Below is a table illustrating this concept.
TableType ExtID
MRICandidateErrors MRICandidateErrors.ID
mri_violations_log mri_violations_log.LogID
mri_protocol_violated_scans mri_protocol_violated_scans.ID

violated_tables Quality Control (QC) tables

In the Imaging Browser module, it is possible to view the images via BrainBrowser and directly perform quality control of the images. The quality control information is then stored in the following tables:

  • the files_qcstatus table stores the QC status of the MINC file and
    is linked to the files table via the FileID foreign key.
  • the feedback_mri_comments table stores all the comments associated to a given scan. These comments can be predefined (from the table feedback_mri_predefined_comments or a text entered by the user based on the comment type stored in feedback_mri_comment_types).
  • session level QC information are saved in the session table and
    session level comments are saved in the feedback_mri_comments table.

qc_tables Processed data tables

Any native scan inserted into the files table can be processed and the output of this processing can be inserted into the database and linked to the native scan. For this, two additional tables require our attention (in light blue in the graphic below):

  • the files_intermediary table allows to link processed data with the native datasets (or even intermediary outputs). The Input_FileID and Output_FileID fields of that table are links to the FileID field of the files table mentioned in section 3.2.3. Note that the native file used to create processed outputs is always stored in the files table in the SourceFileID field, which is linked to the FileID field of the same table.
  • the mri_processing_protocol table stores the imaging processing protocols used to produce processed data. This table is linked to the files table using the ProcessProtocolID foreign key. Additionally, the field FileType of the mri_processing_protocol table is linked to the type field of the ImagingFileTypes table.


3.2.2 Database infrastructure for the electrophysiology insertion pipeline

The database infrastructure for the electrophysiology data is composed of five main tables:

  • physiological_file and physiological_parameter_file: contain information specific to the electrophysiology file and a link to the session table
  • physiological_channel: contains information regarding the channels used to record the electrophysiology data if any provided in the BIDS structure
  • physiological_electrode: contains information regarding the electrodes used to record the electrophysiology data if any provided in the BIDS structure
  • physiological_task_event: contains information about the task events that were used during the recording if any task was used in the paradigm

OverallPhysiologicalTables The physiological_file and physiological_parameter_file tables

These two tables regroup information about the electrophysiology files. Typically, the physiologcal_file table will store one recording per row linking it to the session table. This table is also linked to the following tables using the PhysiologicalFileID key:

  • physiological_modality: storing information about the recording modality (e.g. 'eeg', 'meg', 'ieeg'...)
  • physiological_output_type: storing information about the BIDS output type (e.g. 'raw' or 'derivatives')
  • ImagingFileType: storing the file type of the electrophysiology recording (e.g. 'set', 'bdf', 'cnt', 'edf', 'vhdr', 'vsm'...)
  • physiological_parameter_file: containing all the information stored in the BIDS JSON sidecar file of the electrophysiology recording

PhysiologicalMainTables The physiological_channel table

The physiological_channel table is populated using data from the *_channels.tsv BIDS file when present with the electrophysiology recording. If the *_channels.tsv file is not present in the BIDS dataset, then no entry will be inserted in this table. This table is linked to the physiological_file table via the PhysiologicalFileID foreign key. In addition, physiological_channel is linked to the following tables:

  • physiological_status_type: this table contains two entries specifying the channel status ('good' and 'bad')
  • physiological_channel_type: this contains information about the channel type that was used during the recording (e.g. 'EEG', 'ECG', 'MEGMAG', 'ECOG' ...) along with their description

PhysiologicalChannelTables The physiological_electrode table

The physiological_electrode table is populated using data from the *_electrodes.tsv BIDS file when present with the electrophysiology recording. If the *_electrodes.tsv file is not present in the BIDS dataset, then no entry will be inserted in this table. This table is linked to the physiological_file table via the PhysiologicalFileID foreign key. In addition, physiological_electrode is linked to the following tables:

  • physiological_electrode_type: this table will store the different electrode types found in the *_electrode.tsv file. Each entry in that table is unique.
  • physiological_electrode_material: this table will store the different electrode materials found in the *_electrode.tsv file. Each entry in that table is unique.

PhysiologicalElectrodeTables The physiological_task_event table

The physiological_task_event table is populated using data from the *_events.tsv BIDS file when present with the electrophysiology recording. If the *_events.tsv file is not present in the BIDS dataset, then no entry will be inserted in this table. This table is linked to the physiological_file table via the PhysiologicalFileID foreign key.

PhysiologicalTaskTables The physiological_archive table

The physiological_archive table will contain the path to the archive of all BIDS files for a given physiological file (including the electrode.tsv, channel.tsv and event.tsv files that comes with the electrophysiological recording). It was decided to create an archive of those files for easier download directly from the View Session page of the Electrophysiological Browser module. This table is linked to the physiological_file table via the PhysiologicalFileID foreign key.
